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Everything posted by nameck

  1. Yeh if u dont know how to move u get ban :-s im fast :D
  2. Omg why on black marketeer it can be write letters and not only numbers??? :O i think it may be something a bug or kid of if somone make something with this pls tell me :) :X:X
  3. Hmmm on fun server were i play its not j and i even cant drop weapons or items :((
  4. What dont work? Its worken i use it all the time gm cant see u if u hurry.....sorry for spamm
  5. Omg fuken laptop i have sensors and when i touch them it come back in word or delet it omg >><< :(((((((((((((( Im sory
  6. Hmm i want make aw/ps and u are very good in pvp , oly rulz its good its kind of mage/dagger/summoner ,u need and some items i have AM + A dc robe, Ds + f + 10 dc light .....u can play like mage using freezing and drain health ---> they are lvl like at bd for c speed use agility...u have more atak speed cause light and u have nice transfer pain and oooh btw RULZ DMG OMG with ogre lvl 4 u give 2k dmg on Necro/pp with TP :P
  7. sl4yer stfu :D i was sleepy :-s :(((((((( :P i was want say sorry for spam >.<
  8. OH i can tell ya how to go zaken without wait open the gates and u can also camp him.....:When u go in 2 floor on sh1p u see the sky but its a game bug after u look on the map were u are and start walk from d elven there....if u are on c4 and u cant zoom for go up mountain u will need a zoomhack (how i have :D) and get up on mountain.When u will be up on mountain u wont see the room how u was seen on ship and u can target zaken from there bkos when u are in ship u cant target it.If you wanna get in u need a strider,target zaken and atack him and wait get through mountain and u will be in the map u see mobs but cant atack them u need after get in water down u can get in water only using the <- -> not mouse ....if u restart witout be in water u wont get in ship....if u restart in water u will be in ship near zakens room kind of...It work i use it many times......--->DN work 100%
  9. Oh yea :))) but its good and that scroll get some 4 of em and u have advantage but its and dezavantage bkos he will hit only u from all koz u most dmg anyway thx :)
  10. Oh a friend of mine sayd me he go there on mountains :O.....and with the scroll i know drop on family but it realy slay valakas and u take the drops?
  11. lol better go with a friend like me in varka and own with ice vortex in same time that fuken box and u get ewx dooh.....
  12. Your way its a bit hard to understand :) and but i try it on dn maybe work on + 10 weapon
  13. Lol u dont need press ctrl on pvp how u sayn u need only atack omg.....its usefull for buffs i have one too thx :)
  14. Omg im realy sory for post it here i take it from that n00b and i put too omg i am sory :((
  15. I need some help on goen valakas witout make that quest -----> on dn its cloes 4ever if u can help me please....and pls somone tell me if that scrolls of slay valakas work they are dropped from family of valakas
  16. Yes its good i am sps/ee too and its preety nice i use all the time but u can be unlucky and somone give u pof after and u cant give pow to u and u can die.... pof also redeuces speed so i block ww ,frost bolt ,ice vortex and it work better :)
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