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About canucky

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  1. 60kk inventory 5usd per kk
  2. 60kk inventory 6usd per kk
  3. Have close to 50kk inventory 7usd per KK before Christmas, both characters sold now. Message me on here
  4. I have 30kk inventory selling for 7.9usd/KK also have a level 60 SPS /w SE for sale.
  5. Have 20kk inventory now selling for $8 USD per kk. Will only use verified 3rd party to exchange unless you are willing to pay first. Message fast
  6. I have 25kk in inventory and new price is $9.5 usd per kk. Level 59 with 56 buffer for sale as well. Pm me
  7. I recently got scammed out of 10kk and just wanted to double check that this guys profile is legit. THank you for the help in advance
  8. Payed this site 10kk adena and they refused to pay me. The account that messsaged me was l2shops.info.
  9. Payed this site 10kk adena and they refused to pay me, wont be getting anything back but wanted others to be aware https://L2shops.Info
  10. Hope this is the right section for this. Im quitting the server and want to sell off what I have. I've seen the adena sellers spamming $18 per kk so I will sell at 15 per kk. I also have a level 40 pp and a couple of 55+ characters if you want to know what they are private message me. I should have some positive feed back from selling adena in the past about being trust worthy. If you want to buy anything pm me
  11. I used to play on talking island x3 server and don't have time to play anymore so I am quitting. I have adena / items I am willing to sell but if this doesn't get any attention I will sell them pretty soon. The characters I have for sale are. - Gladiator level 60.9 currently using dual sls +4 full blue wolf heavy mix of top c and BO jewelry. - Prophet level 60 currently using divine set mostly top C jewelry - Sword Singer level 59 using top C gear - Bounty Hunter level 49 using top C grade gear - Hawk Eye level 48 using top C gear (no bow) - Necromancer level 45 has top C weapon no robes If you are interested in any of these just send me a message, I don't really know what kind of price I am looking for, for these characters but any offer will be considered. Thanks Edit: I have around 300kk adena right now to sell and will sell for 0.65 usd per 1kk (cheapest website I have found is .80 usd per 1kk if this is incorrect link me and I will beat there price) Edit #2 Reducing price on adena to .45 euros per kk or .40 per kk if you buy over 100kk. I have 600kk in stock
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