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Everything posted by MadDealer

  1. i have add you on msn.
  2. o tigris einai ena update tou eclipse, ta svn apo ta packs ta vriskis stin l2jserver.com L2j Core: http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_Server/ L2j Datapack : http://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/L2J_DataPack/
  3. Pios anigi gracia part II stis meres mas re? :P Katebase kana Epilogue / Freya exoune pio pola features ktl.
  4. doulevei toulaxiston xoris ayto? ti chronicle einai to pack sou?
  5. Koita ola ayta pou les dixnoun oti loipoun arxeia eite apo ta files tou server eite apo to database dokimase to database esu kai ama den doulevi delete to pack sou gt simenei oti einai full bugged :/ Gia na kaneis re-install database kane ta ekseis: Delete apo navicat to l2jdb meta your pack/ Tools kai kane pali install tin db.
  6. Kanena provlima den exeis re xaxa, Re-install database ama den ftiaksei alakse pack.
  7. import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.sf.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest dokimase ayta
  8. Alt + G Search Gold Bar pata sto item search uparxoune 2 tipi gold bar ena san quest item kai ena san Item. Opote logika to .deposit tha sou dinei lathos id apo ti exeis valei sto npc.
  9. Den uparxi tetio config. Tespa mporeis na kaneis kai kati alo ala thelei java gnwshs : p.x ama exeis max enchant +25 tous dineis donate +26 , meta vale ena code pou tha leei oti gia na foresei kapios panw apo to max tha prepei na exei access lvl 1 p.x. (Den exw idea pos tha miazei aytos o code ala sigoura kapios dev mporei na se help)
  10. Delete table skill_trees and import it again
  11. Search on google how to run a l2j server on linux.
  12. Gt den to dokimazeis mono sou? Dwse se ena test characters ola ta skill apo ena class kane restart logare kai des ama exei akoma. Oso gia tin deuteri erotisi sou logika elenxi mono ton players ta skills oxi oson exoune kapio access lvl.
  13. Κανε το klasiko tropo me ta gold bars p.x 1 bill = 1 gold bar etsi ama thes na agorazoun kati apo to gm shop 5bil tha ginete me 5 gold bars.
  14. If you have put TRUE to testserver at general.prop then do it false
  15. They are not all HTML buffers crap they exist and some good customized :)
  16. change the maintain enchantment = true to <list> also from icons i can see gloves/boots sys texture missing.
  17. The all Point :) Example: if you wear dynasty leather armor BOW Mastery and you change sub class automatic cause of bow mastery armor unequiped :)
  18. I don't think that is annoying ,i can say that is more official like. Thanks for share.
  19. Poios o logos na valeis sto telos .exe? Kalitera na to kaneis re-upload se rar ,ean to xriazomouna me kataliksi .exe den tha to katebaza... Anyway san stisimo kalo einai.
  20. file pos 8a valw to arxeio p exeis to sql afou dn einai to file sql kai einai txt efxaristw
  21. Ρε παιδια εχω να γραψω στο φορουμ μηνες και μηνες ολοκληρους , δεν αντεξα αυτη φορα ομως ,δεν ειδα κανέναν μα κανεναν να μην βαζει τον ΥΜΝΟ της καψουρας
  22. prosexte ligo to 8 kai to 7 na dite oti einai epeksergasmeno eleos diladi
  23. MadDealer


    palia ta evlepa ekei osa ipirxan metaglotismena peripou 40 kai se pliroforo kontevi xronos kai einai sto 47? plaka me kaneis?
  24. Loipon mias kai episimos girisa apo tis diakopes m liges meres alla pios xestike perasa kala ki afto metraei Pernw meros episima sto pros to parwn afk na kanw ena ntouzaki kai epistrefo gia aneleito spam :D
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