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Everything posted by Destiny

  1. linuska lol ? you res a topic 2 year old and you also double post
  2. Hello everyone, recently my world of warcraft private server was hacked by a SQL junkie who banned all the GMs and took over the server, i had to temporarily shut it down. So this doesn't happen again I would like to create this Guide on how to protect your private server from these 12 year olds that got nothing better to do. This guide will be based on personal experiences so if you want something added to the guide you are weary about. post the topic and i will add it. Public Server General Risks So you have created a public server, and your first few customers are flocking in. You do not know these people, but at this stage, your just happy having them here, that is what blinds you from this point i would like to make. Those people have an established connection to your computer. They are allowed through the router, and now you are close to being completely vunerable to attack, if one was a hacker. You may be thinking to yourself, "oh crap im screwed" , this shouldnt be the case, because some handy tools can help keep your players, your server, and most importantly, YOU safe from harm. Password Inspection and Changing If you are using antrix or MaNGOS, make your MySQL password something no one would guess, including numbers and letters, and atleast 9 characters long. That should ensure temporary safety to brute force attacks. Also, you should change the password often. (once a week) This also goes for your username and password on your router and Computer. Firewall and Antivirus These two things will be your primary tools to defending your computer. You are foolish to be without both of them. But only some are recommendable for this occasion. Firewalls are your last resort before a hacker can get into your computer and corrupt and change your data. Make sure you have one with limitation options preferably options that allow you to block an IP and protect open ports. Some recommended Firewalls are: ZoneAlarm - http://www.zonealarm.com Norton Personal Firewall - http://www.symantec.com McAfee Firewall - http://www.mcafee.com An Antivirus is your clean up tool. If your hacker gets in and implants his programs to do his bidding, this is your only way to clean up what he has dumped on your harddrive. Some recommended Anti-virus's are: Norton Internet security - http://www.symantec.com AVG - http://www.grisoft.com Nod32 - http://www.eset.com Kaspersky - http://www.kaspersky.com These are great for picking up known viruses, i suggest using more than one. With these tools you should be well armed for battle against a hacker. But if you want a little more protection, i suggest looking into a router. Router Protection - The Ultimate Firewall A router is a supreme solution to keeping your computer safe from malicious attacks. The main reason they are near bulletproof. Nothing can get through without ports being open. On routers their are a few default ports that are always open. for example port 80 for internet browsing. but if you want people to connect to your computer. Lets say play on your private server, you will have to open more ports (3 to be exact) for them to be able to connect. This leaves those ports vunerable for attack. but thats 3 ports out of 99999. So the hacker would have to know what hes hacking before he could get inside (or he would do a port scan which is what piggy told me earlier). So there, this limits the hackers possibilities to virtually none if he wasnt attacking your private server. But in this thread we will pretend he is, and at this point in the game. You would be hijacked. So lets continue to find out what we can do to keep those people out. How To Respond To an Attack, and What You Should Do. So lets say this hacker got through, made it into your mySQL database, banned all your GMs, made himself one, and enlisted a few more to help his cause. You would be just about ready to give up, rolling on the floor sucking your thumb knowing your computers going down slowly. Dont panic, this is what you can do to protect yourself. Using Antivirus and Firewall protection, as well as the command prompt. We can find the person connected to your computer's IP, Block it from your computer, delete his virus he probably left to get back in, and in the end save your computer! Here is the battle plan. The Battle Plan - A Defensive Alternative So the