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404BrainNotFound last won the day on May 13 2017

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About 404BrainNotFound

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    Czech Republic

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  1. close!
  2. Hi, a well built server with many fixes,and very rare especially nowadays. Ai.Obj and scripts fixed errors.Everyone can use and can develop as he like. Chronicle 2 Client. No Key! Download: https://mega.nz/#!B4EQgJjD!XSZRPVUAne2gtfbELMrCDjZx8RNj8Qf5gAjhGzwo9co Password(extract): 3rR0r404
  3. Thank you eressea. Decompiler ai (C#)
  4. Decompiled ai.obj and fixed most part of it.Of course it may still have something missing or not properly fixed but still it can be used for a good server. download: https://mega.nz/#!AkM2lCSY!OOBXfmFJg-YtGyygpgqJcNjmWhmX-uARH4o4X7ntZ0I Password (extract): 3rR0r404
  5. npc's names and htmls are not written in english that's why,only server's owner can change it. files mentioned above are just for your patched system(client sided).
  6. Hi,this is a quest for players to have fun while they're punished and spending their time to jail.It's like the old cola quest,it has same purpose and this is the freedom of player while he is on jail.Instead of just sitting away waiting for time to expire,this is a quest to have fun and keep player busy,by making this quest so he can have his freedom back once again.It's seperated in three parts (server,htms,client),and the listed parts above should be installed. Quest Information (steps that player must do in order to complete and get out of jail): After player get punished and teleported to jail,see Jailer. (player) Must talk to him,and take the quest to cut down a prison tree.He'll give player an ax. After q taken,cut the tree,and will receive a firewood.Ax will dissapear after cutting tree. Take this firewood to Jailer,and he'll remove a chain. Do the same again,until all chains are removed. Then talk to jailer again and he'll give a key,talk again and he'll show you a lit of cities where like to teleport. (If punished player got karma,it will be lowered -10 every time he does this.) (Karma player won't get chain remove until he's cleared from karma.) Ai Changes (server) Ai Prison tree: http://pastebin.com/eSjGKtDG Ai Jailer: http://pastebin.com/99wN2F2r Htms (changes & additions): https://mega.nz/#!J5VzTYaa!ef0Du0dhBlCKmmGt0eslMM0gd0b7cz7zveKTu8lG83Y Client (addiotions): https://mega.nz/#!og8jxIbb!3cGT402bf_souqFt3PE58-aEEjWAtJceo6BDE3eKoCU Password for Zips(unrar) : 3rR0r404 I want to know if you like it or not,if it works properly for you also,and suggest anything new to import at this quest or suggestions on creating a new one maybe.Have fun with it,and keep your players busy while they are jailed. EDIT: topic updated
  7. [gludio32_qm1725_00] Here like without complications, the polygon and the square of the map in which it is created are indicated. -2948 This displays territory's end point after a specified location's coordinate. So to create a new name you need first to create a new territory in map,one that you will to import as a new zone,and import it on the map,after you can enter new name and indicate the correct polygon and square on map. _example32_qm1725_2948
  8. What adjustments to be finished you need?Send me a pm message with what job you request to be done.
  9. If i could find some time,i may be able to make an explation about most of these parameters from more scripts ,so they can be cleared,meanings and what they do.
  10. tax_rate is the rate of tax added to an item when a player who doesn't belong at your clan pays when bying (weapons/grocery/armors etc.) from your city (adena % rate from full price.example 100adena weapon+10%tax=110 adena). tax_sysget_rate a rate of castle taxes's incomes to be received by the leader residence_grade is the grade of items that can be given,the more the rate the more and better items can be given.for example siegable clan halls has lower rate wich they give some help items(ex.2 scrol of escape or some clan hall shield),but some castle has high wich can give full support buff or high scrolls etc.(more scrolls escape and res etc.). Basically the better items and more the castle/clan hall trader gives tribute_rate: a percentage rate that should be deposited by leader in castle's vault for tax and seeds he needs to pay.
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