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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. deschid archid empire 15x freya anyone interested?
  2. i can understand that, as reassuring as it is.. tho -> what? lol
  3. whats empire gotta do with it? and ofc code is buggy if its not freaking done yet whats so hard to understand ? u born ready or smth?
  4. Do us a favor and actually think before posting, if it was released be sure those buggs wont be there also whats that gotta do with me being trust worthy?
  5. Seems u still didnt grew up also you were about to be off topic if you did post w/e u thought about archid. Also archid isn't a subject worthy of discussion since i never finished it. Nice to see your ego remains as high since we last talk.
  6. cus it was never launched? and cus it was based on a l2j ? and no one wanted to continue it ? simple and whats that have to do with the service i offer? Also on a similar note why would anyone in their right mind compare smth a year old with a topic that has nothing in common with a dead project?
  7. i wonder wheres coyote and grisom >.>
  8. Well never did one before so ill make it quick. I can do anything in java from l2j to 3d games; AIs, Socket Channel connections.. anything. So i can create anything u like tho i have a list of rules, that you must follow: - I dont accept a project under 50 euros - Ill never give you the code before full payment - If by any chance you dont have enough money to pay me till the end i will sell the code with out ur notice. - I will not join ur project as a member or any type of shit like that. - I will not do balance or any kind of crappy issue your server may have. - I hate excuses and delays dont make me wait. - And i wont do servers, only custom codes, systems, and tools. The things i will sell you will not dramatically interfere with your servers svn control, i work clean so no worries there. Also my code style is not that simple, not l2j like, so if you will want to later repurpose the code for smth else make sure your developer or yourself have java reflection package knowledge also is an advanced java developer. Unfortunately i lack the time to post at the moment some current features but i have some old screen shots you may enjoy for the moment. 3D Game Engine: With Post FX features: Water shader and Blur shader, rendering scene and objects. http://img340.imageshack.us/g/pic1db.png/ My latest project diversity, just showing off abit it's teleporter and achievements panel. http://img690.imageshack.us/g/shot00009wb.jpg/
  9. u two have no brain activity at all >.>
  10. ur a l2j developer ? since when l2j became a profession ?
  11. Totally, tho the last line i dunno if i can get used to it.. its so unpleasant to the eyes, the colors are not matching at all. cant be professional, u cant just change the logo and then claim this change is good, i mean you had that old theme for like more the three years, come on >.> The new theme looks cheep and dose not represent maxcheaters!
  12. i like the part when the dog starts barking. THUMBS UP FOR THE DODGGY!11
  13. i wanted to post since yesterday.. but the forum was off >.> Later Edit: Dude, its imba i never played a game like this before action packed and still a classic computer rpg, i -beep-ing love it! Gory, perverse and so damn awesome to play as rogue now. Mage: Awesome, its simple to play with and the animation and area spells are -beep-ing amazing. Warrior: Finally a duble handed weapon attack its range, skills witch affect ranged targets too and -beep-ing outstanding gameplay on sword and shield too. Rogue: Is my new favorite xD i mean GOD! I can disengage from the fight backstab foes protect my mage and stun other targets that dont need immediat attention, with area skill. -beep-ing awesome, and since hawk can speak and he has a family that pushes the limits between storytelling and a game and its so beautifully made. No more words.. just fukin brilliant!
  14. Download the demo! http://dragonage.bioware.com/info/demo/
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