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Everything posted by silentone

  1. an L2OFF Will hardly be ever like OFF, his server is nothing, i know ctrl+c and then ctrl+v.. he is a "0", he isnt a developer cause he never developed something, he knows that money can do everything so he uses his money to make everything..
  2. 7038880 is i think the "memory position" for L2Walker Free.. What Number i insert there for 10.6.6 for example? :?
  3. mmmmm, den ta apothikeuei? :? ti na sou pw, mia xara save/load kanw... den ta apothikeuei an to exis trexei apo network share.
  4. Well, Dragon is c4 so you need IGWalker 1.4X. You dont have to input in the walker your l2 path, all you have to do is: open your walker, press hide, then open your L2, like normally. To open the walker You have to be in Window mode (Alt + Enter). When You are in window mode just press the Home button on your keyboard and you are ready! Remember! IG Walker need L2aserv too!
  5. Already posted, read and then post! plz delete
  6. no, its l2off c3 :?
  7. ok, but i think only when bbs isactive.. :?
  8. I Know 1 Thing and in postpacific they said "The only fix for that exploit is not announcing server restart" xD. I Think it Works on OFF too, i had DS +16 On BnB c1, I Was SpS xD. Well, Gm Announces The Restart, (!WTB Enchant Weapon X) about 1 minute before Server restart u use the scroll, if it succeds u log out immidiately! if u get crystals stay logged in, if u stay logged in your progress wont be saved so u will get rollback! Rollback may be 1 min but it may be 5 mins, i dont know on what it depends..
  9. Well i think it will be like E-Global Server.. Just hex L2Walker.exe and change the name of the proccess, i think it wont be detectable if DragonNetwork uses the same system E-Global Uses.
  10. SocksCap is somehow disabled.. well i dont know how but they someway cant let u use it :? . I Try to log some packets with sockscap + l2logger and i just cant ><
  11. I Was trying to decrypt some packet data for a c3 server and i used i post of Maxtor, i downloaded everything but it just dont log anything, like it doesn't realizes that the client connects. I Found about this on postpacific that they are changing like one of the first bytes and L2Logger dont realize the initiation of the connection :? . Am I Wrong? Have Anyone Logged a c3 OFF Trafic? p.s the maxtor post i am talking about is this: http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=1044
  12. I Was trying to decrypt some packet data for a c3 server and i used i post of Maxtor, i downloaded everything but it just dont log anything, like it doesn't realizes that the client connects. I Found about this on postpacific that they are changing like one of the first bytes and L2Logger dont realize the initiation of the connection :? . Am I Wrong? Have Anyone Logged a c3 OFF Trafic? p.s the maxtor post i am talking about is this: http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=1044
  13. ssa + .. so if they broke they give u crystals? if they do, thats the bug! ;)
  14. if u search you can find 2 or even more emulators, search and then post plz :tfrag: :enforcer:
  15. rollback trick allways works but gm's dont announce the server restart anymore for that reason :D
  16. :D , kk..
  17. geo-x my client doesnt crash, if u have nvidia graphics card then try installing fraps (i know u think it doesnt make sense, but fraps is a very stable overlay. my l2 always crashed when i used keys like alt+escape and fraps accidentally solved my problem). do this and tell me the result..
  18. english plz :)
  19. to be shure just disable all items and enable the ones tha you may pickup at the place u xp.. look the drops on a site like l2dc and chesck only the dropables..
  20. radagast, look, you dont launch l2 from the walker, just minimize the walker. when u play l2 turn to window mode and press the Home key on your keyboard.. (u need l2aserv)
  21. IG works fine, i use it right now, everything u need is on this forum i can say one thing, 1.31, gl, hf!
  22. geo-x dont ask plz, when found it will be available, we dont hide enything
  23. o BnB file den adeiase.. ksanagemise me tis malakies tou zetrix.. idi 3 apo tous 10 filous mou pou pezan global irthane pali bnb :D. Zetrix ftw etC? kalo 2vlo ise zetrix
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