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About krulik77

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  1. Man I'm impresed, good worki and thank U
  2. THX for this tool, I'll try and let you know about working but I'm glad for share :D
  3. Yes!!! Finally!!! THX for this share
  4. Quite simple, but for me as begginer is enough. THX for share
  5. LOL thats a lot of correstios i got to do Big THANKS for guide, good work, keep going
  6. Nice guide, ths for share, +1 karma
  7. OK it works, but char don't fallow other char in PT and I have problem with targeting 2'nd char in PT to 1 one any1 have solution for it?
  8. Ok I fix this GG error, but any1 can tell me where I can find file in LineageII/system folder witch is responsible for loggin on l2aQua server cuz I it's not logging on L2aQua with almost claen files form Gracia 2
  9. I tried to use claen Gracia 2 system and i changed l2.ini file, and i got error, gamegauard error=150
  10. very usefull, thx man
  11. Good share thx man
  12. It work but char don't heal (eg. prophet or bishop) and solution?? I play on L2J serv Gracia 2
  13. I tried, not work :/ any expirence on L2J servers, please help
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