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Everything posted by starflex

  1. Can anyone make a guide or post a link of how to create your own scripts ? Like the definition of the commands and things like that?
  2. Is there any EASY guide of HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN SCRIPTS? I want to learn about it, and try to make a bot party inside catacombs
  3. U CAN if he is a TITAN, and in one interlude server
  4. If you ahve full boss jewels, change CoV por PoW, PoW = +100% Of chanse of landing a magic crit... Add valakas, add Dance of Siren and you will have 100% of chanses of making a critical in any spell you cast.... If you get your ass kicked, try another server xD
  5. Piramid way of enchanting rlz... Option 2 In x1 servers, OE it's a problem xD I only got a weapon to +8, just OE when you don't have anything to loose
  6. It depends on what kind of server, x45 servers are really cool, u can get some ppl that will play in your server like their main server, not just another pvp server where u go when the server is down.. L2Buffers rlz, they make the game much more easyer... if you have a super c4 cancel, YOU HAVE TO GET IT NERFED! Cancel really sucks in c4 for private pvp servers. If you don't do this u will have a server full of cancellers Adena x50 Sp x45 Drop x1! Custom donation items maybe? like custom armor sets or OE weapons
  7. in open pvp i think duelist can do better, coz of his high hp/cp and if you make a duelist lvl 78 you can do some cool dmg. Although, Ghost sentinel pwnz everyone with 1 crit, but Spellsinger with augmented weapon , dance of siren , pow you will kick ass, super casting speed and super critical hits xD
  8. Try looking on google for LineageII pvp video DLM. It's -beep-ing awesome how this guy uses the Hell Knight I had one but i deleted it -.- (700 MB)
  9. where do i have to use that script to make it work? Anyone had tried it?
  10. Self buff pvp, wind rider ownz, super speed and you can own a lot of classes like archers, mages, and shit. Full buffed of course Adventurer, you can dash , use dash for 15 seconds, wait 15 more seconds (aprox.) and dash again, and more hp/cp / p.def
  11. Destro it's tallum heavy power. That +8 atk speed rlz. You're an orc, you don't need any majestic set or shit like that. Nightmare set will get you sleeped and rooted anyway. So it sucks, try to take 2 handed sword, and a bow. S grade orc imperial crusader set, heavens divider sa health and draconic bow, try to get some accuraccy anywhere you can.
  12. It's stupid to accept any program from gamers, photos or anything. Never trust in internet, that's the way to keep your account safe.
  13. Maybe you can know how to play a class but sometimes that's not enough, if other players know how to use their class, you will get your ass kicked with a dagger class. Before interlude, my ass got kicked many times by mages, slow and i'm fucking dead, stun shot lvl 3 sucks, and i always get cancelled
  14. I always try this bot party: Bladedancer Dagger type (TH is the best) Swordsinger Warcryer Destroyer You just need to get them into the catacombs and it's done, you bot till lvl 78, if the catacombs are high lvl ones for your bots, you can add a bishop or elven elder (if you want to level up a buffer for you, you can lvl up elven elder so later you will have PoW)
  15. I play in Gravedad zero, nice server for all spanish speaking ppl, a lot of ppl online, x1 rates, 3 big alliances fighting for power.
  16. In c6 (interlude) they fixed a lot of problems, for example sleep was way to overpowered, and some stuff like cancel, and archers gained new skills, dagger classes became cool, people enjoyed playing with the tank classes, and a lot of more new things. And yes, they want to get more money with lineage2 so they make new updates, what will you think if you pay for logging in at lvl 80 with top S items over enchant and augmented weapons just to beat some ppl? you will get tired soon and stop playing, that means less money. They want to make people play more, making them level up more, if more lvl, more power. Let me add that , in c1 no one reached top lvls, and it was weird to see ppl with good armors, that was the reason why ppl enjoyed more the game, it was more challenging and you really needed all the ppl to help you, now if you have a bd lvl 58, sws lvl 49, Prophet 56+ Shillen elder 56, in 1 or 2 months, you are lvl 75. If you have PoW/PoF/CoV, 1 month.
  17. IN PVP 1 VS 1 Classes like SK / Gladiator are the best. In mass pvp like party vs party, or 4 vs 4. Mage classes rule, because it's very simple to wipe out an enemy if you focus your attacks and kite, enemy will die in just seconds, and in this pvp you usually don't have songs + dances + summon buff + CoV/PoF/PoW In a huge mass pvp, where you can get all the buffs you want, Hawkeye / phantom ranger are the best. You can't block from an arrow(not until T1 i think) but you can resist from all magic attacks with songs and other buffs, so hawkeyes are the best DD/ Phantom rangers are really good but with lower Hp /cp and they die easily
  18. Ages Of Empires is the best strategy game, but with low quality in the images. Try civilization III. If you want some strategy game, races vs races don't forget about Warcraft III.
  19. Hello everyone, i'm a new cheater from argentina playing in a c4 server with rates x1 where you can use l2w and stuff. I hope i can learn smth and share the few things i know
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