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Everything posted by MonokiniSix

  1. oops) delete "+2" in CharacterCreateMenuWnd.uc and compile function HandleBtnCreateCharacter() { local string Name; local int Race; local int Job; local int Sex; local int HairType; local int HairColor; local int FaceType; local int classID; Name=m_hEbName.GetString(); Race=m_hCbRace.GetSelectedNum(); Job=m_hCbJob.GetSelectedNum(); Sex=m_hCbSex.GetSelectedNum(); HairType=m_hCbHairType.GetSelectedNum(); HairColor=m_hCbHairColor.GetSelectedNum(); FaceType=m_hCbFaceType.GetSelectedNum(); classID=CharacterCreateGetClassType(Race, Job, Sex); if(IsValidData()) RequestCreateCharacter(Name, Race, classID, Sex, HairType+2, HairColor, FaceType); }
  2. about lobby - your staticmesh folder incomplete - don't havve some elements (for example floor - characters falls djwn)(download fulll hf client) yeah it possible - like somik via "/command" in macros it possible to add custom targetnext (pvp/pve targets) mb in new update
  3. 1 - ? 2 - ? 3 - delete L2UI_CH3/CT1 from Textures
  4. WindowsInfo.ini p.s. little update https://drive.google.com/file/d/100asz7cEx7mf0HjL9GNzV2N8lq8ypjMq/view?usp=drive_link
  5. u can comment // RefOptionWndScript = RefOptionWnd( GetScript( "RefOptionWnd" ) ); // RefWndScript = RefineryWnd(GetScript("RefineryWnd")); in ChatWnd.uc, now u can use reloadui but if u relog character and use ///reloadui it's crit again
  6. not complete! just for test https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zo4JbFLd0-Zn6eDdXw5YZifu0R3Bl1ZK/view?usp=share_link
  7. ?? in interface u can show messages in chatwnd (custom AddSystemMessageString() function in this interface) or use ShowOnScreenMessage() function or use default Log() function (need enable IsL2MemLog in l2.ini) if u work with pawns u can set a pawn ChatMsg string value (looks like chat baloon ingame)
  8. function HandleTargetUpdate(optional bool spawnTarget) { local Rect rectWnd; local string strTmp; local int TargetID; local int playerID; local int PetID; local int ClanType; local int ClanNameValue; //타겟 속성 정보 local bool bIsServerObject; local bool bIsHPShowableNPC; //공성진지 local bool bIsVehicle; local string Name; local string NameRank; local color TargetNameColor; //ServerObject local int ServerObjectNameID; local Actor.EL2ObjectType ServerObjectType; //Vehicle local Vehicle VehicleActor; local string DriverName; //HP,MP local bool bShowHPBar; local bool bShowMPBar; //혈맹 정보 local bool bShowPledgeInfo; local bool bShowPledgeTex; local bool bShowPledgeAllianceTex; local string PledgeName; local string PledgeAllianceName; local texture PledgeCrestTexture; local texture PledgeAllianceCrestTexture; local color PledgeNameColor; local color PledgeAllianceNameColor; //NPC특성 local bool bShowNpcInfo; local Array<int> arrNpcInfo; //새로운Target인가? // local bool IsTargetChanged; local bool WantHideName; local int nMasterID; local UserInfo info; // local UserInfo PlayerInfo; local int ClassID; local Color WhiteColor; // 하얀색을 설정. WhiteColor.R = 0; WhiteColor.G = 0; WhiteColor.B = 0; myPet = false; // added to more effective display HP pet/sum status // GetPlayerInfo(PlayerInfo); // ClassID = Info.nSubClass; //타겟ID 얻어오기 TargetID = class'UIDATA_TARGET'.static.GetTargetID(); if (TargetID < 1) { if (contextOwner && wnd_contextMenu.isShowWindow()) { wnd_contextMenu.HideWindow(); } if (m_TargetID != targetID) { m_TargetID = targetID; } Me.HideWindow(); return; } if (m_TargetID != TargetID) { if (contextOwner && wnd_contextMenu.isShowWindow()) { wnd_contextMenu.HideWindow(); } } else { bIsServerObject = class'UIDATA_TARGET'.static.IsServerObject(); // to update door hp if (bIsServerObject) { ServerObjectType = class'UIDATA_STATICOBJECT'.static.GetServerObjectType(m_TargetID); if (ServerObjectType == EL2_DOOR) { if( class'UIDATA_STATICOBJECT'.static.GetStaticObjectShowHP( m_TargetID ) ) { UpdateHPBar(class'UIDATA_STATICOBJECT'.static.GetServerObjectHP(m_TargetID), class'UIDATA_STATICOBJECT'.static.GetServerObjectMaxHP(m_TargetID)); } } } return; } try to replace this block in TargetStatusWnd, temp fix