hacker because GM on your server and probably banned you and took away your powers. Dont fear, you won't forget, you have GUI control over the mySQL database. when you see him enter your realm. quickly make a GM account. get on the server, and before he kicks and bans you, do a .playerinfo. at the bottom of the blue message, it will display his IP. write it down, this part is vital. With that IP in hand you are now ready to launch your defensive manuaver. Bring up your firewall, and pray it can block IP's. if it can, put in his IP, if it requires a network LAN IP, open up command prompt (start > Run >CMD) and type in ipconfig, your lan IP will be the Ip address shown, then either wait for him to DC from your server, or kill the connection with a .killbyaccount command. now he will be barred from your system without any means of getting back in. His IP is blocked (Be careful, this only works with STATIC IPs). The hacker, however, could of deployed a few viruses for him to gain entry again. (examples include backdoor.trojan or a RAT program). use a few antiVirus's to scan for them. use more than one however, most antivirus's dont pick up everything. When your done the clean up. You are now safe from the hacker. For now. And I guarantee he will try to attack again, just remain smart, remember the battle plan. and know how to use your tools effectively to get that low life back out of your computer. Note: your computer is never going to be 100% safe. so make a public server at your own expense. Thank you for reading my guide, I hope it has given you an Idea on how to protect yourself. If you see an error in the guide please point it out and I will fix it the best I can (please dont flame) FAQ and reader concerns and personal issues This is a section to help readers with there personal experiences and concerns. I will try to give the best answer I can so i can keep the MMOwned members safe. Q: Will Blizzard ban me? A: Probably, if they ever find out, but I highly doubt they will while doing legal things. Q: Can you teach me how to make a private server plz? A: No, this guide merely points out the risk of running one, and how to protect yourself. Becareful and have fun on your servers! Special thanks to Marlo, Flying Piggy and Alkhara Majere All Credits to WOWLegend
  3. einai nomimoi efoswn dn kaneis modifying client apax k kaneis einai paranomo.
  4. Most of you already know that you can make a lot of money with darkmoon faire. For those who don't the thing is basically, there are 2 NPCs there that sell precious items for low prices. Those items spawn every 20 minutes or so, 1 or 2 of each. Rare gems, valuable plants and such. This guide will help you with buying all that spawns without worrying about any competition and even doing it AFK, no trouble, free gold. This is the method me and a friend of mine used to make 10k gold in one darkmoon faire week. It works wonders, just follow the instructions. Also, having 2 people do this is easier since there are 2 npcs to be camped, and it works best if each of you just camp one of them at once. Basically, we'll use 2 utilities, one that opens and closes the vendor window, and another that buys whatever you set it up to buy from that vendor. Now, for the instructions: The 2 things you need to download: - FreeRefills addon - This is an addon that buys stuff instantly from vendors, without having to even change the vendor pages, giving you a lot of advantage when racing to buy spawnable items, against other players since you dont have to search, turn the pages or click the items :) - AutoHotKey - This is the clicker which will open and close the vendor window. Most of you probably know it and know how to work with it better than me lol. How to set them up: - FreeRefills: Install it as you do any other addon. Enter wow, enable it and start adding what you want it to buy using the commands: /freerefills add [itemlink] # [itemlink] - is obviously.. the link of the item you want to buy. For example, go to the AH, search for "Fel Lotus", shift-click it and there you have the link. # - is the max quantity you want to have on your inventory of that item. (you'll want to set it to a high value, since you'll want to buy as much as possible, example: 500) Example: /freerefills add [Fel Lotus] 500 Now, repeat the process for all the things you want to buy. And here I give you a list of some of the items we used to buy: NPC (Lhara): - Fel Lotus - Black Lotus - Mountain Silversage - Netherbloom - Nightmare Vine - Enchanted Leather (this sells pretty badly) - Golden Sansam - Ghost Mushroom - Dreamfoil - Terocone NPC (Professor Thaddeus Paleo): - Dawnstone - Living Ruby - Nightseye - Noble Topaz - Star of Elune - Talasite (check price on AH first to see if there is any profit buying for 12g) - Mote of Air - Mote of Earth - Mote of Fire - Mote of Life - Mote of Water - Mote of Mana - Mote of Shadow Note: You'll be needing some money to buy those items.. so get your char with at least 200g or something.. just keep checking for it not to go out of money. - AutoHotkey: Download and install (lawl). This will be the basic script you'll be using: Loop{ MouseClick, right, XXX, YYY ; Open the NPC Sleep 2000 ; Give it some time to buy the items, cause of lag and stuff.. Send {ESC} ; Close the vendor window Sleep 500 ; wait for it to close lol lagz and stuff } ^!p::Pause XXX - Coords on the X axis YYY - Coords on the y axis To find out the right coords, I usually use the "AutoScriptWrite" included with AutoHotkey, just record yourself clicking where you want to, and then check the coords and use them on the basic script I provided. To pause the script just press "CTRL+ALT+P" which is the shortcut set on this code line "^!p::Pause". Final Notes: - Works best with 2 people, one camping each NPC. - You should use first person view since it will lower the chance anyone will get on your line of sight to the NPC. - You should lay on the ground inside the NPC, which will make you harder to be seen by other people and at the same time you wont be reported for obstructing the NPC to anyone. - Basically.. dont care about being reported.. We were reported tons of times, nothing happened to us. GMs take tons of time to investigate such matters.. And Darkmoon will be gone by then. - Its obviously better to do this when the Faire is on your faction's ground, or shatrath at least. Going on the other faction's ground will most likely get you killed pretty fast. - Keep going to the AH everyday or so to sell what you buy, so you can get money to buy some more items. - One very important thing I would advise you not to do is selling everything you get at once, since you'll flood the market and lower the item prices, getting you a lower profit. Just keep selling them in small amounts at once, keep going to the AH everytime you sell something, but dont keep large amounts at auction at once. PS: Any other doubts dont hesitate to ask. --------------------------------------------------------- If you are on a PvP server, and Darkmoon is in neutral zone (Terokkar), u can follow Pvpriest's (for warr's / druids only) to get beneath the ground and not be ganked by opposing faction. If u have any other methods on how to get beneath the ground in Terokkar's Darkmoon for more classes, please post them so i can link and credit you here! Credits to Coiso
  5. Hello everyone, this is Destiny posting a guild on Small Radiant Shard Farming, , i will have a much better thread than other small radiant shard farming guides, that includes: pictures, it is color coded, and is detailed like you have never seen it before! This thread was created entirely by me, so all credit goes to me. The Picture: *Note* The color key refers to the colors made in the picture. Color Keys: Red: The main path for which you must take when running through RFD. Light Yellow: A small mob that you need to kill. The mods take about 15-30 seconds to kill for a level 70. Purple: A path that you need to pay extra attention to because of mobs that are located very closely next to the path. Light Blue: A path that you need to jump. Yellow: A boss fight. Takes about 15-30 seconds to kill for a level 70. Green: The spawn locations of the rare spawn " Ragglesnout ". Brown: The path you take to get to the boss " Mordresh Fire Eye ". You do not need to take this path if you don't want to, it takes an extra 4-5 minutes to get to him, but since you can only do 5 runs per hour, its reccommended that you do. Dark Blue: A mob that is located very close to the Purple path and Brown path more that the other mods near the path. This will take a lot of precaution to avoid the mobs. Dark Green: The exit path you take after killing " Mordresh Fire Eye ". Dark Purple: The exit path you take after killing " Amnennar Yhe Coldbringer ". Requirements: 1. Enchanting above 150. 2. Bag space for the shards/drops. 3. Knowlege of the price range of Small Radiant Shards. 4. Level 60+ for best results. 