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Lineage 2 Realm

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    C6 x20 http://www.l2realm.com/

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  1. doesont work
  2. L2Realm.com presents new Mid-rate Interlude X20 (OFF-Like)! Grand Opening - 23 November 2018! www.l2realm.com
  3. Hello! http://l2realm.com Mid-rate X20 OFF-Like Interlude
  4. Ladies and Gentlemen! L2Realm presents Interlude X20, OFF-Like! Grand Opening - 23 November 2018! Huge fan base + 14.000 Euro for advertisment and attracting new users! [ Website ] We are saving all the principles of Lineage 2 Interlude. Mid-rate X20 this is the average character development speed, the original Interlude battle system in PVP and Mass PVP, big and lively marketplace. Basic Information Platform: OFF-Like (PTS) Style: Craft-PVP, Mid-rate Server Parameters Chronicle: Interlude (OFF-Like core) Exp: X20 SP: X20 Adena: X10 Drop: X10 (chance) Spoil: X7 (chance) Quest Reward: adena/exp x7 [ Go to detail description ] Multifarious Crafting and Farming system! Farming resources or buying them at Giran trade zone, all up to you. Gameplay not affected by Mana Potions and NPC buffer! You still need mana recharge and 3rd class buffs. Original off-like PVP system without changes! Burning mana give you an advantage. We are waiting for You! www.l2realm.com
  5. Last screenshots, Interlude x20 ISA www.l2realm.com & www.valhalla-age.ru VALAKAS
  6. Photo-report with the mass event on January 15! Big-war in Imperial Tomb (~ 20:00 GMT+1). Server ISA Interlude x20!
  7. All payments we have made only through the automatic payment systems. The man tried to blame our tech support, that he stole 60 euros. Leave it as a bud our Support asked him PaySafeСard codes because our payment system was unable to process automatic payments. Although the description of the theme support, contains the information how to distinguish our skype from fakes: (It can be seen beneath the spoiler in this topic) http://forum.l2realm.com/index.php?/topic/2-support-center/?p=3 As it turned out, he spoke with a fake skype on payments. And supposedly she said in a fake Skype Paysafeсard codes in the amount of 60 euros. Then it began to demand in our real Skype, so we returned him his money. And operated by the fact that he is playing in a clan Epidemiс and if we do not refund the money - his clan will not play on our server, but we do not care for it completely. Here are the full details of the correspondence: Try to fool someone else, perhaps you'll get. But your attempts to harm us - just seem to spend the time for you. I will say a little about the server: we do not have nothing to do with how a project, in addition to Valhalla-age.ru We only work with him and work there. The domain was registered in 2006. Announcements in the game in Russian It's true, and we do not hide anything, because the game will be announced on all in English. We support not only Russian players and players from Europe and other countries. If you want to play in the sustainability of projects - join us. The English localization is present in the NPC in the game client. We do not have any interference in the gameplay and shadow trade with the administration. 100% Guarantee! Watch till the end! Interlude server ISA x20 at this time every day exceeds its peak online. We try to provide a quality product. All your questions you can ask us personally, we do not hide from anyone. Video (first queen ant): Video (Barakiel big war): At a time when the bulk of the players slowly to enjoy the game on the server Interlude x20 ISA from www.l2realm.com and www.valhalla-age.ru, chronicles Interlude LARGEST clans fighting for the boss Barakiel. It is a daily, an important war in the future, because the number of nobles of the clan strongly influences the outcome of future important battles
  8. i think you haven't played many OFF based mid rate servers
  9. Checking all the replies you will see that we are totally different server
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