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About loest

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  1. well i have it authd and authgate working fine, but now i can't login :P, i stuck at the system, i have gameguard.des but i think it isn't the correct version, so if anyone managed to work connect using authgate, it would be nice if you help me out, thx
  2. your skilldata is ok, you probably have some dll problem.
  3. and how we suppose to help you if you don't even put your skill here?
  4. sound now the l2-survival merge to l2-eternal and cutie is the admin there but server still have some things from "heavensgate-l2" even town buffers have theier names website is sux forum dont work rules are linked to heavensgate-l2
  5. what tolken version???
  6. verry nice bot i just need to find how make ig work ^^
  7. work for interlud?
  8. nice share man
  9. work at interlud??
  10. verry nice
  11. that is good post in my server i put damge with diferent colors
  12. nice custon weapon
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