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About Bunke

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  1. u might wanna have a look at others post before makeing a new one: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/202216-wts-legit-powerlvl-1-105-naia-eu/
  2. Hey guys, iam looking for a 52 bd, it can be higher ofc and depending on lvl naked/gear well figure out a fair price. so pm me with what you have and a price(range) you have in mind.
  3. Hey guys, iam looking for either a pp or ol on skelth, will pay good for the right one, it can be naked or with gear, name isent importent. let me know what u have
  4. ofc your did as we never agreed on a price lol good try tho, and you say u dont check the forums that often yet after i asked to see it ingame you bumped a post and posted in another topic so again nice try clearly a scam now that you all of a sudden sold it for more? we never agreed on price as i said from start i wanted to check up on it before makeing an offer :P for everyone else watch out if he trys to sell you anything, if u want to know what skype he is useing send me a pm as iam not sure iam allowed to post that in an open post.
  5. becarefull guys this seems fishy, asked for the name to look it up and he claims it dosent show for some reason(well oki there could be an error) i then asked i fthe acc was open he said yes, but when i asked to meet him ingame to make sure the char was there he went silent, yet he is posting in other posts. so if your buying make sure you verifie the char is on the correct server and not on a freeshard as he keeps wanting to show a ss of a char of that lvl. not saying its a scam but it sure seems fishy that he cant/dosent want to prove its there.
  6. carefull here guys, not saying this is a scam but it seems fishy. i asked him to show me the char/gear ingame in a trade, and he said np but he had to install the game(just quit trying to sell and he deleted the game?) but oki who know. this is now 2 days ago and havent hear back from him, i tried contacting him again but nothing. so if your doing a deal with him make sure you verifie the char/gear before sending money as it seems fishy to me that he isent able to show them ingame when the accounts are open.
  7. Hey, looking to purchase the following on skelth. Avadon robe set Blue Wolf Robe set Demon/Ghoul/deadman staff's +5 or higher Will allso consider b grade staffs clean and up pm/post with what you have and your price ty.
  8. Hey looking to sell my account. 45 sps +12 wit 42 he 33 monk 28 spoiler all naked, never been banned or botted. pm offers ty!
  9. what server? what class i dual? gear? adena? any other chars on the account ?
  10. smooth deal, eveything seems fine acc was as descriped
  11. hey, looking to buy a 58+ EE on skelth send me a pm with what u got and price.
  12. Hey, as ive rerolled ive got a few account for sale. Acc#1 41 SH moon armor c duals 33 elf scout moon armor d duals 20 artisan naked. Acc#2 44 AW +12 str Naked both accounts are open and comes with the attached email i can take adena as payment if you prefere or $$ not sure on price so send me a offer and we can take it form there.
  13. price on se and demon +8 ??
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