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Posts posted by Howl3r

  1. Στο Navicat έχεις βάλει κωδικό?

    Ξανακάνε εγκατάσταση στην Navicat και βάλτης κωδικό.

    pou kolaei to navicat me ton l2j?? allo navicat allo l2j... navicat einai gia na vlepeis database oxi mono tou l2j alla kai smf, kai alla server's pou xrisimopioun database.. kamia sxesi...


    btw o login server trexei kanonika?

  2. well i will agree with tryskell. Is simple to learn java, i remember me about 1,5 year ago i didn't know a sh***t but after some search on l2jserver's source's i manage to learn many things and not only on l2j itself but and on making new other programs with java. Also java helped me to learn and C# since they almost the same on syntax. But as always not only one source of learning is enough. You should read some books too, or if you don't know example how to make percentage on java just google it: Java get percent or something like that.



    int curr = 20;
    int max = 200;
    int percent = (int)(curr/max)*100
    return percent; // it will be 10 :P

  3. Lineage II Launcher

    Today i started developing on this project. I know it will be hard to do it but a long time ago i did it but it was just a simple launcher.



    A Server side for the launcher

    - Reasons: Configuring launcher title, ip launcher will use, and almost everything.

    - The server side will say to the client what to show and what not.

    - If server side it will be missing the client side only if once it was runned with the proper configs of the server side will run the same because client-side will always save the last configs of the server.

    Creating a ini when start button is pressed and when l2 it will run will delete it. This way is more secured of ip leak.

    It will be capable of downloading system files.

    Capable of changing background images, or a slideshow.

    An admin panel on the client so you can define where client should connect. after that you must disable the admin panel (but remember there is no way of reenable it again after that.)

    The backdoor key will be Num9.

    More to come...


    Well for now is only a stand-alone program but very soon i will make the server side.



    It will get connected with the l2 server and draw informations like how many are online etc.

    You will be able to manage the server too.

    More to come..


    client-side will send a list of programs running on the computer and if the server-side will have some programs on the blacklist - like phx, it will send command to the client to shutdown.


    Language it will be use C# and java.


    It will be free.


    A SS:



    Notify: The gui style is my windows theme, i will try to make a custom gui for it.

  4. Nothing difficult, he just needs to turn methods and some variables to static.



    Each object he create is for one player as i see in the code so he need to change the List<> to Map<> or FastMap<> so 1 key = object id of player 2 value the numbers.


    He don't need to change nothing to static. he must create a private volatile static Kino singleton;

    and a public static Kino getInstance()


    private volatile static Kino singleton;
    public static Kino getInstance()
         if (singleton==null)
                     if (singleton == null)
                          singleton = new Kino();
          return singleton;

  5. Stealing Ideas is not something bad. I done it too. Actually you don't steal the code since you code it yourself so stop qqing...



    why you make always new object?

                   Kino newKino = new Kino();


    You can make it like that:


    Yes i know it will need some little changes.



    Btw nice share.

  6. lol man is too simple... go where you have your login (root) and rewrite it. or remove the spaces after it.

    Yours: 'root    '

    Must Be: 'root'


    Without ''


    Well, ~LoL~, its not related to 'root  '. If so, the error would look like this


    Probably Navicat dont want to listen password (he can't create a connection).


    if you don't know stop talking -beep-.

  7. The balance is not leaved only to players. BeeEngine is available for players if they don't like something in the balance we made so they can change it. - They can use it as a game too.

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