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About l2bartdev

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  1. sorry aderfe apla exw para poli kairo na kanw post kai genika na asxolh8hw opws sou eksigisa kai poio prin einai ka8ara gia na perasei h wra xD einai ena pack l2jfrozen apo enan server l2 demons exw kai source ama einai apo ekei to 8ema apla dn 3erw na to doulevw kala to java coding
  2. aderfe to phres poli prosopika den eixa kamia dia8esh na se 8iksw kai genika na 8iksw kanenan egw apla ligo help zhthsa kai ontws ton exw gia na peranw thn wra mou otan variemai kai to kanw ka8ara gia na pernaei h wra an h8ela na ma8w apo dev 8a to ekana alla dn exw ton xrono poli apla. chillare ligo ama mporeis na voh8hseis kalos allios mhn spatalas tsampa ton xrono sou. auta!
  3. kalhspera magkes exw anoiksei ena server na peranei h wra me ta filarakia alla otan paizoume pvp kanoume para polla miss o server eixei trela stats dynasty armors weapons kai tetoia polla alla kai palli varaei polla miss mesa sto pvp https://prnt.sc/m45x2h http://prntscr.com/m45xdz https://prnt.sc/m45xkt http://prntscr.com/m45xsk http://prntscr.com/m45xv3
  4. hello guys still learning java coding and i found this code but i think that is for acis so adaption i dont know yet how it works thanks in advance!
  5. well how to make it for jdk 8 i have aproblem that makes my project jdk 7 and then everythig gets an error sing 1st http://prntscr.com/j0frz9 2nd http://prntscr.com/j0fsbb thanks in advance
  6. hahaha i dont know but didn;t work ;3 ;3 :D but thanks anyways
  7. very kind of you brother thanks a bunch i already did the code i can do the command //titlecolor but when i rr it gets in the normal colors so i can just put the sql and it should work?thanks again. :D
  8. so i just have to create for ex custom_colors table? and then what inside? :P
  9. in characters,sql table?
  10. how can i make the title color and the name color of the commands to stay after the rr too if this is possible? :D
  11. I get it brother thanks for the help problem solved u can lock the topic thanks a lot btw
  12. tried but all i did was fcking up my project and compiled a new one :D :D now i m gonna try again if i get it right this time i'll let u know
  13. how to do this? ;D i am not this experienced with these i know how to add a code but that is a childs game for others now creating a code line gets a bit hard ;D but thanks in advance brother
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