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Everything posted by Boxan

  1. WTT the following char's/item's @ L2 Dreams Luna 50x for items in L2 Sublimity . Character name : Qlimax (lvl 80 Soultaker , equiped with Apella Robe set , SOM +5 Acumen , 200kk , 1 rare hat , wind/fire/water mantras , materials). Private message me or just post in topic. Thanks.
  2. Gonna check it 2. Cya in-game.
  3. Amazing share. Thanks for that and keep it up!
  4. Search on your DB or try to get the in-game id from that symbol maker located @ giran .
  5. Thanks for the share. Indeed nice weapons...
  6. Thanks for the guide. Keep it up.
  7. Great guide dude. Keep it up!
  8. Here you go. That's not my work , it's just re-shared by me , so credits goes to Tomas Sardyha. Dark Lineage Template. Image http://img692.imageshack.us/i/darklineage.jpg/ Download link http://www.mediafire.com/?qjtttmjyhwj Van Halisha Lineage Template. Image http://img41.imageshack.us/i/l2vanhalisha.jpg/ Download link http://www.mediafire.com/?imjz5zjnhtd Vampire Lineage Template. Image http://img5.imageshack.us/i/l2vampire.jpg/ Download link http://www.mediafire.com/?ymyieimroog All the best, Boxan.
  9. Thanks for the share. It really works as u said.
  10. Tested. Good share indeed.
  11. Well refreshed few times and it doesn't show the "offline" msg. Nevermind...
  12. Annoying fake online status while the server is offline. Remove it or change it to a real one.
  13. Well, as the title says I'm selling some items on www.l2extreme.lt . Dinasty Light Set +10 (Available just on donations) 2x Dusk Rings +10 Zaken +10 Valakas +15 Vampire Sword +30 Vampire Sword Dusk Sword Dusk Claws Reflect Shield Golden Mask Tattoo of Soul (High) +10 Person's that are interested leave a message there with your email and i'll reply to talk about price's. Thanks.
  14. Check your virtual memory and increase it a little.
  15. I didn't check it so I don't know if it's working. I just find it on another forum. http://rapidshare.com/files/214828867/L2JAccountManager.rar.html Screen http://img4.imageshack.us/my.php?image=28950728.jpg
  16. Hello guys. After hours of searching I didn't find the right way to compile an .java file to a .class file. Does someone know how to do it? I'll be glad to hear something form ya. And sorry if I'm pathetic but I'm kinda newbie on developing. Thanks in advance.
  17. Just perfect.
  18. Yo guys. Does anyone play & use any walker on the www.l2java.com server? If someone use/have it please try to share it with us. Thanks in advance.
  19. thank you Skiller for your answer
  20. Hello to all of you guys. First of all I'm gonna apologize for this "newbie question". Well, I'm using an L2J-Archid Pack , Revision 358 if I'm not wrong. I was searching for the buff duration setting on the Gserv/conifg/.properties and I didn't find it. So i did the settings of the buffs time manually from the XML files. I'm done with all the buffs except dances/songs. I'll be more then glad if someone cand help me with that. I just wanna know where i cand find them. Another suggestions are accepted. Thank you in advance. Boxan.
  21. Very nice guide. Congrats and ty.
  22. Very nice. Thx for share
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