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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. Locked to prevent spam. Topic will be added here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0
  2. Locked to prevent spam. Topic will be added here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0
  3. if u don't wanna spend money on a serious thing maybe you shouldn't start a server in the first place.
  4. L2J Archid will support server mysql transfers >< you can actually make a server with another pack and for a small amount of $ (or actually free depending on l2jarchid package you will chose) we will transfer and adapt the db to archid :P
  5. ur actually bran dead! Replays speak for them selfs. I wont replay anymore.
  6. I see your actually stupid too
  7. report as in lick? maxtor isn't someones personal admin. He gaved me this position cus i earned it and been for over 1 year. Topic will remain locked as long as im L2J Dev here. The whole freaking topic is spam and its just a freaking constant boolean learn some freaking java and then freaking tell me what to do.
  8. twas shared, if its deleted im sorry, but thats a bad code! I actually made it better in that post but ur stuck up bitch master Ovenus asked/ licked some mod to delete my replay! The current code will black all debuffs and buffs that wore effected on a l2character instance! I had the right to close it! So you can go cry somewhere else. or risk getting banned (probably again) for judging my judgment and flaming in a report section!
  9. are u freaking kidding me? its a boolean that turns the fields value.. kidding right?
  10. im hated.. thats all i know XD
  11. i dont pay u to talk, i pay you to finish my web! XD oh snap, i dont pay you at all xD
  12. Give her $ and ill give you code! xD
  13. astea chiar le gandesti u? sau c/p ?
  14. I'm surrounded by geek frustrated kids -.-" GROW THE FUCK UP OR GTFO!
  15. inseamna ca cunosti o gramada de cocalari xD
  16. wow thats actually cool didn't thank about making a drm server :P
  17. si nimeni nu il venereaza pe satan >.> asta e o chestie aiurea. Cei mai multi sunt atei :)
  18. eu am vb de el nu de ce ai fi tu O.o ur lame
  19. lol im the most satanic, sadic, bloodlusting person on mxc and im not there? O.o WTH?! Raule? his with god >.>
  20. cat de gay poate arata! XD parca e fernando xD In fiecare clip al mel lui sunt fete in poziti provocatoare. E ca si cum, si el demonstreaza ca e idol la femei xD... adik gay...
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