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About nik0nn

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Hello guys any account checker please cuz LoL Account checker don't work for me ( i changed the version )
  2. Summoner name: Nik0nnG0d Server : EUW SoloQ current/max rating : Silver V / Gold V Most preferable role : Mid
  3. which one do u prefer so ?
  4. nah its free u can just be a buddy with 10$ to delete watermark
  5. There is not a big differance between the public version and the buddy on ELObuddy
  6. i was using L# but not free anymore now
  7. Do u have a better scripting platform ?
  8. 6. Questions & answers Here is a (non exhaustive) list of the problems that you might face and the legitimate questions you can ask : Q. : Is EloBuddy free ? A. : For now it is totally free ! We can't say much for the future though, but it's pointless to ask this question for now ! Q. : Can i get banned using EloBuddy ? A. : Our loader bypasses the Riot's anti-cheat. However, don't forget that there is always a risk when you're scripting ! Q. : I have a red error message at the top of my loader! A. : To fix this problem, open your League client, connect to your account and click on the error message. The problem should be fixed by itself. Q.: My firewall / antivirus detects something !! A. : It's possible that your antivirus doesn't like our loader very much. Mainly because it's crypted and compressed. It's a false positive, our loader is 100% safe ! Q. : I have an injection problem or my loader doesn't work ! A. : Several problems can be the cause of this bug : Disable your antivirus Launch the loader with administrator rights. Try to change the compatibility mode (Ex : Windows 8). Q. : Do addons from other services works on EloBuddy ? A. : No, EloBuddy is not compatible with others existing platforms (mainly because of the different API). But some of them has been rewritten for EloBuddy and addons are created every day ! Q. : What do i need to use EloBuddy ? A. : EloBuddy can be used with : Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 Q. : I have another problem with my loader ! A. : Completely close EloBuddy Run > and search for the %appdata% folder Go in the Roaming folder > Delete EloBuddy folder (Empty your recycle bin). Download the launcher again Launch the loader with administrator rights. Be sure to have the following software installed on your computer : MS .NET Framework 4.5.1 MS Visual C++ DirectX (June 2010) With administrator rights Q. : I have a problem that is not listed ! A. : In this case, use the search function of the forum. If you still don't find the answer to your question, i advise you to make a new topic in the support section of the forum. A detailed explanation of your problem (with logs and screenshot) allows other users to better understand your problem and increase your chance of a positive answer Thanks everyone for following this guide ! Nik0nn To the top
  9. 5. EloBuddy in Game Once everything is set, it's time to play ! Let the loader open and launch a LoL game. Make a custom game first ! You don't want to rush a ranked game before knowing that everything is working fine ! To know if the loader works you should have 3 hints : First of all, the debug console should be opened with the current EloBuddy version : Then, you should be able to see everyone's ping (which is not possible without it). And once you're in the game, a message should be displayed in the chat : Don't worry, you're the only one who can read this message ! ------ In order to use EloBuddy you have to know a few shortcuts (HotKey) : The most important one : () which open the InGame menu : On the left, you have the list of the installed addons. You can configure them as much as you want ! Reloaded every ticked addons (useful when you face a bug or you want to add an addon). Do the opposite (Disable every addons). Reload AND recompile every addons. To the top
  10. 4. Loader settings If you want to change the loader settings, you have to click on the gears button at the bottom left of the loader. At the moment, only two menus are working. The first one is this one : Here you'll find your AppData path where the addons are stored in your computer. You can change this path if you want and you can access it by clicking on the "AppData" button below. On this day, only is supported for the loader. The two ticked boxes will update your addons every time you're opening the loader (i strongly advise you to do so). It may take some times, but the updates are most of the time really important (bug fix, new features, ...). The other box ("Inject"), as the name suggests, will inject the ticked addons in the game (Do I really need to tell you that you should tick this one ? :P ). ------- Now go on the InGame menu : Here you have the choice to : Enable the anti-AFK (will make your champion move from time to time to prevent being kicked from the game). Enable the debug console (useful when you have errors). Use the extended zoom. Allows you to unzoom more than you're normally allowed to (offers you a better vision in the game). Nevertheless, this option is disabled for now because the banning chances are much higher with this ! Show the enemy turret range (Very useful). Enable movement hack (useful to avoid strange moves with Evadee or the Orbwalker). Streaming mode, which is not currently working. Anyway, I strongly advise you not to stream while scripting no matter what ! To the top