  9. 2-3, i don't think it's interface problem 1 try change in interface.xdat InventoryWnd->texTalismanAllow texture path from MonicaEssence2.InventoryWnd.Talisman_Arrow to MonicaEssence.InventoryWnd.Talisman_Arrow
  10. Compiler and sources in archive. Adena and damage bug have common reason: in systemmsg-e.dat they don't end with ".", so u have 2 ways: 1 - change necessary messages in systemmsg-e.dat with dot in end, 2 - recompile interface with new function
  11. Replace function in ChatWnd.uc and compile interface function string CreateCostString(string sourceString) { local string currentSymbol, finalString, numberString; local int i, lengthNumber; lengthNumber = 0; finalString = ""; numberString = ""; for (i = 0; i < Len(sourceString); i++) { currentSymbol = Mid(sourceString, i, 1); if (Asc(currentSymbol) >= 48 && Asc(currentSymbol) <= 57) { if (lengthNumber == 0) { if (Right(finalString, 1) == " " || finalString == "" || finalString == "(") { numberString = numberString $ currentSymbol; lengthNumber++; } else { finalString = finalString $ currentSymbol; } } else { numberString = numberString $ currentSymbol; lengthNumber++; } } else { if (lengthNumber <= 0) { finalString = finalString $ currentSymbol; } else { if (lengthNumber > 3) if (currentSymbol == " " || currentSymbol == "." || currentSymbol == "" || currentSymbol == ")") numberString = MakeCostString(numberString); finalString = finalString $ numberString; finalString = finalString $ currentSymbol; numberString = ""; lengthNumber = 0; } } } if (lengthNumber > 0) // if system message ends with number { if (lengthNumber > 3) numberString = MakeCostString(numberString); finalString = finalString $ numberString; } return finalString; }
  12. spawn all damage from system damage messages on current target pawn (not recommended for aoe ), based on emitters, just for fun) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sChLcgdDqTTmCXqK7Qdyv3-6LzfSSQVI/view?usp=share_link
  13. add in TragetStatusWnd targetEmitter=None; after targetEmitter.NDestroy();
  14. looks like it don't enter "if" in function HandleTargetUpdate(optional bool spawnTarget) if (m_TargetID != targetID) { targetEmitter.NDestroy(); m_TargetID = targetID; Me.HideWindow(); } and don't kill old targert effect, need some debug how change target id when you switch target on your server (on my targetid1->0->targettid2, mb on your missed 0) to add offlike resize you can parse collisionradius from pts scriptts in ini file for example and set it drom here yes and add targetEmitter=None; after targetEmitter.NDestroy(); it will cure some crits
  15. can u record it? idk,. i don't have any problem
  16. user.ini [Engine.Input] Aliases[0]=(Command="CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease | UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535 | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MinZoomingDist -20000 | set Input RightMouse myRightMouse",Alias="myRightMouse") ;Aliases[1]=(Command="SHOW STATICMESHES | show TERRAIN | show VOLUMES | show PARTICLES | show FALLBACKMATERIALS | show COLLISION | SHOW RADII | set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod1",Alias="rmod0") ; Matrix: Aliases[1]=(Command="Show Staticmeshes | Show Terrain | Show Maps | Show Coronas | Show Fallbackmaterials | Show Fog | Show COLLISION | set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod5",Alias="rmod1") ; Default mode: Aliases[2]=(Command="Show Staticmeshes | Show Terrain | Show Maps | Show Coronas | Show Fallbackmaterials | Show Fog | Show COLLISION | set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod6",Alias="rmod5") ;Aliases[2]=(Command="rmode 5 | set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod6",Alias="rmod5") ; No light effects: Aliases[3]=(Command="Show Staticmeshes | Show Terrain | Show Maps | Show Coronas | Show Fallbackmaterials | Show Fog | Show COLLISION | set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod1",Alias="rmod6") Aliases[4]=(Command="set Engine.Input MiddleMouse rmod1",Alias="myMiddleMouse") ;Aliases[5]=(Command="KeyboardMoveStart Dir=4 | KeyboardMoveFinish OnRelease Dir=4",Alias="myMiddleMouse")
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