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Everything posted by Tehygun

  1. Hello i have a problem. Something i made wrong in the code, and now have problems with colors in npc. If all bosses are alive, then for me colors like that: But if one are dead, doesn't matter which one, then on the lower show like that, with no colors: Can anyone help me, please? Adding the code few lines where i made a problem: if (delay <= System.currentTimeMillis()) sb.append("" + name + ": <font color=\"00ff00\">Is Alive!</font><br1>"); else { sb.append("" + name + ": <font color=\"ffffff\">"+ "" + "<font color=\"FF0000\"> " + new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm").format(delay) + "</font><br>"); } } Thanks for helping, friends!
  2. package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.clientpackets; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.KeyPacket; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket; public final class ProtocolVersion extends L2GameClientPacket { private int _version; @Override protected void readImpl() { _version = readD(); } @Override protected void runImpl() { if (_version != 746) getClient().close((L2GameServerPacket) null); else getClient().sendPacket(new KeyPacket(getClient().enableCrypt())); } } this is ProtocolVersion.java - but what to change here need?
  3. how i can hide this message from console?
  4. Ah, it's working. Thanks for helping! Lock theme.
  5. Sinister Smile, whats about soulshot effect from B to S ?
  6. I can't find in armorgrp.dat where to change that column of Dark Crystal Robe..
  7. Hey, how to change from A grade to S grade items? I mean in client side, to show not A grade, but S grade.
  8. i got same error in console with that system. :|
  9. where i can find latest system for interlude?
  10. When i'm buffed, and logging to my account, i get this error in console: What should i do? Thanks for your answers!
  11. thank you, SweeTs! You can lock theme. ;)
  12. If i understand correct, i need change this: protected static final void portPlayerBack(Player player) { if (player == null) return; Location loc = player.getSavedLocation(); if (loc.equals(Location.DUMMY_LOC)) return; final TownZone town = MapRegionData.getTown(loc.getX(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ()); if (town != null) loc = town.getSpawnLoc(); player.teleToLocation(loc, 0); player.getSavedLocation().clean(); } with this: protected static final void portPlayerBack(L2PcInstance player) { if (player == null) return; final Location loc = player.getSavedLocation(); if (loc.equals(Location.DUMMY_LOC)) return; player.teleToLocation(loc, 0); player.getSavedLocation().set(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); } Or i'm wrong?
  13. Ok, i found some in OlympiadGameTask.java: public static final int[] TELEPORT_TO_TOWN = { 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 }; // End of the battle case GAME_STOPPED: { _state = GameState.TELE_TO_TOWN; _countDown = Config.ALT_OLY_WAIT_END; stopGame(); delay = getDelay(TELEPORT_TO_TOWN); break; } // Teleport to town countdown case TELE_TO_TOWN: { _game.broadcastPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.YOU_WILL_BE_MOVED_TO_TOWN_IN_S1_SECONDS).addNumber(_countDown)); delay = getDelay(TELEPORT_TO_TOWN); if (_countDown <= 0) _state = GameState.CLEANUP; break; } // Removals case CLEANUP: { cleanupGame(); _state = GameState.IDLE; _game = null; return; } } ThreadPool.schedule(this, delay * 1000); } catch (Exception e) { switch (_state) { case GAME_STOPPED: case TELE_TO_TOWN: case CLEANUP: case IDLE: { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to return players back in town, exception: " + e.getMessage()); _state = GameState.IDLE; _game = null; return; } } _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Exception in " + _state + ", trying to port players back: " + e.getMessage(), e); _state = GameState.GAME_STOPPED; ThreadPool.schedule(this, 1000); } } What should i change? I'm not pro on it, that's why i'm asking for help..
  14. What should i change in Olympiad.java , SweeTs?
  15. Hello, friends! I have problem in my server. After olympiad match, teleporting back players not near olympiad manager, but random spot in town. How i can fix it? I'm using aCis platform.
  16. Hello, Maxcheaters! I'm looking for L2Gold weapons for l2jaCis server. If anyone have it, please share with me!
  17. <teachTo classes="0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9"/> This is the line from npc for skill enchant. I want to make for all classes in one npc. Till which number must be?
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