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Everything posted by Destiny

  1. 1.For doing this you will need Blessing of Kings 2.A two handed Weapon, A one handed weapon or shield 3.Get any two hander with the stats you want to have exploited (the bigger the stats on it the better). 4.Then any one hander that has none or less than the two hande 5.Then you put your 2h in your weapon slot then switch it back and forth with the one hander. 6.Don't be alarmed if your stats keep going lower thats the point Now keep doing this till the desired stats are zero then for good luck do one more switch. Now you'll notice your stats you want to exploit are zero, this is when you use BoK, you'll notice the stats are ultra high but only for as long as you have BoK. Have Fun with it. thanks stroh Greek translation By Darky since most of them asked for it: 1.gia na to kanete auto prepei na exete Blessing of Kings 2. xriazeste ena 2H weapon, ena 1H weapon kai mia shield 3. parte ena opiodipote 2H weapon me ta stats p thelete na bugarete (oso megalitera einai toso kalitera) 4. meta ena 1H p na min exei afta ta stats p exei to 2H i na einai mikrotera! 5. kante equip to 2H kai meta to 1H sinexia... 6. min fovaste an ta stats sas katevenoun sinexia... afto einai to noima twra sinexiste na to kanete mexri ta epithimita stats na midenistoun. meta kante mia teleutea allagi metaxsi 1H kai 2H! twra tha paratirisete oti ta stats p thelete na buggarete einai 0. twra xrisimopioiste to BoK kai tha deite oti ta stats einai poli ipsila ! afto isxiei mono oso exete to BoK!!!
  2. A simple macro, taken from the glowing hands trick. First get a Steam Tonk Controller (engineers can make them, or check the Ah should be cheap). Get the Steam Tonk Controller in your bags and use it once (to make it soulbound). Once it's bound to you make the macro with whatever spell you want and use the macro. /use Steam Tonk Controller /cast Hearthstone/Portal/Spell ex. /use Steam Tonk controller /use Hearthstone Hit that macro and it casts Hearthstone without a cast bar, cannot be interrupted unless cancled out by mounting, also casts while running. Also a few good mages tricks, make a portal as a piggy Creating a portal while Ice Blocked (stunned on the ground) Also works with hearthstone, bubble hearth mages? Fun little tricks, works with any class that casts spells. Only thing it will not work with is channeled spells. thnx stroh
  3. 1) create an account at wow-v 2) once you have made your account, press on tools and select what type of item(s) you'd like (bag, armor, weapon, etc.) 3) you will be asked for an items display id. i have a notepad (.txt) with every items display id. you can get it here 4) it will ask for an entry id. this is the id you use to add the item to vendors, your backpack, etc. *note* this entry id CANNOT already be in the database. i suggest making the entry id something like 123456789 (alot of numbers) 5) adding the item to the db (ill add screenshots soon)... - download the .sql (batch) file for your private servers version (ascent, mangos, antrix) - press on the add batch file and select the item (it will look like its in a .txt file... ex: doom bag-123456) this guide isn't really completed. the site i originally came from is down temporarily, so i will add them another time! thanks to Toxik
  4. Innerspace and openbot are the WoW bot for more advanced users. If you have nearly no problems with MMOGlider and you have some brain capacity to understand and think a little bit, you should be able to figure out the installation relatively well. If you do not wish to fiddle with a bots settings and get more advanced, I suggest you stick to Glider, as it's much more user friendly. On to the guide... First off, I'd like to explain some terms. Innerspace is an operating system, not a bot. Many people will be peeved if you say that. Openbot is a program/plugin/whatever that runs on innerspace. Openbot is a bot. Get these down and you'll save the openbot vets some hair. Innespace is NOT free. There is no crack either. Yes you will need to pay for it if you'd like to use it. It will cost you $10 for a 3-month subscription. This is cheaper than glider elite. If you'd like to subscribe to use this bot, Lavishsoft.com (yes it's a referral link use it if you'd like, don't if you'd rather not), register an account, and subscribe from there. Once you have an account subscribed, you can start this guide. -Setting up Software- 1. Download and install the latest version of Innerspace. 2. Download the latest version of ISXWoW and ISXWarden. Always keep these up to date! Install ISXWoW by running the installer if you downloaded that, or if you downloaded the zip, extract ISXWoW.dll into the Extentions folder and the other files into your Interface folder. Install ISXWarden by simply extracting the .dll to the Extensions directory of your Innerspace installation. 3. Launch innerspace, right click on the little crosshairs icon, and click configuration. 4. Click on the "Game Configuration" tab and select World of Warcraft from the dropdown menu. Click Startup. 5. Click insert, click on "New Entry", and type the following: Under "Name to describe this sequence item", type "ISXWarden" Under Command to execute at this step of the sequence", type "ext ISXWarden" Your screen should now look like this: Click finish and apply and close Innerspace. 6. Download the latest version of Openbot or whatever other bot/script you'd like to use with Innerspace, and place it in your Scripts folder. (/Innerspace/scripts/openbot) You will need to install a routine for your class. Check out the routine forums for routines available for all classes. You may install a custom routine from there (often more efficient) or you can always use the default routine. If you do install a custom routine, be sure to open up the routine folder in case there is a settings file that needs editing. 7. Right Click on the crosshairs again and select World of Warcraft > World of Warcraft Default Profile. This should load WoW in an Innerspace client. Do not log in. 8. Press your console key (` § ~ F12) and scroll up through the blue box until you see the ISXWarden status. If it is green and looks like the following picture, you are okay to login. -Ingame Openbot Setup- 1. Once Innerspace is loaded with WoW and you've checked ISXWarden to be okay, log ingame and bring down console again. 2. Type into console: run openbot/openbot This should load the ingame interface. -Openbot Configuration- I will go over these in reverse because it is much less confusing and much easier to explain. 1. Logout Tab Pretty self-explanatory. 2. Config Tab Debug - This will log your errors. You should not need this unless you are trying to fix an error or something. Use Mount - Will use your mount if you have it. Ignore min/max levels - Ignores level restrictions on the mobs you are grinding. Stop video rendering (in background) - Will stop your video rendering, saving lots of video power. I generally keep this only in background. Map files in LSO - LSO format is a different format to save the mapping files in. The default is xml format. The difference is speed and editing. LSO is quickly written and quickly loaded/read. The XML are slower but easier to edit. The general rule is to keep them in LSO unless you'd like to edit them. Rendered mapping is handy when you're mapping, but pretty much useless other than that. Class config is totally different for each routine, but it should be relatively simple to figure out. The rest of the options are obvious. 