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Everything posted by Assassina

  1. hello how can i add top 10 players in my website. i searched the whole website and i didnt find it. i want top 10 list without sex level clan etc. only the top characters names and row for the side of every page of my website. hope u understand. i want a top online list writing only the names and the row of the top characters not sex level etc. i know its easy to create but i couldnt do it and im too noob in websites :P
  2. i think this is not a good share because spartan shield should be much much much bigger. it should be like warlord zombie shield in size (maybe a little bigger) because in the movie ephialtes couldnt lift it up so it was too heavy that means it was too big.
  3. rly rly rly sorry for undigging an old topic. i dont do it for spam really. i just want to know if someone has this website without the l2fighters logo in the header. thank u. pls dont dekarma me and dont lock the topic. i dont do it for spam i had a reason to undig it as u can see.
  4. that means i cant play playstation 3 (or xbox 360) games in the pc? :-\
  5. ok thank u i will search and i will tell u my comments on them ;)
  6. can u tell me more about it? i mean what exactly are these things doing? are u sure i can play a playstation 3 game in the computer using them? thank u
  7. listen whats my problem. some new games are released for playstation 3 and x box 360 but i dont have neither of both and im not intending to buy them. i am looking for the answer of this question for years and my question is.. is there a way i can download a playstation 3 game for computer? i actually was just informed that mortal kombat 9 comes out and i really want to play it but i dont want to buy playstation 3 for just one game. so is there a way i can play it full in the computer? thank u
  8. i actually ment site (like this one http://www.clantemplates.com/) not forum
  9. lol they are too many if u think that i get 5 each week (since i dont work) :P so if any other one knows another website for free big game templates (ripped or not) pls reply.
  10. yy i could if i had any money :P
  11. no ive seen it i really used search im not a noob ive searched the whole internet for maaaaaany hours to find a good web template (i even searched in google images) but i didnt find anything that i liked too much. any other list (not from here ive seen everything in mxc)?
  12. the template in the first page is good (not that good but its good) but do u know any other site for templates but free? plix :P
  13. well actually i want a website that has many web templates so i can choose and download for free. i dont care if they will be ripped or not i just want them to be l2off-like if its possible. example http://www.clantemplates.com
  14. hello sry if im in wrong section but i didnt know where to make this topic i just wanted a site for game website templates (lineage aion or whatever - my server is lineage but if the site is not for lineage i will modify it). i just want the templates to be BIIIIIIG u know like l2off big servers not small and simple websites big ones i dont know how else to describe it but i want a site with template like l2elixirs website (i dont care if they are ripped) - i would use l2elixirs website but its just an example i dont like red color :P anyway i ask the question again if u didnt understand because im not that good in explaining things.. does any of u know a website for big web templates so i can choose whatever i want from them for my server? if u dont know if they are big i just want them to be many so i can choose because im really hard in finding websites :P thats all from me
  15. ok i will try it and tell u i hope there wont be any problems :)
  16. i tried it but it doesnt work though i thought it is going to work i dont think thats a good idea because actually i dont want for example tyrants to be restricted to wear bow. i want them not to have bugged stats with bow like 1600 attack speed. there should be a java code for that (if the weapon kind changes the skill should be canceled like augment active skills) but im not good with java codes :-\
  17. no im sure this is only so they can use them only using these weapons but when they change the weapons the skills dont worn off and they increase the status so for example a tyrant equips a bow and he has 1300 attack speed lol
  18. hello i have a problem maybe its the last one :P i have a srv and i want to make skills fit to each weapon. for example u cant have rapidshot and a dagger equipped u cant have focus chance and a bow equipped etc. i mean when someone for example does focus chance if he equips a bow or another type of weapon except dagger the skill worns off. how can i do that?
  19. lol no u didnt understand. i use the pack only for advices because for me its a classic pack because it looks too much like c5 so when for example i want to fix a skill i take it from this pack. anyway i asked for the title of the song in aden and giran and i found them both. lock the topic. thank u again btw.
  20. hello do u guys remember killer_007? :P i am still using his pack i think its a really good pack for its age (i dont use it as a normal pack i just take advices from its files :P) anyway i wanted to ask in killer_007 pack patch there are some songs in aden and giran. does anyone knows which are these songs? i have the one song u know but i dont understand the lyrics and i cant find its title but its a great song. im speaking about the song in aden. anyway does anyone know the song names? thank u again
  21. sry blane u right i should post it here sry again. pwnz0r these links solve only one of my questions. the second one was how can i convert these things from .pdf to .gif without losing the animation? because when i convert them with Pconverter they are ok but the lose the animation they are normal images. pls tell me :P edit: ok i found it i hadnt notice the save optimized as option. thank u so much pwnz0r. i will edit my post in here if i have any other problems thank u edit2: its ok i made my signature pls lock the topic thank u all btw
  22. hi if im in wrong section or something pls move my topic i would like u to tell me how can i create an animated signature using photoshop cs2? because ive done some mistakes during my installations with photoshop and i cant install another version now only cs2 so im not asking for u to do the job for me lol i just want to know if there is a guide or u can make a guide or u can just tell me how i can make an animated signature (or banner anyway) with photoshop cs2 and then save it as animated gif (because my photoshop doesnt support "save as" so it always saves images as .psd and i have to convert it - the other bad thing is that after the conversion the image is not animated) so just asking for a guide to create an animated image with photoshop and then save it as .gif thats all thank u all ;)
  23. the unknown packet log doesnt appear anymore. when i login it doesnt say "unknown packet bla bla bla". if the problem was really the log then it is fixed i think. thank you and i hope you are right and this was the problem :)
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