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About Blaster

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  1. ok this seems great..and is also a big opportunity..i dont want this to have the same feature l2brute had...a non used..not understandable rusian tool that no one learnt how to use..pls guys ( the ones that speaj russian iguess ) plssss this time..make some tutorials...full explanations etc =) thx
  2. Tonight for some unkown reason gameguard became intelligent and detected l2agent....i tried ur file...and ..WORKED PERFECTLY! thx. grat job !
  3. yeah..but also low rate could pwn! :lol:
  4. Yeah...this method or any other i know ..is NOT working with the last l2j build....we -must- find the way to make it work again!
  5. yeah..i noticed :cry: im trying to find out a way....im the meanwhile..ppl with -notlastest- versions of l2j can still enjoy it :wink:
  6. lol...try giving us a little more info...( ip, java?, possible ports..etc) and we will try...otherwise..have fun searching. :lol:
  7. :wink: ok...offtopic of the flame wars....someone has tried this software? works? how it behaves with mages? c4? :lol: thx in advance.
  8. im gonna give it a try :)
  9. This bot works on every server ( u only need the appropiated version depending of the cronicle) , since it interacts with the l2 client, and not with the server. SOON : Blaster Script collection for l2agent.
  10. Wich version is this l2agent? i hope this is the latest..i have a licensed version, and if this is the latest one or similar, i can post a huge collection of option files for it, to lvl, farm or spoil in diferent areas with multiple configurations. tell me soon and i will upload them :lol:
  11. this one is kewlll ! thx :lol:
  12. do they accept adena???? teon?? 8) :lol: 8) :lol:
  13. lmao..i mean...sry for loling...but..lmao :lol:
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