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About Driftwood

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  1. Abandoned project after a few days once he stopped getting donations for class change. Huge amount of bugs but gm doesn’t even check his own forum or discord so they will never get fixed. Avoid this server like the plague
  2. Trash server and a really trash gm
  3. they joined because their server ended and there was no where else to play, now it's very fragmented.
  4. How do you know this Wulfus? A lot of servers have done the chapter system not just this remorse. Remorse activity is shit, only good thing about the server is the bot protection. Didn’t eglobal/Valhalla do chapter system?
  5. Any thoughts on a chapter system which a lot of people seem to be trying these days?... how about a Strong antibot like remorz?
  6. out of 600, only 4 parties pvping for 1st aq.
  7. Great server, can't wait to play.. how long before beta info is posted?
  8. Nice server. Good files. No bugs. Rushers have quit. Low end game population. Has huge potential. No side dominating everything. Any group that joined could starting winning pvps pretty easily. Cons: Lots of epics have been killed (could be pro for some people) Early problems with bots Some people quit because of usual server drama Pros: Raid drops are nice, raiding is very rewarding No strongest side so new comers (or old players returning) can compete Files are great No game changing bugs Catacombs work perfectly Fog works perfectly A lot of shops in giran, cheap gear for sale Clans to play with Gm promised to keep server open for 2 years. Time will tell but so far it's worth checking out, especially if you like low rate interlude files with no game changing donations. New characters get a noobie rune xp boost and there is a pollen event ongoing.
  9. If there is already in fighting between the GM staff on a server that previously had corruption issues to me it seems like you can then already 100% count on a lot of corruption.. The GM's friends will probably be the strongest on the server in a few days. At that point does it really matter how good/bad the files are?
  10. If they are the same great files, why do they need testing? Shouldn't they be ready to go?
  11. Good luck with the incorruptible staff. There is already staff drama and the server hasn't even launched lol
  12. still in market
  13. Wtb epic jewels Wtb +6 IC set ++++ saint spear ++++ heavens divider ++++ drac bow Thanks, pm me
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