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cestia last won the day on March 15 2016

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  1. If you want to disable notice, you need to delete "UnrealEd.ini" file. The notice will be removed after second program start.
  2. If you want to disable notice, you need to delete "UnrealEd.ini" file. The notice will be removed after second program start.
  3. This share without smartcrypt!!! download
  4. Unreal Editor 2004 Cleared editor. Removed all unused libraries and packages. Perfect for creating packages with textures and models for game Lineage 2. Fully compatible with Gildor's patch (additional information you can find inside archive). Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wd0255tmwn7dgw2/UE2004.zip
  5. kali, i know that you are "very smart", but for newbies like me, it's easier to use the 2003 editor! ok, man
  6. This 90% can use UnrealEngine2Runtime for making .utx, and they are not need to download this program.
  7. Try to make armor, weapon or NPC on your UnrealEngine2Runtime ;)
  8. Unreal Editor 2003 Cleared editor. Removed all unused libraries and packages. Perfect for creating packages with textures and models for game Lineage 2. Fully compatible with Gildor's patch (additional information you can find inside archive). Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wnsp7l8dd25xns8/UE2003.zip
  9. cleared files, without encryption: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7521bg6qxegfoo2/Skeleton_fuck_for_Interlude.7z
  10. LightFusion, give me address of your server with protected files! And I will share all your files without any encryption! Are you afraid that I'll do it?
  11. aVVe, I have opened your encryption, and you know it. I do not advise to have any business with this man. He can not even admit defeat and begins to lie! P.S: I'm not going to prove anything to you. Your protection is a piece of shit. Like SmartCrypt and LameCrypt! LightFusion, give me system folder with this files, and I bypass it, if this is real files!
  12. Give me the system folder, so I made sure that it is not corrupted files, then I opened them. Insert all sorts of data to a file, I can too.
  13. http://www.mediafire.com/download/gkpd6fmgq434j38/test.zip And you call it "file protection"? Static key only for beginners! I broke it in 30 minutes without your DLLs. I think this "protection" is not worth 65 euros. Weapongrp.dat file of the last chronicles. Utility to open it have not yet created. Proof: BF70D270BCD94E3B073135FEC6FEC98C - MD5 sums of korean official clients Weapongrp.dat and your Weapongrp.dat is equals.
  14. Why do not you want to give an example of encrypted files? Do you think someone will buy a pig in a poke ?!
  15. Sorry, i cant download this files. It's redirect me to main page of hosting.
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