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  1. discounts are available for real wholesalers. pls contact us in Discord for details
  2. TT: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/tateos/ Sweep in trains withoud festival: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/api/example/mass-sweep-of-mobs-in-trains-without-skill-sweeper-festival
  3. check this one: https://adrenalinebot.com/en/script/boost/
  4. https://adrenalinebot.com/en/api/example/example-of-the-purchase-and-crystallization-of-items
  5. Adrenaline Bot is most powerfull bot for Lineage 2 for last few years. It supports most of servers, bypass most of protections. It have script engine and a lot of ready to use scripts and plugins Every month we give away some free keys for the Adrenaline bot. (more info...) You need to register on the site and buy at least one key during the promotion period to participate (the more keys you have, the greater the chances of winning). Purchases are fully automated, so key will be instantly delivered to your email after payment. We accept PayPal and many other payments options. BUY ADRENALINE BOT | MANUALS | FAQ | CONTACTS SCRIPTS CATALOG | ORDER A SCRIPT | API DOCS | L2DB The list of supported servers is constantly changing, so, in order to avoid misunderstandings, please contact our support and ask if bot works on your server before buying ! Even if you once used a bot on a specific server, it’s not at all a fact that it is supported now. ASI WIN is multiboxing solution for official servers. It supports only RU \ EU \ NA official main \ classic \ essence servers. For private servers there is Hwid Spoofer. We support our customers in Discord / Telegram / Facebook and other messengers. Please don't ask questions in this topic, we will not help here, it's only for reviews. Join our biggest Lineage 2 Botters Community in Discord (> 18 k users)
  6. are you sure that you add me?) cause i have no unread messages in skype also if u just add me and don't write anything - ofc I can not answer. anyway, just send me msg again) PS: have checked all skype messages for last 3-4 days - can not find any request from ENG users w/o answers
  7. TT Recipes updateed to version 1.5: Added option "All NPCs near" - was tested on PlayOrbis.pro Added button for dowload ready configs from Inet - they will be put into needed folder Automatic download of file TT_Recipes.xml (bot interface profile) if it does not exists
  8. Release of Augmenter - plug-in for automatically augmentation and finding needed effects (skills \ stats \ etc). It fully free for test period! Features: Customizeable list of items, each have its own settings If script catch needed skill - it continue work with next item User friendly multilanguage interface - it takes few minutes for full set up Adjustable interval allows overclocking the process - more than 4-5 attempts per second! On Java servers you can augment items without blacksmith near you Work in minimized window Ready LS skills database, with possibility to edit it Also it can catch any needed characteristics
  9. Release of Enchanter - plug-in for automatically enchanting weapon \ armour \ jewlery. It fully free for test period! Features: Working on all chronicles Interlude - Helios Work in minimized window Multilanguage interface with hints for easy set up You can set list of items to enchant, each one has his own settings Logging all actions \ events Possibility to test plugins work before buying key
  10. TT Recipes updated to v1.4: Added Built-in dialogs scaner (NPC \ Alt+B ) Death checks are improved Improved rebuff logic
  11. TT Recipes is updated to v1.3: + Full dialogs customization added (http://i.imgur.com/PQpCjPL.gifv)
  12. Auto Backstab script for L2 Adrenaline is released: Autouse backstab when we behind our target Automove to point behind our target, if we near, but on wrong side Possibility to switch ON \ OFF these 2 options using hot keys (+ prints in logs) Possibility to set up attack angle, skill ID, hot keys Script greatly increases the chances to success use backstab, but of course 100% chances and another magic are impossible - everything is based on mathematics and no one has canceled Korean random + ping more info: Skype farmwl
  13. ofc, on many servers already nerfed, but somewhere this method will work it was worked on ruoff start, about 7+ years ago, and idk why it still working on some servers=)
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