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About amaranthe92

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  1. A new event has been added that includes an instance zone - the temple dungeon. https://freeimage.host/i/JTRs30u https://freeimage.host/i/JTRsYeR
  2. ImgHost.net — image — Shot00030.jpg Secret Store Secret Shop — Knowledge base Lineage II Essence (l2central.info) - 50$ Secrets of the Pagan Temple Secrets of the Pagan Temple — Knowledge base Lineage II Essence (l2central.info) - 70$ contact: https://t.me/n_berezkin accept 4game codes
  3. It's not correct. He still left my signature on the files that i implemented more than 1 year ago. @Mobius Respect you for that
  4. new thread waits for execute runnable. It means jvm calling OS for new thread when you create scheduled execution (that's for single Timer). ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor works asynchronously
  5. read everything in more detail before writing here, he had a problem before me, my part I corrected what he had left there is not important to me. My part is discussed with him. If I am told to do something that, as a result, will not work together with other functions, it will not be my fault, because I do only what I am asked to do. The result of my part of the work is easily verified, if you do not understand anything in server building, I can personally show you. the result of the server's work, especially the game server, does not depend on me by a percentage, because I did not have a task on it. Don't you understand that?
  6. lol my fix is just accept all connection without checking. How i can broke his server for login? you do not technically understand the essence, so you have such thoughts
  7. Окей, просто пойми в чем суть дела. Я выполнил четко то что он просил, для сбора большей инфы о его проблеме я нашел топик на форуме он там описал только то что у него стоит проки на логин и его игроки застревают в нем. Эту проблему я и решил за обговоренную с ним сумму. То что вы вместе с заказчиком писали о том что не пускает при выборе сервера, это уже гейм сервер и там я ничего не трогал просто потому-что не просили. Не было ни одного слова о нем и судить о том что не пускает в гейм как о факте выполнения моей работы в корне не правильно. Если уж вы способны это понять то хотя бы примите меры по наказанию заказчика. Список вещей по которым я мог бы не смотреть на гейм сервер относительно этой проблемы: 1. У него мог вовсе не стоять прокси на гейм, потому-что ip к гейм можно спрятать в файлах игры 2. Потому-что было поздно ночью и я был сконцентрирован на том в чем у него есть проблема Почему-то все должны жалеть его из за потери игроков в результате это некорректно составления списка задач. Я хочу сконцентрировать ваше внимание на том факте что работа выполнена именно полностью, у него могло что угодно сломаться и он мог бы это свалить на меня потому-что я не взял с него денег на перед. Разве это является правильным ? Наоборот я пошел ему на уступки и он меня кинул фактически. Говорить что и 50% норм это не правильно тоже, потому-что была четкая договоренность которую перефразировать как угодно нельзя и не правильно. Okay, just get the point. I did exactly what he asked for, to collect more information about his problem, I found a topic on the forum, he only described there that he had a proxy for the login and his players got stuck in it. I also solved this problem for the sum agreed with him. What you and the customer wrote about what does not start up when choosing a server, this is already a game server and I did not touch anything there simply because I did not ask. There was not a single word about him and it is fundamentally wrong to judge what is not allowed into the game as a fact of doing my work. If you are able to understand this, then at least take measures to punish the customer. A list of things I might not look at the game server for regarding this issue: 1. He might not have a proxy for the game at all, because the ip to the game can be hidden in the game files 2. Because it was late at night and I was concentrating on what he had a problem with For some reason, everyone should feel sorry for him because of the loss of players as a result of this incorrect list of tasks. I want to focus your attention on the fact that the work was done completely, he could have broken anything and he could have blamed it on me because I did not take money from him before. Is this correct? On the contrary, I made concessions to him and he actually threw me. To say that 50% of the norms is also not correct, because there was a clear agreement that can not be paraphrased as you like and it is not correct.
  8. the example with the car is not correct. They make diagnostics for which they also take money, but here I corrected the problem from your words
  9. and now he blames the gameserver error on me and calls it half fix. Firstly, he did not throw off his game server for me, even secondly, he did not ask, and thirdly, before I left, he said that he had checked the login with brute force and everything was ok the number of lines of code does not matter. If he himself could not get to them, then this is intellectual property in the end everything worked for him, including where it was not my responsibility, because I showed him where and how I fixed it
  10. To resolve this issue, you need to understand that my part of the work ends on where the server login is not used. The next problem he had was in the game server. Technically, I can easily prove it to you if needed. It is about my time spent, no matter how much and the execution of the technical task. I really cannot understand why you think this is normal. If a client is technically illiterate, this should affect his wallet and not mine. And to analyze for errors in other places in the code that he did not mention, also costs money and is done on request, and not so that I should have done for free and now I am to blame
  11. he checked my work and confirmed for server login and i went to bed
  12. the fact that someone lost money is not my problem. He had to think about the game server himself. The login server after my fix worked completely as requested. The concept of a full job here is only what he asked to do and for what I asked him for money, and not what you think то что кто-то потерял деньги это не мои проблемы. Ему нужно было самому думать о гейм сервере. Логин сервер после моего исправления полностью работал как он и просил. Понятие полная работа тут только то что он просил сделать и за что я просил деньги, а не то что вы считаете I showed and explained what the problem is and how to fix it, on his screen я показал и объяснил в чем проблема и как исправить, на его экране just visualize. If you tell me about creating login server and you complain that players cannot enter the world
  13. https://maxcheaters.com/profile/109232-zemaitis/ Yesterday that user contacted me for help in fixing an error in the login server. I named my price for this work, he confirmed it, then i completed it in 5 minutes and addinionally installed it on his computer via anydesk and all this at night in my time. In the morning he sends me 50% of the negotiated cost, althrough i completed my negotiated part of the transaction 100% and did not take an prepayment. The essence of the work was to remove ipv4filter, I took it off in the login server as he asked, but did not pay me the rest of the amount due to the fact that the filter did not allow his players to the game server that he did not talk about and I could think that his ip for the game server not proxied I must also say that I explained to him and showed the essence of the problem I am still waiting for my other 50% money https://ibb.co/cQLLcK9 https://ibb.co/s2BDQtz https://ibb.co/2WGtdF3 https://ibb.co/VBzgCXx https://ibb.co/KFk8HD7 https://ibb.co/LhrqX8L https://ibb.co/BBgJNXB https://ibb.co/sFQVF2f https://ibb.co/Tvhnzy7
  14. Hello! My name is Nikolai. I have been developing the server side of lineage 2 game emulators for quite some time. Sometimes I coding server from scratch on kotlin. Ready for work on your tasks. Estimeted price for example: languages: java, kotlin, python, sql/nosql Currently completely free 08.01.2021. Contact details: skype telegram
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