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Everything posted by LisikBG

  1. Give me your skype or mail me on vlade_lk@abv.bg Thanks
  2. Give me your Skype or e-mail me : vlade_lk@abv.bg
  3. I can't find you on Skype ... Can you give me e-mail ?
  4. With or without items. Contact me : e-mail : vlade_lk@abv.bg
  5. Hello all. This user scamm me. I have screenshots on skype, but i can post only 2 of them,becouse restrictions. If someone wants, he can send me e-mail on: vlade_lk@abv.bg and i will send all screenshots. The scammer ThugLifeBaby use paypall acc: make_cipan@yahoo.com , so if he make other user here, be carefull if u see this paypal user. If you google "make_cipan@yahoo.com" you will find and other ppl that was cheat from this *#^*&@)@& ! I report him to Administrators on MaxCheaters.com. Report him and to PayPal . I appeal moderators to track his IP and BAN him.
  6. DON'T BUY FROM THIS SCAMER! First , i make a little trade with him, which was ok, but then He scam me with 15 euro. I have screenshots with our correspondence on skype but i can attach only 2 files.I will attach last 2 of them.If someone want to see all correspondence, give me e-mail and i can send it. You will see how , after i send him 15 euro, he sayd let me check "one sec" and after that he stop respown . DON't BYE FROM THIS LIER !
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