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About Boxan

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  1. WTB DBF +14 x3 WTB AM +14 x3 WTB Baium/AQ rings
  2. @ NM - I've got Hidaru's original files from L2G-Oldschool. If you gonna ask me who the hell is Hidaru then forget about it , it means you know sh1t about L2Gold. @ mcbigmac - I can provide l2g-oldschool .bak files from june 2008 (note: i'm not talking about l2g-oldskool.com) or anything else as a proof, but don't ask me to share things for testing purposes.
  3. Who the hell are you mate? That's the second post when i'm talking about selling the damn pack! Proofs or -beep- off!
  4. I'm selling the source of L2G for 100 euro's. For more info pm me.
  5. 2nd answer : Wrong section!
  6. Just type /loc in game and send them to your db by bookmarking.
  7. Apache + php 5. Uncomment the function php_mssql.dll from your php.ini.
  8. It works for me but the stability sux. Get a Xenon.
  9. You can set it up on your own but you'll get a full ban anyway. So stop trying , you cannot bot there.
  10. [DB Connection] HostName=your mssql address DataBase=your db lin2db by default User=sa Password=your sa login password [Common] SavePass=1
  11. Got items on l2sublimity?
  12. Apella robe set , some enchanted S grade jewels , mats and so on. The character is a lvl 80 soultaker. Trading all of them for a phoenix bow +17. Pm me if you are interested.
  13. As the title says I'm selling the official C4 server files of L2G-Oldskool. What's ready on it? -Their custom weapons like (halisha,doll knife,giant trident and so on). -Their custom nobless system (the one that require 4 crowns) -Their custom subclass system (simplified) -Their custom jewels like (ring of moss , ring of shadith and so on) -Their custom rebirth system (no the same as L2Gold) -Their custom shops (all of them including gk's) -Their custom armors as apella 55% till 100% and the dinasty set adapted. -Their custom mobs/raid boss'es/zones and everything. Also , i can provide 2 .bak files of lin2db and lin2world of L2G-Oldskool. Keep in mind that the backups are from the original L2G-Oldskool not from that -> www.l2g-oldschool.com Price : 150 euro. Accepting paypal and western union. Leave a reply here or pm me on forums if you are interested.
  14. What u want for them ? I got items on L2Dreams.
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