You sir! :D made me laugh, this l2j deserves autoreg!
Well outlawka you should thank me atleast for telling u which PHP modul u need to install pwhahaha.
Did you find the tutorial usefull?
The clueless one here seems to be you, why does your account panel redirect to a directory on your dedicated server?
Provide 1 screen of your GIANT bandwith spike and than we will belive ur "ddos" drama. Untill than with the errors provided from the account panel it seems more like a MSSQL modul not being installed...
You 4 stoodges never got ddosed in the first place. Its just the 4 of you being incapable of setting up a apache server with a MSSQL modul for the Account panel. When its not plug'n'play it doesn't work for noobs. Just admit it that has no PHP MSSQL modul installed on their webhosting and the 4 of you had no idea what to do now.... Atleast dex knows how to install a php modul...