5. A bag of popcorn and a 2 Liter bottle of Mountain Dew (Optional) Intro: Small Radiant Shard farming has been around for a while. There are small guides (like my previous one), and then there's incredible guides (like this one :D). Each of this guide's runs takes approximately 8-10 minutes if you choose to kill " Mordresh Fire Eye " and approximately 4-5 minutes if you choose to stop at " Amnennar The Coldbringer ". Small Radiant Shards sell for about 12-15 gold on my server and i get about 4 each run ( not counting rare spawn ). The Guide: Step One: When you first enter the instance, you will see some quilboars in front of you, look slightly to your right and you will see your first mob, which is undead. Run towards them and engage combat. Step Two: The smartest thing to do when choosing to attack would be the summoner because of his ability to summon non elite skeletons. After killing him, kill the freezing spirit because he can slow your movement down. Now that those two are dead, kill the rest of the mob in any order you like. Step Three: Run unil you see the next mob in your sight and run along the wall to your left. Step Four: Carefully guide yourself along the wall until you are at a bump on the bottom of the wall. Step Five: Jump onto the bump, and walk along the wall making sure you a hugging it. Once you clear the second mob, walk over to the broken bringe in front on you. Turn to the right ( without moving ) so that the bridge is on the left of you. Jump down and avoid the small mob. Step Six: Once you jump down you should be able to see the first boss " Glutton " if you have timed everything correctly. Run over to him before he gets to the mob that he is walking towards. Step Seven: Glutton-- First Shard Level: 35 to 40 Undead Mob Value:1 9 66 Extra: Elite Abilities: Enrage Step Eight: Keep running while avoiding mobs until you are on the south east, South, and West part of the spiral runway on your mini Step 8: Scout For the rare spawn " Ragglesnout" --Second Shard Level: 37 Humanoid Mob Value: 1 1 49 Extra: Elite Abilities:Dominate Mind, Shadow Word: Pain, Shadow Bolt Step Nine: Once again, keep running while avoiding mobs until you are about to enter the circle with " Amnennar The Coldbringer " Step Ten: There should be a tiny bit of wall in between you and the circle with the boss. Jump onto the wall and you will now be in the circle which from then, you can engage combat. Step Eleven: Amnennar The Coldbringer-- Second and Third Shard Level: 36 to 37 Undead Mob Value: 1 79 51 Extra: Elite Abilities: Summon Frost Spectres, Frostbolt, Frost Nova He will generally drop two blues, if you are unlucky you will get one blue and one green. ------ If you choose to stop and leave, take this exit path---- Step Twelve: Look at your mini map and on the very left of it you will see a path ( looks like vines and leaves, but its a path ). You will run run until you get to the end of the circle where you fought the boss. Step Thirteen: Jump. Step Fourteen: Run until you get to the end of the cliff. Step Fifteen: Jump down. You should now be at about the arena where you fought " Glutton ". Step sixteen: To the left of you there will be a path on the far left of the walls. Take that path and run. You will now be at the part where you fought the first mob. Simply leave, Reset instance, and repeat until you have done it five times. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --e Eye--------- Step Twelve: Run to the very top of the circle area where you fought " Amnennar The Coldbringer ". Step Thirteen: Jump to lover level. Step Fourteen: Weave past the mob in front of you until you get to a large vine. Step Fifteen: Jump onto the vine. Step Sixteen: Run down the vine until you get to the wall. Step Seventeen: Jump off of the vine and land right before the mob. Step Eighteen: Try to wall jump along the left wall and get past the mob. Step Eighteen-Mob: If you accidentally aggro the mob, quickly kill the freezing spirit first then do whatever you please. Step Nineteen: Run along the left wall and try to avoid patrolling mob. Step Nineteen-Mob: If you accidentally aggro the mob, quickly kill the ghost guy first then do whatever you please. Step Twenty: Keep running until you get to the area with the quilboars. Run the the very small step. There will be a non elite boar running around, avoid him. Step Twenty-One: Walk along the walls avoidinng any quilboars until you pass the mob. Step Twenty-Two: Run along the right of the