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About kubas92

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  1. As the title says, selling separate accounts, for more info pm on skype: kubas92 or on pm here.
  2. pm me for more info here or on skype skype: kubas92
  3. Wts DA 78 for eur or adena Cheap price! skype: kubas92
  4. wts da 78 pretty cheap for eur or for 170kkadena . skype: kubas92
  5. Just like in the title, im buying 200kk adena for 100 eu (0.5 eu each mil) My skype kubas92.
  6. Server- innova core Class- Othell GH LVL- 103~104 Gear: Four lvl 4 brooches and few lvl 3 Pve Dual daggers +10 with 2SA and augu TW light set +11 full Jewels- AQ soul, tauti, Tezza soul, Blessed Zaken and Coc stun earing Tali hunter Tauti 2h axe 2 Augus- Giant critical weakness, and 15 % p critical damage (both very expensive augus) there are also 2 shirts +10 P.reflect, and a shiny elemental shirt +10 on the same account there are also many more chars 99 lvl for daily bosses etc. fore more info about quest etc pm me on forum or add me on skype: kubas92 Info for scammers and for people to be aware: allready 2 Belarussian guys tried to scam me with with the paypal invoice, they were very unpatient and angry, trying to convince me that they did send the money, both of them didn't know English, and then trying to tell me that im a scammer, dont even try to scam me, i know most of the tricks and its not my first time on the internet, cheers! here are their names on skype: Alexis-spelz229, the other one blocked me and i don't remember it.
  7. Hello Guys , As title saying i have a wind rider to sell on l2 era with vorpal leather set ,vesper dual daggers +6 300att,2kkk of adena,2 skills on +30 Price: 10EUR
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