3. Human Tab Auto Emote - Emotes to passing players or players who emote at you. Translator - Shows what the other faction is saying. The rest is self-explanatory. 4. EQ Tab This tab is what is used to equip found items to your character automatically. You must change these weight values to suit your character. Higher weight is a more important stat for your character. 5. Talents Tab This is where the bot will automatically place your talents as you assign it to. Under spec name, type the spec, such as fury or prot for a warrior or destro for a lock, etc. Select your spec from the drop down menu. Then click the talents you want from the left column and press add to add it to the queue. Be sure to add them in the right order, starting with your spec from 1 talent point. The left tab will update as new talents are available. 6. POI Tab This is a list of all the npc's you have mapped. If the NPC's name is in all caps, there is a path connecting you to it. If it's not in caps, it has just been seen by the bot, not mapped yet. To map an NPC, you must walk right over it. You can hit blacklist to stop the bot from using that NPC, or you can delete it from the list. 7. Grind Tab This is definitely the most important tab. Just a few things to fill out before you start mapping and plotting hotspots. Location Sets - Title for your grinding spot (similar to a profile in glider). Type the name in (like "alterac turtles lvl 30") and click add. Location level - the minimum and maximum level YOU should be when using this profile. The bot will automatically move on to another location set once its level is higher than the max level. It will also not enter the location set unless it is at least the min level. Pull Range - Distance from the character the bot will look to find a mob to kill. Grind Range - Distance from the hotspot that the bot must be within before entering combat. Loc timer - Time in minutes that the bot will remain in that location set before changing locations. Random toggle - toggle this to enable the bot to pick a random hotspot to move after hitting passing a hotspot. Disable this to go through the hotspots in order. Active toggle - toggles whether or not the location set is ready to be used. Disable if it is still being mapped. Mapping Hotspots Select your location set in the left column and go to your grinding spot. Get to a place where there are mobs that you'd like to grind all around you and click add under hotspots. You should generally plot around 10 hotspots for each location set you make. They should be spread out and all around mobs you'd like to grind. You should also map routes to repair, food, drink, mailbox, etc before starting the locationset. It is helpful to die once and travel to the location set from the graveyard to map a route once dead back to your corpse. When you think you've mapped enough, click active. If you need more help with mapping, or even if you don't, I would recommend reading a very short but helpful guide here and watching this video. NOTE: If you get "NOT ENOUGH MAPPING DATA" then simply map some more. Nothing more to it. 8. Inventory Tab This tab is used for setting what you'd like to sell, keep, destroy, bank, mule, etc. I will only explain the config options, because the other sub-tabs are pretty self-explanatory. Mule - Type the name of the character you'd like to send items to for muling. Food, Drink, and Ammo Merchants - Type or set the names of the vendors you wish to use to restock food, drink, and ammo. Be sure you have mapped each one of these sufficiently. 9. Overview Tab Toon spec - Sets the spec you want to use on your current toon. CPU Rating - Set it to how fast your processor is. Train, Sell, Repair, Mule, etc. - Forces a run to train, sell, repair, mule, or whatever you click there as soon as you hit go. Once you've setup all these tabs, that's it. You're ready to go. If you still don't understand after all this, please be specific in your questions or it's very hard to help you. Be sure to read the whole thing through before asking questions. All credits go to the original creator on edgeofnowhere
  5. Hello again :) First what you want is an Addon called: SSPVP, From here: WoWInterface Downloads : SSPVP2 Second you want, a software called AutoClicker 1.5/1.6, it cost money but we can just crack it, you download it from here: Auto Clicker v1.6 by Shocker, ShockingSoft Now you want an Addon called ChatMod which you can set to make a sound when someone /w you. Download from here: ChatMOD | World of Warcraft @ Curse.com Now the setup, Lunch WoW and log onto your char. Type /chatmod in Chat Click Chat Sounds, Now You go down where it says Whispers and set it to 2 (high bird noice), click Save. Now go to The Exodar (Draenei's City) go to the AV battlemaster and now you run Autoclicker.exe, set the options to like this: Now stand infront of the AV queuer like this: (The pointer whouldn't show so i had to improvize) The reason it had to be in Exodar is becuase every other city whould the AV guy say like "Blah blah defend the AV from the frostwolf blah blah" and under the text it whould say "I wish to join battle" And we dont want that cuz then you got to click the "I wish to join battle" and the the SSPvp will auto click Join Battle. So thats why you need to be in Exodar. I didn't have the time and make a Blood Elf and lvl him up to lvl 51 to test if it was the same in in Silvermoon City, BUT it prolly is. So i guess it works for both sides, in Exodar and Silvermoon city. Now dont do it more than 2 days, because if you it for like 3 days Blizz will start thinking like this: "How does this guy Right-Click hes mouse for 3 days in a row without stopping, and no sleep, we gotta invertergate this" and then might discover you have a program clicking the right button for you can may ban you :) Warden cant detect it, its 100% safe. Now you might wonder, how will this right-clicking program keep me from go Afk?? Well I was wondering the same thing, but infact Right-clicking keep you from going AFK NO WORRIES :) This is way diffrent and i say much easier than this one: http://www.d3scene.com/forum/wow-bots/660-bot-autoit-script-pvp-honor-leeching-script.html This is not taken from any site, i made the walk through myself :) This is how many points i made on one day all credits to WARDEN
  6. auto einai oligon spam oxi poli oligon anyway ontopic: ean ontos auto einai to proto s NPC file m bravo s einai pl kalo gia 1o ean kaneis toso wraoa mpc gia arxi 8a megalourgiseis meta ;)
  7. xa brika ta ftaiei me kinigaei i gnosti katara tou interlude to hellobound apo to site tou official to katebazei me 700kb enw to interlude apo alla site to katebazeis me 3 @@ :P :P :P :P pantos ty 8a dokimasw tin lisi uTorrent :)
  8. ean s pw oti k se auto to site exw paei k ta idia skata eida 8a me pistepseis ??? :P
  9. Destiny