  11. 2nd method (the local method) : --------------- This method will make us download the whole GitHub repository to manually add the addons. The benefit of this is that once you've downloaded it, the installation will be much faster tan the first method. Go on the GitHub webpage and click on the "Donwload ZIP" button on the right. Once the archive downloaded, extract it on your computer. Go back on the loader and then click on the "Install Addon" button. Tick the first box "Local Addon" (1). Browse your computer by clicking the button (2) and go in the previous extracted folder. Now look for a .csproj file in the addon folder (3). Once you've selected the file, click on the "Install" button (4). Your addon will be installed in the blink of an eye ! :D ------ Once your addons installed, you can update them when you want. To do it, simply click on the "Update Addon" button. The loader will update every installed Addons. If you want to delete an addon, you have to click on the "Uninstall selected addon" button. It'll delete every ticked addon from the loader. You cannot go back after performing this action and no confirmation is asked. (You can still install it again if you made a mistake thought). To the top
  12. 1st method (the remote method) : --------------- You should use this method if you're planning to install only few addons.If you want to install every addons from a developer, the second one will be much faster (even if both are fully functional). On the corresponding GitHub Web page, you have to copy the page URL. You have to copy ONLY the beginning of the link (everything before the /tree/) Then, go back to the loader and click on the "Install Addon" button. Select the "Remote Addon" method (1), and paste the link into the field (2). Finish the installation by clicking on the "install" button (3). The loader will fetch the GitHub repository for every available addons. Once the research is done, you'll find a list of the addons. Choose the addon that you want to install and then click once again on the 'Install' button. If everything went well, you should see the new addon that you've just installed in the list. To active it, simply click on the box on the left. Your addon is now ready to be used ! To the top
  13. 3. Loader usage The EloBuddy loader is very easy to use. When you open it, you should get this window : Here, you have every news and announcements made by the administrators. In order to install addons, you have to click on the cube (on the left). This is the more interesting part : This window list every addons installed in your computer. You can have as many addons as you want ! If you want to install an addons, you have two methods (the first one is the simplest) Every available addons are in this forum section. You can also go to this website with a nicer interface :) ! Enter the topic of the wanted addon and look for the GitHub link (most of the time at the end of the post) (It can be a simple link or a button). To the top
  14. 2. How does it work ? First of all, you have to know that EloBuddy is completely free ! In order to use the loader, you have to download it first. Then, open the .exe that you've just downloaded : Simply click on "Run" (If you downloaded the soft from the link I provided earlier, you're certain to be safe) ! Choose your installation language (EloBuddy only support and for now) and then click "OK". Click on the "Next" button at the first step. Choose the directory where EloBuddy should be installed (You can manually change the path or you can browse your folders by clicking on the 'Browse' button). On this step, double check that the path is correct and then click in the "Install' button to begin the installation. The installation should only take a few seconds, you just have to wait :). Once the program is installed, it'll launch automatically. Once more, you have to wait for the loader to download every available updates. To the top
  15. 1. What is EloBuddy ? EloBuddy is a software that can use addons to the League of Legends game. Thanks to the loader, addons written in C# are injected into the game. Those addons have many usages. For instance, they allow us to know which spells players got (and their cooldown as well). There are addons that dodge every enemy skillshots, that display when someone is backing (even in the fog of war) and even addons that show every ward dropped on the map ! You can even change the InGame visual (You're dreaming about a particular skin, but you can't afford it ? No problem ! ) Finally, there are "Champions Addons". Those allow you to have the best mechanics with any champion whatever your skills are ! With those, you have to simply press a single key to perfectly last hit minions, harass your opponent, burst the enemy team, ... In short, undeniable advantages that'll make you excessively stronger ! But, first of all EloBuddy is an active international community ! Everything is possible thanks to our great administrator finndev !
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