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iPlay.GG - KromBacher

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Everything posted by iPlay.GG - KromBacher

  1. I believe i've done my part :) how others translate its up to them ^^
  2. I am STILL not going to consider to pay anymore, if i will fail then i will fail, but at least i kept my word, i wont going to pay anyone to play.
  3. I give you trophy just cause you replied, else i was waiting for it, well what can i say, I personally think it's same people, i gave info why i think so - but maybe im wrong, It's been like 4-5 years since i was involved with such projects. I dont know, info based what you say, i still got hunch it's one and same ... dont know anymore ^^
  4. Tomorrow is launch! Been a long ride :)
  5. Not really, it can be used only on dead monsters & it's not custom - It's official NCSoft event - I'm not aware any monsters being spawned in siege zones, Npc Buffer, which gives "full buffs" is between levels of 6 and 75. And ofcourse .. this buff applies to Flat stats, not buffed stats, so you wont have "Bishops" with 20K hp
  6. isnt it wrong section? you also missed 1 spot where to add CAPS on L2Gold :S
  7. Players are lazy :D - I do understand them, since there is nothing too much to talk anyway :) - Unless you are blody russian and start prepping your war tactics 2 months prior to open :D
  8. Have you tried different Auth's ? - I cant really relate what's the problem with it, i'l summon @eressea , she's damn genius in those things. But I'll suggest you to try different L2AuthD I'm not completely sure, if you even can run those on Win7, Maybe once Eressea comes on, she might take a moment to see this topic.
  9. I Personally think this Master Dugi Buffs, is pretty cool :) - You get 100/100 scrolls per day from reward box and can be used multiple different ways. on top of that you got newbie guide who gives buffs between level 6 and 75, it should be fairly easy to top up your self. I made Countless tests myself with current setup, without PA , user will have Full A grade at level 61 - 65
  10. Everything that is currently seen on OBT will stay on Live ( Yes you are talking about Master Dugi )
  11. Hey Achylek, I'm not going to pay not a single penny for a clans, cp or any player. At the end of day, if someone don't like the project, they can find other servers on L2 Top listing. What regards 150 online at start, that's just wrong estimation. But thank you for your feedback.
  12. What files you are using? What project? Vangath IL?
  13. Maybe I'm later to leave reply, but cant really build on preconfigured, have an idea and implement it :)
  14. Vercetti/Vasilis/Space Lord/Stallone appears and probably countless more account (since his ideology is to create new sever every 3-5 months just to get money) to be same person: https://www.facebook.com/VercettiOfficial/ https://www.facebook.com/avoukatos.vasilis?ref=br_rs http://prntscr.com/j3pmjl https://prnt.sc/j3pn1v https://prnt.sc/j3pn8l As I said, I do not understand how some people are blind for 6-7 years row or I'm missing something? I worked for the fella back in Tales period as Goldfish, and quit after I understood the milking process, cause I defended his ass... - On top of that, he made dispute on me as well, trying to claim my "salary" - Luckily I won that one What Regards Achylek... Hell back in days these two people could not get a long to each other, now it seemed are hugging each evening, I smell "giving top positions" to vouch .... Bloody corruption aight. My GMing times: I'll leave that here: 2014 conversation between me and him http://prntscr.com/j3pu5v http://prntscr.com/j3pvaw http://prntscr.com/j3pvj5 if you still think ... hes not http://prntscr.com/j3q1iy http://prntscr.com/j3q1pq http://prntscr.com/j3q1w7 http://prntscr.com/j3q21c http://prntscr.com/j3q2aw
  15. Sorry but, what else it is expected from admin from Tales? - Just amazing how much community can really take from such person and still keep taking it (Almost 7 Years now), if my memory does not let me down - Vasilis aka Mid Lord is using his parents company to DDoS someone, but hell I don't remember details and don't want to get deeply into this, my opinion stands that guy is brilliant with regards milking players. Goldfish here