    Paidia HELP!

    egw s eipa onoma klp ola prepaid na baleis k eisai gg ;) elpizw na se boi8isa k egw k ta ipoloipa paidia ;)
  10. @tzrcryp100 ok i will have it in my mind :)
  11. well i think the person who found SEARCH button he must kill his self because no one use it anyway this is an easy guide """To make ur own npc u must know the basics (how to make htmls and other thinks...) You must follow my step to success if u have problem tell me I will make my custom gatekeeper for example: 1. Go to your L2j Database 2. Go to your NPC Table 3. Search and find one npc that you like his template 4. After that make a text file and put this : 5. Then execute from navicat the text 6. Now go C:/yourserver/gameserver/data/html/thetypethatuputontext for example L2Teleporter (so file Teleporter) and there make a html file 7. Rename the file to the Id of ur npc for example 4444.html 8. Now open and make anything u want for example if u want a gk that go only frinteza type this (u must open in as text not html): 9. Now u have only to create a file that it have the id and the npc_%objectId%_Chat that u put and make in C:/yourserver/gameserver/data/html/thetypethatuputontext (the green number) for example 4444_30.html and type in this: 10. Now u have to make a text file with this inside and u put it at C:/yourserver/sql/yourtextname 11. Execute in navicat that text to insert the value 12. Now u have only to go in ur server and spawn it That's all plz tell me if I do something wrong because I am not too good :D""""
  12. molis pataw gia download m bgazei lista men alla mono gia Lineage II Hellbound Filename: L2_CT1_Hellbound-Live.zip (More Info) k auto p s elega gia taxitita deite edw:
  13. geia sas se olous exw ena problima. Katebasw to l2 interlude client apo auti tin istoselida http://games.internode.on.net/filelist.php?filedetails=7053 k enw sto speedtest i taxitita m sto download ftanei 5k to lineahe katebenei me 50 mexri 70 kb to deyerolepto. Ean 3erete kapio site san to gamershell p dinei grigori taxitita sas parakalw postare to edw euxaristw P.S: oxi link apo rapidshare k oti link se part ;)
  14. Destiny

