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Everything posted by xeL

  1. from my point u can share it:) . Don't warry I dont gain or loose something. I didn't payed for pack:) Share GF final pack too :)
  2. version, update 22.03.2013? Share it :)
  3. Hi , i know price:) . But now he sells for 100:) . Is real pack.
  4. Hello, Server is latest update from 18.03.2013 and A.I. in 22.03.2013. NOT CRACKED, but have serial for 1 HWID . Latest Geodata. Dll version is: Price: 50e For more details pm me on skype: xel121 Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. Here are all GF Commands ////create_academy pledge_name academy_name //FakeItemState [on|off] //SpawnPCTrap [NpcClassID | NpcName] //abnormal_change [type (1-3)] //accept_escape_command on/off //acquire_pledge_skill pledge_name skill_id skill_level //acquire_sub_pledge_skill pledge_name pledge_type skill_> //action [num] //add_pccafe_point [num] //add_peti_chat char //add_pledge_namevalue pledgename namevalue //add_residence_skill pledge residence_number //addcomment COMMENT //agitdeco command blablabla... //agitdeco list agit //agitdeco reset agit deco_type //agitdeco set agit deco_id //aship buy type_id //aship command //aship landing airpot_id //aship summon airport_id platform_id //aship tel x y z //attack castle(agit) pledge //attack_test1 count //attack_test1_sec sec //attack_test2 count //attack_test2_sec sec //auction_close agit_name //auction_open agit_name //blockupset [options]... //blockuser flag target_name //bookmark add_slot [slot_num] //bookmark command //bot_block_add user_acount_id //bot_block_remove user_acount_id //bot_block_sec sec //broadcast_emitter_spawn emitterId //cachepingstate [on|off] //cachepingtime (ms) //camera on/off //can_make_clan user_name //cancel_lord dominion //cancelgmpeti [username] //cansee2 x, y, z //cease_fire pledge1 pledge2 //cease_fire2 alliance1 alliance2 //change_evolution evolution_id //char_stop [min] [r] //char_stop [min] //check_boss_alive [npc_class_id | npc_name] //check_bot [1-3] [time(min)] //check_pccafe_coupon [coupon] //check_plane_collison [move | skill] [on | off] //cleft [options]... //click x y z //col_setcolor color time_l2(min) //controltower_levelup [controltower|all] level //create_auction [npc id] //create_auction_bid [auction_id] [price] //create_pet pet_index level //create_pledge pledge_name //cubic_skill_delay_del secs //cursed_weapon_delete [item_class_id] //cursed_weapon_killpoint [item_class_id] [kill_point] //debug [name | .] //declare_alliance_war enemy_alliance_name //declare_clan_war clan_1 clan2 //declare_lord dominion //declare_truce clan_1 clan2 //declare_truce2 enemy_alliance_name //defend castle pledge //defend_register castle pledge //defend_reject castle pledge //del_pledge_skill pledge_name skill_id //del_subpledge_skill pledge_name pledgetype skill_id //del_subpledge_skill_all pledge_name skill_id //delannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID] //delete_alliance_member alliance_name pledge_name //delete_buff [all | good | bad] //delete_buff [all|good|bad] //delete_skills acquire_type //delquest [quest id] //delquest_nr [quest id] //delskill [skill id] //destruct_ctrl_tower castle //dice dice_classid number //diet [on|off] //disband clan_name //disband2 alliance_name //dismiss_partyroom partyroom_id //dominion_list dominion //door_levelup [doorname|all] level(total%) //door_open_all range on[:1]/off[:0] //drop_item_each (item_class_id or item_name) a-beep-t [x y> //duel [single | party] [start | cancel] //duel party start [char name] //duel single start [char name] //earthquake [force] [time] //enable_plane_collision collisio_name 1/0 //escape_mode (1~4) //event type [on/off] //eventmatch [create | leader | item_rule | skill_rule | > //eventmatch create [match_rule] [team1_name] [team2_name> //eventmatch dispelall [match_id] //eventmatch end [match_id] //eventmatch fence [match_id] [fence_state] //eventmatch