  16. Evening Ladies, Gentleman - I got a fella here, who got really neat skills. Since beginning of March He's working on CMS system for us (Yes there are other CMS systems like Demort, however I'm not recommending Demort system to anyone, I wish not to go into details, but to keep it short: Security, Trust, incomplete development and lack of customer service). I personally wanted to have a CMS system on forum based, which he did deliver & still working on it. Anyway idea behind this topic is, If there are anyone else out there who have CMS system issues for L2OFF (mostly) should work on Java as well - Would you be interested to have his CMS on monthly/one time purchase? After he finishes his work, I want to support him with his cms system, without taking any credit. Supports: (AdvExt64, Vangath and other projects) Possibilities: - In-game Raid spawn announcer directly to forum (with delay) - Item / Monster Database lookup - Forum profile connected to ingame statistics (Selective) - Forum Account = Master Account, which uses to create game accounts - Auto Donations (For now supports IP.Board payment methods, like PayPal etc, I'm confident that when he got more time, he can make it work with G2A payment) - Player Live Map - Announcers like: Clan A Started Clan War with Clan B - Reset Character - Auction House (Forum Based Trading) <-- I know it's possible, but it's something I want to take a look at the end of April, I found certain SQL Tables for that - Top Clans - Forum Activity Converter to points --> Points for Store - Referral system - Over View of ingame users on forums - Ban Hammer Options - Bot Report Statistics Ingame to Forums (Atleast for AdvExt64) If you are interested in such fella, for now PM me ( i'll send you his details, until he gives me green light to advertise him ).
  17. We have finalised drop spoil implementation of our server, however it still needs some work, but it's already functionable :) http://iplay.gg/index.php?app=dropspoil&module=database&controller=database&query=Forgotten Blade
  18. Exchanger has been finalized
  19. We are looking for some players to have a daily gameplay to test various quests / drop / exp / raids etc with us, contact us via Discord and lets get set: https://discord.gg/TUEZsNZ Me: Tank Korra: Spoiler Izumi: Healer
  20. Ladies, Gents - I'm closing in to launch the iPlay l2 project, which I've started on since December, now I got some small bit's to figure out. I'm having this Scheme situation. Using Community Board buffer in PTS Server - But instead choosing buffs I would like to make Scheme Sets (2 types of them) to keep it simple and give classes like PP/WC/BD/SWS/BP playable opportunity. I would want to find a balance in High Five ( Which is not that easy ) Buff Set should: - Playable Solo x10 - Playable Group in need of PP/WC/BD/SWS/BP x10 This is what I currently have: For Fighters and Mages, my personal problem is lack of knowledge where is the balance, could you compile a list what you think is the best for server or tell me if I have certain buff wrong.
  21. Ladies & Gents, Got a pickle here, not sure if it might be from server or client files. My guts thinks it's client side. - using L2OFF H5 depmax (Server) & 198 ver L2 installer. Upon changing a loot ingame for some reason it does not not open the Confirmation Window for other pt members - is it me or its been like this always ? What file is responsible for having icons on shortcuts upon starting game for the first time ? (Attack F1, Pickup F4 etc)? - I'm interested to include Mana regen skill to horizontal skillbars. - I know infact it has to be client side.
  22. Ladies & Gents - Major update in Server description, We are finished with configurations of server and everything that is seen in OBT, will be live.
  23. CMS system will enable us to import character data to profile (when selecting main game account), but i feel what you're saying - Specially euro players, they're not such talkative people as Russians :). Right now we chcking if SQL commands would be workig directly from Web, then it would be easier. PS: Main action behind this CMS system was to get away from another person who is offering his system as Rental, there happened couple of leaks, which completely destroyed my trust towards owner of cms.
  24. It might sound crazy but I've decided to remove All donations & leave only 2 functions open: a) Donation Pot on forums - Free for All b) Premium Status Which will give Forum Badge "premium" and ingame 30% boost Forum Activity, will earn user Points, which can be traded for ingame credits or possibility to purchase PA That's it!
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