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Everything posted by kochanie3375

  1. hello I need an ACP for a website with a grant function that will work with L2j Mobius I will buy up to 50 euros possibly more if there is some advanced or unique
  2. how is it with mobius files to get the source code I have to make a donation every month or you can't get the source code at all ? oO
  3. for this moment what spec is best to buy just for Lineage 2 2,5k $ budget
  4. Could someone provide a link to this leaked lucer project? I do not want anything for free just probably costs $120 and before possible purchase I would like to test it on my computer, as for mobius I do not know how to compile it and I wanted to add some things because there are no events such as TvT CtF, etc. at least it is not in the config, a long time ago I compiled on eclipse 4.2 l2j had such a thing as SVN and there you pasted addresses now it looks completely different. PS:This 2019 guide will work now? https://l2jmobius.org/forum/index.php?topic=3231.0 EDIT : WORK.
  5. Hello, I have a question, what is the best project for chronicle interlude at the moment? there used to be a lot of these packs, now practically nothing what are the free and paid projects now? aCis l2code and lucera are paid ? are any free? thanks in advance PS : sorry for this graphics I dont know what is it and why oO
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