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Everything posted by Lain

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51343.0 -> Junkyards
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=47503.0 Locked.
  3. Okay, I'm not looking for program like Hide IP Platinum, to hide my IP but to TEMPORARILY CHANGE IT. Because I'm banned by IP at one L2 server and I want to play there, to create new account and so. Do not recommend me to unplug/plug the router, I'm not that IP that support this (when you unplug and plug it changes automatically I mean) Thanks in advance.
  4. She was like this in the middle of process when I was working on her :D
  5. Do you think if this was my mom she'd post both pictures, with blured clothes and with sharped clothes and let people compare it? I'm taking it easy I just want you all to think before posting something.
  6. Are you blind? Not everything is SMOOTH. Only the face, hair is still the same, eyes, eyebrows, teeth and lips, still the same.
  7. Uhm, no. wrinkles removal, teeth whitening, smart blur, edge setting. Plus it's my first job so I think you could atleast rate it with possitive comments, not like "You used just the blur tool? O.o" ...
  8. Umkay, so mom was like "Oh my gosh! You spend much time at computer and you can't do it? Hahaha", she was like mocking me so I decided to give it a shot. I'm gonna edit my mom soon, not gonna post it here ::) You'd die ;D Original & My edition Took me like an hour, but I think it's quite useful experience.
  9. It looks lame to me, sorry.
  10. Hey guys :-[ I'm not very good at German so I'm asking for your help to translate. It must be gramaticaly correct and if there are some nonsenses then tell me about it please. The homework is about that we have to create a "trip" with our "imaginal travel agency" for people. This is what I have so far (hope guys from Germany will look on this, to correct me, thanks!) Reisebüro Weltdurch “Unser neu Reisebüro bietet Sie viele Erlebnisse, Belustigungen und Sicherheit!“ Sommer Angebot: 15. 7. 2009 – 22. 7. 2009 – Nach Spanien fahren Unterkunft: Wir haben das Hotel “Star” dafür, wo schlafen wir und ruhen an. Du kannst ins Hotel jederzeit gehen, können Sie nicht einen Programm folgen. Die Verpflegung: Dreimal täglich im Hotel. Das Frühstück (6:40 – 7:00), das Mittagessen (12:00 – 12:30), das Abendessen (18:00 – 18:30) ● Das Frühstück : Die Brötchen, Brot mit Wurst und Butter oder mit Marmelade und Butter. Zum Trinken: Der Tee oder der Saft ● Das Mittagessen: Die Suppe und der Hauptgang des Tages. Zum Trinken: Der Saft ● Das Abendessen: Die Salat und ein fleischloses Gericht. Zum Trinken: Der Kaffee oder der Tee Programm: Montag Fliegen wir nach Spanien, dann ansiedeln Sie sich im Appartement im Hotel. Gegen 13 Stunde essen bekommen Sie Information über den Angebot. Dienstag Morgen schwimmen wir im Mittlemeer, Spaziergang in die Pyrenäen, Rückgang ins Hotel zum Abendessen. Am abend Tischtennisturnier. Mittwoch Besichtigung von Römische Festungwerke, Central Park Teide, Berg Perdu in den Pyrenäen und stadt Aranjuez. Donnerstag ---------------------------------------------- Frei Trennung ---------------------------------------------- Freitag Zu Mittlemeer gehen, am Strand liegen und schwimmen, dann gehen in archäologisches Fundort, du kannst sein eigen Ausgrabung finden! Samstag In der Altamira Höhle gehen, Palmen Holz besichtigung, die Packung am Abend. Sonntag Fliegen zurück nach Tschechien Wir hoffen, dass werden mit usn schön Urlaub haben!
  11. Yes, I can really say this really works. I used to bug like that on unnamed L2J server. The best option for you is to exp up elf summoner, and get Aqua Cubic, really worth it. Aqua cubic will attack and it will cause enemy to bleed, causing around 1500 damage over time (10 seconds) + it can be attacking the opponent many times (depends on luck). Wonderful share fakoykas! Thanks! How about hiding it for 50 posts atleast?
  12. Sorry to bring this topic back in, but here's my interesting deducation: We'll have 2 Lineages 3. One from BlueHole, known as T.E.R.A Online (what will be more successful in my opinion) And second from NCSoft, known as Lineage 2 (what will be less successful in my opinion, cus of new releases as Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia that worth shit)
  13. I hate things like: xa00xax0a0x0a0a0x0a, jajajajajajajjaja, lololollolololo, etc. Just sounds a bit retarded to be. Loved quote: "I love e-drama" by mpj123
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51051.0#msg360082 -> Junkyards
  15. Well, if you're playing mid/high rate servers, then anchor nad stun shot is just about luck. And there's almost no way to block cancel (sometimes it just doesn't land successfully) - that is what I like most. :)
  16. Wow, looks interetesting. I'll give it a shot.
  17. What makes people most angry is Cancel. So that's my favorite skill.
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50891.0 -> JUNK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, TOPIC UNHIDING BUG WITH 75 POSTS THAT HAS BEEN POSTED BEFORE WITH 200 POSTS LIMIT. -Thanks
  19. Lain

    EARTH HOUR 2009

    On the top of that, I guess they would do it, but they won't know about this day. It is so unknown day, it's not like mothers day or thanksgiving day that everyone knows about, it's just a day like the others for all. Only if it is announced as world national day, If teenagers won't go that day to school, if oldies won't work that day, if we only concentrate on this day, it could be held then.
  20. You are actually saying "the enemy can't target" (look your 1st post, lulz)
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50555.0 -> Junkyards - Thanks
  22. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50523.0 -> L2 Private Server (Unlock topic, when it is moved, please) - Thanks
  23. This made me lulz. Anyway, you're bad section, I will lock it for now and when it is moved and also edited (add server's website) it will be unlocked again.
  24. Lain

    EARTH HOUR 2009

    For 1 hours, yay! In the Czech republic we have our national tradition like that, we do it like once a year but only for 5 minuts (hmph). I doubt there will be many people doing this, since we're all bitchies.
  25. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50474.0 -> Exploits Section [HELP]
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