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About omgwtfbbq

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  1. new protection can't login anymroe
  2. seems they changed players online to real now
  3. * 2nd class transfer quest items available at the luxury shop! * Blacksmith of Mammon static spawn in Giran Castle Town. * Merchant of Mammon static spawn in Giran Castle Town. * Offline shops enabled! * XP and SP earned by crafting! * /unstuck has been changed to 2 minutes. * All castle siege messengers available in their castle towns.
  4. Bake Ice Loader fails.
  5. L2Max was wiped indeed. Player amount increased dramatically! :) And a lot of bug fixes!
  6. Does it work? and why only on br servers?
  7. 2,1kkk(2,1bil) is the adena limit since that's the max u can get with 32bit binary as far as i know.
  8. lmfao dude i'm summoning other skill lists with some kind of client modification... so funny.. funny if you know how to do it.
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