wall until you get to the small area with the bridge. Step Twenty-Three: Walk carefully behind the backs of the quilboars without falling off the 5 foot cliff. do this until you get to the bridge. Step Twenty-Four: Run across the bridge until you get to the boss. Step Twenty-Five: Mordresh Fire Eye-- Fourth Shard Level: 34 to 37 Undead Mob Value: 63 26 Extra: Elite Abilities: Fireball, Fire Nova He has little non-elite minion skulls that attack you. I not sure, but its probably around 15 of them. They are easy to kill. Step Twenty-Six: Run back to where the bridge is ( still on the side with the boss ). Step Twenty-Seven: Jump down about five yard from the left of it. Step Twenty-Eight: Continue Running until you get to where you fought " Glutton ". On the left of your mini manp, you will see a trail leading up, take the path and run. You will see that you have ran to the part where you killed the first mob. Run out, reset instance, and do it again until you have done it five times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that you have completed your 5 runs, you can either log off and wait an hour then do five more, or you can hearth and sell them at your City. If you want to put it in the auction house, put it in for less the the current lowest amount. Example: you see it in there for 15g, put it in for 13g. You want to be careful about putting too many in the AH at once because you can over flood the AH and the prices will drop immensely. I like to put some in the AH, and then either sell them as fiery enchants, or as individual in /trade. I hope you enjoyed my guide and i would loves some feedback on what you thought. Yes I know that i didnt need to make such a simple guide so long and boring, but i want it to make it so accurate that people dont say, " Durrr, i dont get this part..." I spent a lot of time on this guide and i would really appreciate it if you commented on what you thought. Thanks joshman408
  6. paidia nai la8os diko m telika i erwtisi einai giati o ari8mos tis ip dn 3epernaei ton ari8mo 256
  7. xaxaxa man was awsome i was laughing for 5 mins omg !! xaxaxaxa
  8. x0a0xa0 file eliosa free forum apo free site ?? ntax ean einai gia plaka ok alla ean 8es na kaneis sobaro forum oxi apo free site. katebase to pack tis eterias k upload me FTP ;)
  9. basika nai prepei na mas peis ti tipo forum exeis (SMF,IPB,vBulletin,phpBB etC) dioti to ka8ena exei diaforetiki me8odo
  10. when you say multiskill you mean stuck subs ??
  11. poso kalitero apo 2GHz to piga sta 3GHz poso akoma na balw o kakomiros :P
  12. Your result: 51.52% k m grafei apo katw oti exw na ma8w polla akoma gia ton planiti p zw
  13. basika grafei agglika epidi dn exeis tin endi3ei [GR] sto onoma tou topic. :) k kati allo mporeis na m peis to site autou t server na mpw na dw ti paizei ?
  14. no can't be RAM because with my old pc i got 512 and 1,58 GHz and i could run 3 windows of lineage II somewhere else is the problem :/ and as u can see he got 2,41 GHz and 1GB Ram.
  15. ta ports dn nomizw na einai swsta loipoun kiala alla dn ta 8imame ta gameserver k login ta exeis ftia3ei ??
  16. If This Is Your First I Think After 3-4 Months You Are Going To Create Extremly Good Bows, Daggers etC Gj m8 ;)
  17. ta alla3a ta xaraktiristika tou pc gia peite m idees twra :)
  18. akribos to idio p s eipai o TheRuleZzZ k sto loginserver.properties k sto gameserver.properties
  19. auto mporeis na to breis apla: Start==>Run==>grapse cmd ==> k ekei grapse ipconfig==> k ekei pou leei IP Adress auto einai :)
  20. here : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6482.0 and here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22941.0
  21. ean exeis ipologisti xamilwn dinatotitwn tote apla perimene dioti to pc dn ta antexei ola mazi apla piremene 8a mpei (kapote.....:P)
  22. otan bazeis tin id s leei oti dn iparxei to sigekrimeno npc ?? ean einai auto m exei ginei k emena apla sbise ton server olo gameserver login k stop ka 3ananoi3e ton k eisai etoimos
  23. first thanks for sharing This program with us second is allready posted 2 times :/ so next time try to use search Friendly Destiny
  24. den pirazei :) arkei na boi8isame to paidi. twra pios to egrapse prwtos dn paizei rolo ;)
  25. ean exeis static IP bale tin ip sou sto gameserver==Config k sto Loginserver==Config k eisai gg ean pali dn exeis Static IP apla kane no-ip ka eisai gg ean dn katalabes pes m na s e3igisw :)
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