    Paidia HELP!

    i propliromeni einai panta anonimi koita edw :) auto enoi anonimi
  15. Destiny

    Paidia HELP!

    xaxaxa eisai atixosssssssssss file m iparxei ena problima ton teleutaio kairo me tis propliromenes apla kantis 3ana k 3ana add mexri na se boi8isei o 8eos :P
  16. Destiny

    Paidia HELP!

    ir8e i wra tou Destiny na boi8isei :P 1on)loipon file blane giauto p les oti i karta s einai anonimi (dn einai anonimi) kaneis la8os. apla sto onoma 8a balei prepaid k sto epi8eto k sta loipa ektos apo to tilefwno bale ena stin tixi ean dn 8eleis na baleis to ali8ino s k ston T.K bale k ekei ena stin tixi. 2on) bazontas tin karta: dialegeis tipo karta Visa k bazeis tous 16 ari8mous KOLITA! (sto tonizw to kolita) P.X: 1234567891234567 k sto CSC: apla girna tin karta apo pisw k des ekei pou leei ΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΗ - AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE apo panw akribos exei 7 psifia ta 4 teleutaia psifia tis karta s kai 3 asxeta akou twra P.X: 4567 123 esy sto CSC 8a grapseis mono tos 123 kai eisai etoimos gia tixon problimata kane reply sto topic :) kali tixi
  17. Actually is wrong section to post youtube videos check this (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13767.0) and also if you want to post a youtube video just do this [ youtube=425,350 ]anything after "=" [ /youtube ] Example: in this link http: //youtube.com/watch?v= 3J8q4cBSkTQ" anything after "=" only 3J8q4cBSkTQ and DADAN! 3J8q4cBSkTQ
  18. Hello everybody i got a problem with how to create my own website for lineage II i mean to say statistics if server is online - offline etC. Someone told me that i have to download the site (i downloaded) and the uploaded to a host (like freehostia) and the you site is ready. But i download "Killer" (website name) and inside the folder i only saw "Killer.php" and photoes. Please help me how i can make site :/
  19. mipos 8a eprepe na ri3eis mia matia stous kanones ? dn sto lew apo kakia alla to double post dld na postareis dio fores apagoreuete ean 3exases kati kane edit to post s ;)
  20. "3 magic buttons" i was laughing for 10 minutes god damn was AWSOME and yes i was very happy when i become GM for 1st time (it was on pvp server) and i didn't knew what to do. as i said ALL of us we start from 0 there is no good or bad GM's
  21. DarkNtomatas that excactly we are saying that new players saw GM in a serious server and they want to become too and that why thy logged on this server is not bad to learn ALL of us we start from 0 and now we still learning things :) Always Friendly Destiny
  22. 8es kamael ... loipon mporeis na pareis to pack tou Mordaneus to opio perixei -100% fixed kamael skills and many kamael things -quest 100% -etc items -s80 items -transforamtions work 100% -transormation skills 100% -Fortress siege 100% -new Admin console updated -update and fixed java scripts and other custom scripts -and much more things all fixed Link: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17722.0
  23. i 100% agree with tzrcryp100 he is right for the 10 year old boy i mean the just do it for fun use s.haste run and use hero to look nice etC. GM's job is not like this this server are just for fun and also in this server you don't have full access ;)
  24. ekana egw k otan mou leei na diale3w "Complete just one offer below to be eligible for your FREE item!" pataw ena apo auta k exw diale3ei k egw posa dn 3erw exw apantisei se 1274027940240967 erwtiseis LOL!!
  25. egw 8a sou elega na pareis to Pack tou LightMagik to opio exei etoima pragmmata k custom npc's k 8a sto protina apo to na ka8ese k na palebeis na ta ftia3eis monos sou To link eina: (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21492.0) Kali tixi ;)
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