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Posts posted by Howl3r

  1. Introduction:


    Some of you may know what L2JSaver is. Well since we closed up the server that runned L2JSaver we decided to reshare it back!


    What L2JSaver is:


    Saver stands for Server Advanced feature share

    L2JSaver is a project that we implement every idea we get in our little brains, we may implement already existed features. The goal of L2JSaver is to help people with their server since we are on seperated project we can provide you fast updates and bug fixes. L2JSaver don't fix L2JServer's bugs or something else we are totally different project. L2JSaver can't run alone it need's L2JServer to run (kinda like L2J Datapack does).


    Who are we:


    Well we started as a group of people but now we just two of us. Since L2JSaver source's stayed for a long time in the dust and inactivity we decided to clean it up and start again coding it.


    What's the plan:


    The plan is to make server making easy (not so easy ok.). Many people will not understand who l2jsaver work's so they won't try it. We want to add custom features in the l2jserver and make the game more enjoyable for the players.


    What to expect:


    Since we cleared the l2jsaver from the old features. Right now only one feature is in (KillingSpree :P) we want as much help as we can get like feedbacks or even joining the team. You won't lose anything at all (maybe your time who knows.)


    Current Team:

    Howl3r aka Me

    Leluche aka Issle


    Project Links:

    Trac: http://xp-dev.com/trac/L2JSaver/wiki

    Svn: http://xp-dev.com/svn/L2JSaver

    Wiki: http://l2jsaver.wikia.com/wiki/L2JSaver_Wiki

    Website: http://l2jsaver.no-ip.org:8080/


    Since the project is still under development we will need your help on bug report even suggestion.

    Feel free to comment.


    Topic is hidden at 50 post to avoid noobs! (atleast most of them)

  2. Should i be bad now?

    I saw so many npc's that are useless.. just getting a ready npc and editing a little and vouala having your own npc and share it.

    Man i'm tired of this things. Try to do something real good not just npcs...

    I know you are newbie on this but that's why books exists. ;) (eg: i never readed a book to learn something :O)


    btw don't get mad it's just an opinion :P

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