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About zgouromancer

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  1. "We are developers so we do what we like" thats why server is empty , also i just screenshot that statement so that i can post to any future project (if you can call it a project)that of yours. "We are developers so we do what we like" Now i will just post that on every server post you make and people will be able to tell what kind of trash wannabe developers you really are. try do better with your english too btw, it sucks just like your l2 projects :)
  2. Lately Login to your server? to do what? chat with the GK in Giran? server is empty died a long time ago...In the first few weeks most of em left and put an online player counter on the site which is pathetic and false.Even now it says 752 online LMAO not even 2 people are online. Personal vendetta with GM LMAO, whatever makes you feel better for owning the worst l2 server in europe(cause that my friend is not classic) and if by any chance you fixed the pathing great!server start april fixed pathing on August afters its dead! AMAZING job L2 red, worst project EU by far. And btw Evil doesn't even speak english good enough to have a basic conversation with him, let alone a vendetta.
  3. What content full? not even spells or monster path and attack range work properly yet. Server had major game breaking bugs for the first few months of release with people farming outside LOA cause mobs did not do any dmg and had 0 resistance? overenchanting chance + stats were broken for like 2 months since the start etc. L2 Red is one of the worst if not the worst l2 classic server out there. It's so bad java work its not even l2, let alone classic. Server was is and will be a joke for as long as you guys wanna keep it running. Oh and btw servers has some of the most toxic not helpful administrators like some degenerate named "Evil" who only insults people like a keyboard warrior from his pc and wont admit that they fucked up and made one of the worst lineage 2 projects ever that died within a month or two. l2red have retail features, nothing custom . are you sure you logged in ? :) I Just laugh at this comment man, so LMAO. L2 red is nowhere near classic files its a fucking broken server. What i love most thought about l2 red admins is the FAKE online number on the site... Just makes em look even more stupid. Worst l2 project EU by far, never join.
  4. "but when someone mislead end up at maxcheaters stating false informations such as you currently did or even at a public chat such as Discord, it shouldn't even be there in the first place if you understood it wrong since its wrong Information stated by you." I saw the whole conversation in discord before you deleted it Supreme, and it wasnt a statement from his part, it was a conversation between you and a guy named Greyfox, which you later deleted. But why delete it? you must believe yourself that it made you look bad or else why bother deleting it? Also you said something like " i cant believe people expect to get things on a silver platter and think that i work for free" You made the choice deleting it, so you yourself believes it made you and the server look bad. Also you are saying here that there is no donation shop on classic yet. On the conversation that you deleted when you get asked how much xp/sp and bonuses gonna cost, you post the prices from the interlude server and then he tells you that its way too much and asks if its gonna be that expensive in classic aswell and you reply by that quotte "I cant believe people expect things on a silver platter and think that i work for free", he writes good luck and leaves the channel and after 5 mins the conversation is deleted. PS: You should know btw that what makes you look bad wasnt the conversation, but the fact that you deleted it right after. For the record your server looks its gonna be a beast but only if you reconsider about those prices. 15 euros for 28 day xp/sp rune is crazy and also 25 euros a month for drop/spoil 28day is a joke and broken. Good luck with the server if the donation shop ends up anywhere close to those prices.
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