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Everything posted by Prostyle1990

  1. i dont have an admin command because this phantom system work auto ...i have also grind team pack and on this pack they spawn auto after gameserver is started they spawn in all towns
  2. here are the 3 parts of code , PhantomsDao , PhantomsObject and PhantomPlayers , also i added config.java and player.java Here are all filess witch i modified in server pack to add phantom engine
  3. Yes mate im sure , also the GS starting without any error and here its the proof (wave 1st started spawn) but in game its nothing https://ibb.co/cuZcLo
  4. Hello and thx for your fast reply , its no error at GS just not spawn in game
  5. Hello to everyone , looking for a dev , witch can help me to implement a phantom engine (fake players witch run and fight in game) i have the code i have all files i just need help to implement from (grind team pack h5) to (mythras pack h5) i have all files but i dont know how to implement on mythras pack i tried 123124 times but something going wrong because they dont spawn in game after finished implement...
  6. Can you tell me how to make it working ? or where locate it ? because i cant found something in this pack like phantom players
  7. l2rise will be dead in 2 weeks maxim :D the fucking owner ''sorin'' will open another server in the next 2 weeks ....
  8. and what i need to change to take from the fake_player.list ? private static final String LOAD_OFFLINE_STATUS = "SELECT * FROM fake_players"; private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GameServer.class); private static FakePlayers _instance;
  9. right now problem its another because when i use //create_fake_players 50 for example ...working but in game spawn only players witch are real and not a fake player from the fake_player.list :D
  10. Sorry for double post my internet provider working little low
  11. i already try with this method but i got same error :(
  12. Someone can help me with fake player script from l2mythras pack / l2ava pack / fan dc pack / when i try to create fake players with this command //create_fake_players or with //create_fake_players 50i get this error http:// AdminFakePlayers.java package l2f.gameserver.handler.admincommands.impl; import l2f.gameserver.handler.admincommands.IAdminCommandHandler; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import l2f.gameserver.network.FakeGameClient; public class AdminFakePlayers implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static enum Commands { admin_create_fake_players; } @Override public boolean useAdminCommand(Enum comm, String[] wordList, String fullString, Player activeChar) { Commands command = (Commands) comm; if (!activeChar.getPlayerAccess().CanReload) return false; switch (command) { case admin_create_fake_players: int count = Integer.parseInt(wordList[1]); for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++) new FakeGameClient(null); break; } return true; } @Override public Enum[] getAdminCommandEnum() { return Commands.values(); } } FakePlayers.java package l2f.gameserver; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import l2f.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import l2f.gameserver.database.DatabaseFactory; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class FakePlayers { private static final String LOAD_OFFLINE_STATUS = "SELECT * FROM fake_players"; private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GameServer.class); private static FakePlayers _instance; public static FakePlayers getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new FakePlayers(); } return _instance; } private FakePlayers() { storeFakePlayers(); } public static void storeFakePlayers() { _log.info("FakePlayers: Activated"); Connection con = null; int nPlayers = 0; try { Player player = null; con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement(LOAD_OFFLINE_STATUS); ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { try { player = Player.restore(rs.getInt("obj_Id")); player.setFakePlayer(); player.spawnMe(); if (Config.FAKE_PLAYERS_SIT) { player.sitDown(null); } player.setOnlineStatus(true); player.restoreExp(); player.broadcastCharInfo(); nPlayers++; } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Fake Players Engine: Error loading player: " + player, e); if (player != null) { player.deleteMe(); } } } rs.close(); stm.close(); _log.info("Loaded: " + nPlayers + " fake Players"); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Fake Players Engine : Error while loading player: ", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con); } } }
  13. I just want to test my server localy ....so dont comment if you dont know why i ask for this mod ....
  14. Maybe can you help us with fake player engine ? how to start it ? how to spawn fake players ?
  15. and how that function ?? they run around in town's ? or just sit in town ?
  16. Hi , do you have fake players for hi5 ? and you have auto donate system for hi5 ?
  17. any one can tell me if Gameguard or lameguard works? and if woking can explain how to use it? how to start it ?
  18. i already tried with this <button value="" action="bypass -h [npc_%objectId%_Augment 2'' but dont working i got in console a mesagge like WARN player xxx try to access direct bypass
  19. <br>Augmenting means imbuing a weapon or accessory with different energy. Previously, that could only be done using Soul Crystals. But this is a simpler, if riskier, method. Recently, a new ore was discovered. It is called the *Life Stone*, and it possesses very similar characteristics to Soul Crystals. Bring me a Life Stone, a weapon and a few other necessities, and I will smelt the weapon again by infusing it with the Life Stone. Unfortunately, we can't accurately predict what kind of power may be conferred on the weapon. Moreover, only the owner of the weapon will be able to use the enhanced abilities. Any weapon that rates higher than the wielder's skill will not display the effect of smelting. Finally, it is possible to restore weapons smelted with a Life Stone back to their original state, but it is an expensive process to do so. Now, would you like to try Augmenting? [npc_%objectId%_Augment 1|Start Augmenting.] [npc_%objectId%_multisell 303004|Trade Life Stone for accessory Augmenting.] <br>You wish to remove the refined Life Stone? That's fine. But understand that this smelting method offers both improvement and potential penalties. It is difficult to restore the original weapon when removing the Life Stone. It requires a special chemical process and a special tool. It's also expensive. With that in mind, would you still like to remove the Life Stone from the refined weapon? [npc_%objectId%_Augment 2|Remove the refined Life Stone.] yes i know but there its nothing. this is what i have in augmentation_01.htm
  20. the problem is i found the blacksmith htm but there its not any bypass Blacksmith Pushkin: Nice to meet you, stranger. I'm Blacksmith Pushkin. My brother Rupio and I have been dispatched here by the great Black Anvil Guild. With a little time, we will make this into the best smithy in all Giran. What can we do for you today? [npc_%objectId%_Link common/duals_01.htm|Craft a Dualsword.] [npc_%objectId%_Link common/weapon_sa_01.htm|Bestow a special ability on a weapon.] [npc_%objectId%_Link common/crafting_01.htm|Craft an item.] [npc_%objectId%_Chat 1|Unseal armor and accessories.] [npc_%objectId%_Link common/augmentation_01.htm|Augment an Item.] [npc_%objectId%_Link common/augmentation_02.htm|Remove Augment.] [npc_%objectId%_SkillList|Learn skills.] [npc_%objectId%_Link common/skillenchant_help.htm|Ask about Skill Enchanting.] [npc_%objectId%_TerritoryStatus|Ask about the local lord and tax rate.] [npc_%objectId%_Quest|Quest] that is what i found inside blacksmith puskin
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