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Everything posted by smaili

  1. all adena sold , toons left , pm offers
  2. added you my msn is smaili_v0.0@hotmail.com if anyone intrested can add me
  3. wts adena 1 bil/185 euro (250$) , 2 bil in stock 91 lvl male orc tank , in immortal gear , noble with 76 lvl sub 91 lvl dagger light elf , noble , no subs , immortal gear 91 lvl at 26% healer human , noble , no subs , immortal gear pm offers about the toons
  4. ty the english guide for loging in http://mmounity.ru/showthread.php?486-English-Instructions-How-to-set-up-the-game-FAQ
  5. can you post or pm the server site ? plx
  6. befor few day i moved and got new internet , but i have some shitty problem with it , so when i play L2 at random times my internet is freezing for like 10-15 sec( when i open my i-net stats i dont send or recive any packets , but i dont loose my i-net connection) and it start again i got d/c from L2 , but sometimes when i have opened 2-3 clients , only 1 or 2 are d/c and the other dont get d/c o.O , i am using XP , and the LAN card on my motherboard (unstaled like 5-6 diff drivers for the LAN , didnt fix my problem ) and the internet is some PPPoE kind . Anyone have any clue what can fk up my i-net ?
  7. aionSZ is realy good bot , but the problem is that GMs detect all injection bots , and most AionSZ users get banned ... :(
  8. dont use this bot ...... gm's found a way to detect it and many acount got banned including mine T.T
  9. you need to buy card 18$/month to use AionSZ , i bought it befor around 2 weeks and i dont regreat buying it , bot is pretty good and easy to set up around .
  10. lol selling arrows ... wtg
  11. Haste for faster skill cast and faster skill reuse ^_^
  12. lol 81 its not SA .. augment will give you like 20-30 crit .rate
  13. IoP is for solo - duo usualy
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