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About Tommey

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    Czech Republic

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  1. got the radar error - happens at random in instances like freya and have to fix char to stop it from insta criticals RadarMapWnd Transient.RadarMapWnd (Function Interface.RadarMapWnd.HighlightPawnInstant:0040) Unknown code token CA History: FFrame::Serialize <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (RadarMapWnd Transient.RadarMapWnd, Function Interface.RadarMapWnd.OnEvent) <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:1140, param:MasterID=2810475 RoutingType=0 Name=Osm ID=4305854 CurCP=3158 MaxCP=3158 CurHP=11279 MaxHP=11419 CurMP=3334 MaxMP=3334 ClassID=106 Level=83 SummonID=0 UseVName=0 DominionIDForVName=0 <- NConsoleWnd::PartyAddMemberPacket <- PartySmallWindowAllPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=PartySmallWindo <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  2. thank you, will try it and if I manage to catch the radar/map one again, will try to post it here as well edit: it works really good thank you
  3. thank you it worked guess the random crits on teleports with radar and targetwindow is nothing I can do anything about
  4. from all the posts I got it about working with the target and such but can't seem to get character to show up in the character selection screen in your 0.636fix2 version after using Lobby01.unr from MAPS folder - with default one I don't get fancy looks but I can see my character if there is something I am missing, please point me to it
  5. can you please give me a hint how did you managed to compile *.uc files into package? I am getting stuck while using ucc.exe from ut2004 build
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