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Posts posted by xeL

  1. Hello everyone, i want to ask how i can add or change (icon's) in npc.

    example, at gm shop is the list with

    Armors, near or up it have an icon of armor part main



    is ready i know, but i want to know how i can change it with other icon,

    i have make an npc and want to add an icon, where and how i can finde the right text to add 


    <td align=center><img src="icon.weapon_dynasty_blade_i01" width=32 height=32></td>        

    tha i copy from the shop is from weapons

    there is a dynasty blade icon

    not only for weapons, but for all items

     Thanks!  :gusta:

    Well first this is wrong section about this topic but here you have your answer: that icon link image you find in client side at grp files (armorgrp,etcitemgrp,weapongrp) and the id for it you find in itemname-e.

  2. Actually raid 0 splits the calculations performed on each drive. Which, incase we have 2 drives, halves the operations of each one and therefore the lifetime expectancy may also be double. Regarding live servers, what you seek is speed. You shouldn't look for "safety" on drives, since the biggest downtime expected is the changing of the failed drive.


    The solution to security is called "cloud remote backup" of the database, plus monitoring in case of ssds since they degrade before failing.


    RAID1 helps avoiding downtimes in case of drive failure, but don't rely your server on local-only "security".

    I still recommand sas . l2 off works ok on all. The diferance will be on loading and not on game play. That why recommand it raid 1 anyway is up to him . He can use even 1 ssd with cloud db backup.
  3. Do you actually know that there are raid configurations that do exactly the opposite than increasing safety? Raid zero for instance. The correct answer would be go 2x512 @ Raid 1

    I didn't mention because is clearly that only raid 1 is good for backup option. Raid 0 is excluded in this case. Specially when opening a live server. Well if you want raid 0 is ok but i realy don't recommand.
  4. What I really miss from old dex is events. Letter collecting, heart collecting, pollens, christmass event. On old c4 dex these events were running all the time. Best server I've ever played c4 dex with Miho, AAO, Sony, Rock, Wildcard. This was the real l2. I'll be glad to play on such a project again.

    The problem , now a days , is that the community is not really  interested in that kind of events. They like more plug and play servers. Old players wich was on that period had grown up, just few are still around. It's really tricky to bring something up today that can stay for long without any good idea.

  5. Well, apparently the only way to add any code on AdvExt H5 superpoint file, its pay them for that service. Looks like this file is encrypted or its different if you compare it with GF superpoint file. If you use GM panel software option to edit the superpoint from AdvExt, it wont work.


    That is my final conclusion. Thx anyway for you help!!

    why I'm not surprised about this from advext :D. Anyway thanks for feedback.



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