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Everything posted by Assassina

  1. its not a THAT GREAT.... but i like it.
  2. lol im not a lesbian!
  3. i guess its bad to like taugh men and dislike gays... everybody makes fun of you :(
  4. i dont like piercings so much...
  5. i thought its allowed to post only metal songs here.
  6. its ok but not to listen to it a lot. he has deep wild voice... but its not melodic at all so i dont like it so much. i would love it if i was angry though...
  7. yeap i like his beard and his hair too...
  8. yeap i like the song and the voice so much... it would be better if it had a melodic part too though...
  9. well i would actually say "oh i LIKE bla bla bla... he has a LONG BEARD, he has long hair (or shaved hair) and he plays free fight!!!" i really hate sports by the way.
  10. i guess it doesnt matter if im a girl :P tell me... you see a man with shallow voice, closed legs and full shaved beard and then you see another man with beard, long hair or shaved hair and a really deep and wild voice. who do you think is the gay one?
  11. i just dont like seeing gay people! if you respect their sexuality youll have to respect my dislike in this too! please listen to the song i posted and tell me who looks more like gay-emo... the singers of your old bands or the vocalist of demon hunter... by the way he is also a fanatic christian. i dont know about you but i see a shaved man with beard with a really deep man-like, strong and wild taugh voice! and.. at the same time melodic! thats the voices i like in men!
  12. LIKE A BITCH? LISTEN TO THE SONG AND TELL ME IF HE SCREAMS LIKE A BITCH! lol :P i dont think there is more taugh - manlike voice in the world than his voice!
  13. but just look at him! he has shallow (gay-like) voice lol. i dont like that in men. he also looks like gay to me. he even has his legs closed! but i think you get me wrong. i dont mean that all old metal songs are awful. i just dont like the voices but fear of the dark and mr.crowley have great music for example so i like them although i still dont like the vocalist voices. anyway i didnt say that i like too much screaming. but if the vocalist screams a lot and shows his taugh voice doing so then the melodic part of the song will be heard really better. for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA0xEZcfAuA look how man-like taugh his voice is... and look at him! he looks exactly the opposite than gay! but after the screaming the melodic parts of his voice (for example 2:40 till 2:50) are heard even better to my ears.
  14. the deep taugh voice makes you a man and if you scream you show it more. but i also like melodic lyrics too. but i always want taugh deep voices.
  15. and you called me satanic? marduk are so satanic... didnt you notice in 2:34 he sings the words that Lucifer says in the Bible? "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High" damn! though it shouldnt this makes the song even better for me... forgive me Lord! Mask do you mean that david draiman is gay? serj tankian is gay? and the list goes on... anyway i just said i prefer taugh men voices instead of girl-like voices. i didnt mean i like only screams. i like better the songs that have both screams and melodic lyrics. aaah and look what i found about marduk (look at 1:16):
  16. lol satanists are the black metal and maybe old death metal. i call them gays because they have skinny girl-like voices and screams. and also i want to hear good lyrics and melody not only solos. i think 10 seconds for a good solo are enough because if it was more it would be boring.
  17. no its not only that. its tough men evil voices screaming and then the same voices going so smoothly with the music... its just great. i dont like only-screaming songs but screaming is just good because with this way vocalists show their taughness through their voice. old metal is full of gays (im talking about how the voices are sounded like i dont mean the vocalists were really gay - though some of them were). also i like solos but i like good melodic solos not just soloing without any rythym... the solo i liked the most in a song is this: the solo i like starts at 3:26 and ends at 3:36... though the whole song is good (except the lyrics)
  18. 1: i dont know if thats too smart... if you are going to hit 5 gremlin and become 80 level why dont make it just to start 80 level? 2: since it will be a good server youll have to be a donator or to be lucky or to spend a lot of time in order to make a good gear. i mean... the server will be in a company pc. we will need donations. i just dont want donators to be overpowered but i want to give a reason for people to donate. 3. so... it will be icarus dagger = hp drain, haste and critical damage? LOL!!! why dont just give super haste to everyone? :P
  19. these are old metal. new metal is much better and tough! this is the song i was looking for in another topic (yeap i found it)... it was used by killer_007 in his pack in aden castle town... its one of the best songs ive ever heard:
  20. yes thats ok i think. anyway guys look at how i am looking at the server right now (but please continue suggesting these wont be the final features): - instant level 80 and instant level 80 subclass... or 500x and leveling zone. (vote for what you like the most) - safe +4 max +25 75% normal 85% blessed (as mask said... i like the idea) - icarus weapons and armor with 25 - 30% better stats than normal items but a little hard to farm and some accessories that can be bought with event prizes. and i havent found any decision about farming areas yet. im thinking of cave of trials but its too big and people will not be able to find each other easily. i have to choose between mos, cave of trials, giants cave... please suggest some more if you like... (i want two farming zone, one will be PI i guess - the bad thing is that it is already used by l2deathavenue) im waiting for your suggestions. i want this topic to be first until my server is online (though in fact this wont be MY server but OUR server because you guys will help me to make it good)... please keep suggesting :)
  21. ha ha im so smart now it works :P thank you guys. hope it works in game. could you guys also tell me what is the difference between this and cobra's code? thank you.
  22. FACK RAP! WHITE POWER!!! (sorry i couldnt resist when i noticed your nigger signature :P) and here is raule again: HAHAHA and the best... here is grisom:
  23. i want to build an anti-walker in my pack too! cant i do it with java? they gave me some codes i just have some errors when i add them. if someone helps me to add them i think its ok. i dont think that any server has a full anti-bot protection. even in l2gold i think l2net works. i dont know about walker though thats why im asking for a help. anyway can anyone help me with the eclipse error plix plox? please answer quick guys because i have more questions now that i am building my servers core. thank you :)
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