firecracker [who] //eventmatch info [match_id] //eventmatch item_rule [match_id] [allow_all | deny_all |> //eventmatch leader [match_id] [1|2] [leader_id] //eventmatch lock [match_id] [1|2] //eventmatch manage [match_id] //eventmatch msg [match_id] [type] [message] //eventmatch pause [match_id] //eventmatch remove [match_id] //eventmatch score [match_id] [team1_score] [team2_score]> //eventmatch skill_rule [match_id] [allow_all | deny_all > //eventmatch start [match_id] //eventmatch unlock [match_id] [1|2] //eventmatch useskill [match_id] [skill_id] [skill_level]> //eventmatchop ... //eventmatchop observer [match_id] [on|off] //evolve_pet newPetIndex //expel_from_castle castle //field_cycle : invalid fieldID //field_cycle add_point fieldID delta //field_cycle command blablabla... //field_cycle set_step fieldID stepNumber //force_peti charname message //fortress [command]... //fortress all_barracks_captured [fortress id] //fortress contract_castle [fortress id] [castle id] //fortress flag_captured [fortress id] //fortress get_own_minutes [fortress id] //fortress reset_owner [fortress id] //fortress set_own_minutes [fortress id] [hours] [minutes> //fortress set_owner [fortress id] [pledge name] //fortress set_reward_cycle_count [fortress id] [count] //fortress set_treasure_level [fortress id] [treasure lev> //fortress show_info [fortress id] //fortress show_siege_registry [fortress id] //fortress siege_register [fortress id] [pledge name] //fortress siege_standby [fortress id] //fortress siege_start [fortress id] //fortress siege_unregister [fortress id] [pledge name] //gen_summon_act shift ctrl action_id //get_item_by_pccafe_point [point] [itemclassid] [itemcla> //give_cursed_weapon [Object id|Object name] //giveitem [Object id|Object name] [number] //gmchat charname message //gmspeed [0..5] //go_n_terri [npcpos_territory_name] //go_r_terri residence [territoty_type] //graduate_academy char_name //hide [on|off] //ignore_weapon_random [on / off] //inc_bot_count [f / n] //inspect_partyroom partyroom_id //invisible [on|off] //invite user_name //invite2 clan_name //inzone add_max_entrance inzone_group_id delta //inzone command [params...] //inzone enter_individual inzone_type_id [cluster_id] //inzone enter_mpcc inzone_type_id [cluster_id] //inzone enter_party inzone_type_id [cluster_id] //inzone reset_restrict [type_id | > //inzone reset_restrict group group_id //inzone status_type inzone_type_id [cluster_id] //join clan_name //join2 alliance_name //join_mg [castle_id] [char_name] //jump_packet [on/off] //kick [CHAR_NAME] //leavepetimsg [username] [msg] //left_peti_chat char //load_pledge pledge //loadhtml ... //lotto_cancel round //lotto_move_round round //lotto_set_draw day_of_week(sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat)> //lotto_set_number n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 //lotto_set_reward adena //market_price item_type enchant //mg_pledge_check_loosely [agit_id] [on/off] //mid_victory castle pledge //move_cell dir cellcount //move_ownthing dominion pledge //movetest x, y, z, x, y, z float //multisell groupId //nametag [on|off] //no_limit_fly [on / off] //npcpingstate [on|off] //npcpingtime (ms) //npcpos_event [event name] [on/off] //ns command blablabla... //ns diary class page //ns hero hero_type //ns match_result class page //ns nobless nobless_type //observer agit //observer_start x y z yaw pitch //olympiad command blablabla... //olympiad quick id user1 user2 [class] //olympiad result winner loser point [draw] //olympiad start_time year month day hour min //olympiad term sec [same_season] //olympiad term_ex start_sec, bonus1_sec, bonus2_sec, bon> //packet_log command [arg1 ... argN] //partycall [party_member_name] //partytel [bookmark name] //path_finder on/off //pccafe [on|off] //pftest or //pftest x y z //play_music music_name //play_voice voice_name delay(msec) //pledge_member_call [pledge_member_name] //polymorph [npc id|npc