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Everything posted by saplas

  1. thanks blane thanks and you morian one more question , how i can do my name moving and the scene too?
  2. Guyz i have a big problem. Can you tell me how i can put a signature in every post.? I made this sign --> http://img31.imageshack.us/my.php?image=92289134.jpg It has a lot of code and i don't understand what code i must take and where i must put to see the signature.!!
  3. In Some servers Work but in a lot of servers its dont working!!!
  4. egw kserw oti douleuei oxi mono me tin dynasty alla kai me tin nempin lord .
  5. To Metin2 yparxei kai greek [ ta exei ola sta ellhnika quests OLA] kai english, russian etc. Egw Epeza Metin 2 LvL 81 Me Full Moon Sword +8. To game Gamage Alla poli diskolo To exp.
  6. Kata tin gnwmh mou pistevw : 1)Wow-->Mikrh Diafora Me L2 2)L2-->Mikrh Diafora Me Wow 3)Dota 4)Counter Strike 5)Metin 2 , Filetikes Maxes 6)Mini Games Online [Club Penguin]
  7. To download videos free, you need the program vDownloader. You can Download it from here -->www.vdownloader.es and push download Now. When You Download it , Open It . Up it writes VIDEO URL, [here you must put the Site that there is the video] . Furthermore, next to VIDEO URL , There is The OUTPUT FORMAT[here you choose what you want to save it] [e.x. avg,mp3[audio only], iphone ETC.] Now , push ok and wait when download stops. This Is FREE DOWNLOAD :P
  8. K4rMa did you find it from Pc magazine?? because here it has programs that you can make it alone. [move] The Best Word Is [Noob][/move]
  9. opws eipa kai parapanw , [oti patisa search kai den vrika tpt kai soz ama exei ginei ksana post].
  10. dn mporoun na se paroun target, mono ama patisei kai o allos /target kai to onoma sou. [protinw vale diskolo onoma] [e.x. IlIiliIillilIlilIliI ]
  11. ekana olh auth th diadromh omws sto teleutaio [memory management] pataw diplo click alla tpt .. mipos prepei na patisw stin (Προεπιλογή)? kai na valw ton ari8mo 5?
  12. paidia dn kserw ama exei ksanaginei ayto to bug post, ekana search kai dn brika tpt.. Loipon Guyz Akouste: Prepei na exeis 1 filo. Meta, me ton filo sou phgainete se pia perioxh pou einai pvp zone kai na yparxei konta buffer kai gatekeeper[protimw se special clan hall] Flagare ton filo sou kai pes tou na se kill. Otan eisai Dead, pata /target kai to onoma tou buffer e.x /target TheBuffer. Twra Patas Full Hp kai pare buffs.[eisai dead kai exeis full hp kai buffs :D] Sth Sunexeia, patas /target Gatekeeper [opws me ton buffer] kai pigene se mia Perioxh me polu pvp. Oi alloi 8a se vlepoun Psofio, alla esu 8a tous xwneis kanonika. {to mono problem einai oti prepei na patas kai stous allous antipalous to /target kai to onoma tous} Dokimasmeno Se Interlude Servers [eidika sto Primeval Isle Wharf]
  13. na sou pw filos.. pou ton 8imi8ikes ton eternal,, nmz exw 1.2kkk apanw alla dn mpenw .. den 8elw na malakistw me ayton ton server! stin arxh dn lew.. kalos htan , meta ...ase na pane.
  14. φυσικά και ο Σάκης μας! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IqgsBBbD7s
  15. i have my opinion 1)moonlight sentinel in server that works tattoos and stats limit 2)sagi in ALL servers 3)ghost sentinel in server that you have a lot of aurgs and works tatoo Too!
  16. 1)The Papillon (Ο Πεταλούδας) 2)Opws eipe kai o XxRxX [Για Μια Χούφτα Δολλάρια] --> πριν 1 μήνa το είδα όταν έπσαχνα σε κάποια παλιά DvD!!
  17. I test it in l2core and it didn't works... so BullShiT!!
  18. simera sxedon se olous tous server dn ginetai na kaneis drop, ayto pou sou eipa einai edited. ama exeis to para8iro apo to deposit kai pas blacksmith kopaniseis ls ,patiseis asap ok,, i ls 100% 8a paei wh.. omws to exoun kanei fix se polous servers. apotelesma:auto jail
  19. re an8rwpe mou.. ayto p les dn einai bug,, exeis ta idia adena p eixes prin , to mono p allazeis einai to ari8mo e.x. vale 2kkk se low rate server! ayto ginetai epishs kai me ta PVPs
  20. eleos eisai .. gia na koroidepseis tous filous sou to evales ayto.. /parta
  21. epeidh eimai apo arta kai kserw ton pigaso [einai albanos] kai ton vlepw ka8e mera [rwtiste kai tommyblaster] Core=o pio buggarismenos server tou kosmou afiste pou egw kai 3 filoi mou eixame vrei to acc tou kai ftiaxame chars e.x. Disturbed , Nevou, Jenna, OneHitForAll :P
  22. l2 mitos.. 1)me to l2 phx enchant script 2)multiskills [meta to eftiaxe] 3)ola stackaran 4)bugs gia oly douleuan ola
  23. ayto epishs ginetai kai me tis lifestones ,[twra pigaine wh kai pata deposit ls alla min patas ok] pigaine sto blacksmith patas ok gia na kopaniseis tin ls kai pros to teliwma tis grammhs patas sto anixto para8iro tou deposit ok [apotelsma]:exeis wp me ls kai mia ls sto wh
  24. douleuei alla ti na to kaneis.. dn s deinei adena , apla deixnei ton ari8mo p evales sto record.
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