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Posts posted by xeL

  1. Our server is under good development based at own l2off h5 extender i'd like to see under what features you want to see the server running


    Low or Mid rate? (rates)


    What special features and events you want from us to code??




    Feel free to suggest us everything you want and reply everything you want ...

    More infos about our server process will be posted soon

    own extender?

  2. I just send you a request on Skype.


    Here is the superpoint.bin







    Here is ur superpoint edited with your data:



    Anyway I never edited/tested superpoint in gf up files. As far i saw superpointinfo.txt kind of uses declared superpoint from superpoint.bin . Some one corect me if I'm wrong. Anyway test the one i sent and see if works. Size of file is increased not decreased.

  3. Hi, Thx for your response.


    I'm using Advext64 H5 Chronicle.


    To explain better this issue, I'm trying to add NPC Prophet Sinister to this chronicle. In AdvExt H5 pack, this NPC is not included on AI data but its included on npcdata.txt.


    So I started checking the AI from other NPC like in Dwarf Village "Rogin" to see how it works, also his superpoint data.


    I made the superpoint code using l2scriptmaker, just for the record.


    Can you send me the superpoint.bin with the code I posted here?


    do you want me to upload the file, so you can check it up?


    thx for you time and help

    yeas please upload your superpoint and send me. Anyway my app I used only on c6 packs geodata.  I want to test on h5 wich is the connection there . you can contact me on skype: xel121

  4. Also, I tried to edit the superpoint.bin with L2OffGMPanel, and for some reason when you save your new superpoint file, the size is less.




    Original file size: 585.696

    new file size: 585.246


    So I don't understand why the size of the new superpoint file is less, even if I added more data. Also I added the new file to the Geodata folder and as far I can see, it runs ok but when I tried to run l2NPC, it crash seconds later.


    Can some one add this info I want to the superpoint.bin for me? I just want to make sure what I am doing wrong.





    Points in this superpoint: 7


    index: 2970: 84856;147760;-3400

    delay: -1


    index: 2971: 83625;147707;-3400

    delay: 10


    index: 2972: 83617;149544;-3400

    delay: -1


    index: 2973: 84767;149550;-3400

    delay: 10


    index: 2974: 83632;149559;-3400

    delay: -1


    index: 2975: 83626;147708;-3400

    delay: 10


    index: 2976: 84856;147760;-3400

    delay: -1



    conn type:2

    index: 2970: 84856;147760;-3400

    index: 2971: 83625;147707;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2971: 83625;147707;-3400

    index: 2970: 84856;147760;-3400

    conn type:2

    index: 2971: 83625;147707;-3400

    index: 2972: 83617;149544;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2972: 83617;149544;-3400

    index: 2971: 83625;147707;-3400

    conn type:2

    index: 2972: 83617;149544;-3400

    index: 2973: 84767;149550;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2973: 84767;149550;-3400

    index: 2972: 83617;149544;-3400

    conn type:2

    index: 2973: 84767;149550;-3400

    index: 2974: 83632;149559;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2974: 83632;149559;-3400

    index: 2973: 84767;149550;-3400

    conn type:2

    index: 2974: 83632;149559;-3400

    index: 2975: 83626;147708;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2975: 83626;147708;-3400

    index: 2974: 83632;149559;-3400

    conn type:2

    index: 2975: 83626;147708;-3400

    index: 2976: 84856;147760;-3400

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:0

    conn type:2

    index: 2976: 84856;147760;-3400

    index: 2975: 83626;147708;-3400




    Here is the superpointinfo.txt I have on script folder




    thx so much!

    wich pack you use? gf? By me dose not changes the size of file if not touch it. I added your superpoint and increase.  Thay why i ask wich geo you use. And by the way , did you increased the number of Super points? And i see ur npc name is [prophet], dose it exist on npc scripts??


    I prefer to wait answer here, if you do not help I give up

    L2NPC  It was not compatible with ext.dll


    One more doubt This here is not AUTOPICK 



    Item1=1061 ;healing_potion
    Item2=736 ;scroll_of_escape
    Item1=57 ;adena
    Item2=736 ;scroll_of_escape   
    ? ????




    I prefer to wait answer here, if you do not help I give up

    L2NPC  It was not compatible with ext.dll


    One more doubt This here is not AUTOPICK 



    Item1=1061 ;healing_potion
    Item2=736 ;scroll_of_escape
    Item1=57 ;adena
    Item2=736 ;scroll_of_escape   
    ? ????


    post the logs from l2server and l2npc , other wise we cannot help

  6. Hi people, my name is Ivan, i am student Information Systems Engineering, and i love L2.

    With my friends ever play L2, but, all server dead in two months.

    So, i decided wake up my servitor l2.

    What is your recomendation for begin in this world?

    I prefer play Gracia Final...

    thx for read, and any need help with html5 or ccs3, tell me!



    My opinion: Start study the servers wich you and wich most of the people like . Put up some ideas from them and build your own. Nowadays to open a server and succeed with it you need invest some time to analize around and really promote it(thats beside the money you will spend on maintain it).


    I'm not familiar with Vang's pack so don't know if there is a bypass or other command that does it.


    You could use the native 

    myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_EXP, 123456789);

    This WILL show the level up animation to the player and everyone around them as it is the normal "give player some exp" command which quest NPC's use for rewards, etc.


    If you are not able to find an EXP table (X Level = Y EXP) you can always log in with the appropriate rights and run "//setparam level X" on yourself.

    Doing this obviously changes your characters level but also stores the new levels EXP value (completely readable) in the database immediately.




    The param value takes a SIGNED INT32 so you can use negative numbers to subtract a params value.



    When you decompile the AI, you'll most likely see an int as the second argument.

    @PARAM_ is a shortcut you can use while compiling. The compiler turns it into the native int.


    Here is a list the params that can be incremented:




    ( Credits: FidoW )

    /// EDIT: ///
    Just noticed you should be able to increment the level directly according to the above list (though i haven't tried it myself).
    So do something like:
    // !!! Disclaimer !!!
    // The below was written on a Mac in SublimeText and is completely
    // not syntactically accurate or tested.
    // :D
    if (talker.level == desiredLevel)
    	if (desiredLevel > talker.level)
    		myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_LEVEL, desiredLevel - talker.level);
    		myself.IncrementParam(talker, @PARAM_LEVEL, (talker.level - desiredLevel) * -1);
                                                                 // * -1 to NEGATIVELY "increment" the
    							     // players current level.
    Let me know if it works! :P


    works :)

  8. You should open a ticket with support:



    The AdvExt IL extender uses a few custom tables in the database which might be incompatible with their other extenders.

    Also, there are core "official" (NCSoft made) DB changes between chronicles as well.

    So in general, you can't just plop the new server files in and call it a day.


    You COULD manually compare all the tables in IL vs those in GF but..... that will likely be a ton of work and not much fun.


    The AdvExt team offers all this as a paid service. If you plan to use the DB in production you should really consider letting them handle it.

    There are apps wich compare it free :) . I used opendbdiff . Is free.

  9. It looks like same azure from before one month. Drop rates were bugged and for one week gm was unable to fix them.

    That problem was solved  and since now I'm part of the dev team on new server  I will say that such kind of issues wont happen again. We will do our best to solve it.

  10. if they had last time 2k,


    newdays  they will had max 500, bcs they wont advert and they will think all old playa will coming, but not so much ppl playing still l2 


    also l2 w/o russians comunity is dead)

    They had even 5k players on 15x (and back than they had not only this). Tarantula when opened was 2.6k without any multiplier .

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