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Posts posted by xeL

  1. xeL, why can I connect to CacheD adminport from outside, when 2012 is not opened on server? :-\ do you know what could be the issue?

    are too options that you can connect to cached port from other pc:

    1. port 2012 is added in firewall

    2. firewall of server is disabled

  2. Yes, we will and at start added Item event you can find it in Dianne npc (shop event) you must click on this item 10% chance to get dreadbane (6 day's live event). More information about this event soon.

    so you will keep agu? Oo that mean you have extender source:D or who sell it :)

  3. update some of futures from c4 to c6 after two - four month to change client on old l2gold c4. We got already c4 off orginal file if we will do make change client after some month's (No wipe) we will stay with old database your items will stay on your hands!

    from c6 to c4 I think you wanted to say:) . So you will keep augmentation futures, tezza, c6 weapons and so on?

  4. L2Off we got file L2C4 Off to we wairting to buy key licence after 2-4 month we change client on C4 with our database from C6 so no wipe no reopen.

    C6 stuff are already removed from client? Or you consider to update some of futures from c6 to c4 when downgrade the client?

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