name] //premium_item [new | del | list | withdraw | get] wareho> //premium_item del warehouse_id //premium_item new warehouse_id class_id a-beep-t //premium_item withdraw warehouse_id a-beep-t //ps_stop [min] //pvpmatch check_all [on/off] //pvpmatch check_count [on/off] //pvpmatch check_debuff [on/off] //pvpmatch check_dist [on/off] //pvpmatch check_level [on/off] //pvpmatch check_member_count [on/off] //pvpmatch check_time [on/off] //quiet [on|off] //re commandNo //recall [CHAR_NAME] //record_fish_length [length] //register_dominion_builder dominion //register_dominion_pledge dominion pledge //register_dominion_user dominion user //register_mg_pledge [castle_id] [pledge_name] [certifica> //register_tb_pledge agit pledge npctype //register_tb_user agit user //remove_caching_html [html name] ... //remove_residence_skill pledge residence_number //remove_skill_delay skill_id //reset_alliance_name original_alliance_name new_alliance> //reset_castle_owner castle //reset_clan_leader pledge_name leader_name //reset_clan_name original_clan_name new_clan_name //reset_ip [all | ip address(] //reset_mac [all | mac address(00-00-00-00-00-00)] //reset_respawn npc_db_name //resurrect rate //ride type //scene_play scene_id type //scene_play_range scene_id range minZ maxZ //scene_play_stop scene_id //sendhome [CHAR_NAME] //sesame [open | close] //set_academy_master pledge_name academy_member_name mast> //set_academy_master pledge_name academy_member_name //set_auction_status [auction_id] [none|start|done] //set_birthday year month day //set_boss_record [npc_class_id | npc_name] [point] //set_bot_count [count] //set_bot_rcount [count] //set_bp param value(sec) //set_buildercmd_level BuilderCmd level //set_castle_owner castle pledge //set_castle_status castle no //set_char_item_duration duration_minute //set_controltower_status control_tower_name [idle|dest|w> //set_damage a-beep-t //set_dominion_end year mon day hour min //set_dominion_period time //set_dominion_start year mon day hour min //set_door_hp door hp //set_door_status door [init|breakable|unbreakable|open|c> //set_door_status2 door inzonenum [init|breakable|unbreak> //set_economic_restriction [on|off] //set_fatigue_time [fatigue_time_sec] //set_fatigue_user [on|off] //set_freeze_field castle_name [on|off] //set_item_duration slot_type duration_minute //set_journal quest_id state //set_journal_nr quest_id state //set_max_channel [number] //set_mg_time [castle_id] [waiting_time_sec] [game_time_s> //set_mg_winner [castle_id] [pledge_name] //set_no_restart distance x y [z] //set_npclook tick //set_party_per_channel [number] //set_partyroom_waiting_count count //set_pausable castle_name [on|off] //set_petition_disable_time t1 t2 //set_pledge_level pledge level //set_quick_siege castle sec //set_siege castle year mon day hour min //set_siege_end castle year mon day hour min //set_siege_period castle sec //set_siege_regist_state castle //set_static_mesh_status [doorname|doorId] [targetable:on> //set_tb agit field value //set_tutorial [num] //setannounce [ANNOUNCE_ID] [interval] [ANNOUNCE_MESSAGE]> //setarea area_name [on|off] //setarea_all [areaType:all or type(0~11)] [on|off] //setbuilder [CHAR_NAME] [bUILDER_LEVEL] //setcastleincome [id] [0..1] [1] [0..100000000] //setclass classId //setonetimequest [quest id] [state] //setparam param value //setpetparam type num //setpower grade_id power_id //setquest quest_id state [state2] //setquest_nr quest_id state [state2] //setskill [skill id] [level] //setskilllock [skill id] [level] [on/off] //settax castle 0...100 //settime hhmm //show (superpoint name | territory | npcpos) //show_agit_info agit_name //show_alliance_info alliance_name //show_auction_list [auction_status] //show_b_terri [radius] //show_castle_door_hp castle //show_castle_info castle //show_castle_tax castle //show_clan_info pledge_name //show_click_pos on/off //show_d_terri [range] //show_dominion dominion //show_dominion_registry dominion //show_door_hp door //show_item_info on/off //show_line_by_adena x y z //show_lines_test diameter r g b //show_mark x y z //show_n_terri [npcpos_territory_name] //show_ownthing dominion //show_partyroom [name] [index] //show_pos_trace [on / off] //show_r_terri residence [territoty_type] //siege_defence_count pledge count //siege_list castle_id //skill_debugger on/off //skill_master on/off //skill_reuse_delay skill_id //skill_test skill_id skill_level count //skill_test2 skill_id skill_level count //snoop [char name | .] [ON | OFF] //snoop [char name | .] [no | off] //social [num] //spawn_npcs count ai //ssq addmember [part 1~2] [sealnum 1~3] //ssq addtimeattack [room no] [part] [point] //ssq command [arg1 ... argN] //ssq cyclemode [mode] [half cycle interval(min)] (mode: > //ssq dropguard [1 or 0] //ssq event_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:s> //ssq partinfo [part number] (twilight : 1, dawn : 0) //ssq quickcycle [second] (start cycle after N second) //ssq quickcycle [second] accepted //ssq quickcycle [second] failed //ssq reset : accepted //ssq reset : failed //ssq seal_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss> //ssq setpoll [part] [seal num] [count] //ssq setsealowner [seal no] [part] //ssq setuserpoint [point] //ssq setwinner [part] //ssq winner_effect [winner no] [immediately] //start_dominion time //steal_infected_skill type count (type = 0 : good, 1 : b> //stoplogin [CHAR_NAME] [sTOP_MINUTE] //stopsay [CHAR_NAME] [sTOP_MINUTE] //subjob change subjob_class //subjob command blablabla... //subjob delete subjob_index(1...) //subjob new new_class //subjob renew subjob_id subjob_class //summon [Object id|Object name] [number] //summon2 [enchanted] [Object id|Object name] //summon_attribute [item_id] [type(0~5)] [value] [enchant> //summon_illusion item_class_id count //summon_npc npc_class_id //summon_option [item_class_id | name] [option_no1 | name> //summon_option_random [item_class_id | name] [intensive_> //summon_set_item set_item_id enchanted //targetable [on|off] //telbookmark [bookmark name] //teleport x y [z] //teleport_to_npc [NPC class id | NPC name] //teleportto [CHAR_NAME] //time_info [char_name | .(target)] //time_limit char_name (Add | Del) min //unaquired skill //undying [on|off] //unregister castle(agit) pledge //unregister_tb_pledge agit pledge //unregister_tb_user agit user //unsetpower power_id //use_pccafe_coupon [coupon] //use_skill [skill_id] [skill_level] //use_skill_all [range] [skill_id] [skill_level] ... //user_pvpmatch [ready/start/end] //userpacket_monitor [on|off] //view_enemy_list pledge_name //view_enemy_list2 alliance_name //view_mg [castle_id] //view_pledgewar_list war_type(0:declare,1:targeted) page> //view_tb agit //vtest cmd item inten gem gemcount //withdraw_auction_bid [auction_id] //xmas_event command [params...] //xmas_event santa [buffid] [on/off] //xmas_event satus [buffid]
  6. [event] ;adenaa-beep-t=1 ;itemrate=1 ;spoilrate=1 ;exprate=1 ;aiadenarate=1 ;aiexprate=1 Try this: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=109342.0 That is set for event, download l2rates and change with it. U need first to convert npcdata.txt to ANSI in notepad and than change the rates. After change u need to make it back to Unicode in Notepad.
  7. Try buy from depmax64.com because on l2off.biz you will not get the files, not even access.
  8. Have you made the ODBC connection files?
  9. Hello, Some one have a SubStack system like Dragon Network? I use the one from Dayne shared here on MxC but u can't switch between clases after u make subclass. Thank you in advance!
  10. It can be changed in engine.dll with a hex editor.
  11. I said is old pack . Please show me the backdoors. I have latest version of vanganath. (not craked)
  12. I said is old and ofc contains may bugs, but i think is prety ok for learning something about l2off and for a nice high rate server. :)
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