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Everything posted by kialles

  1. ..egw epidei den eixa brez to dokimasa ston bfdr me skill rez alla den... :/
  2. Well...i know it is not working coz i can read it...its not hidden... :P
  3. Sxedon doulepse.. Merikes fores me evgale village me 0hp.. Distixos omos, kamia fora orthio me 0hp sto simio pou psofisa... :(
  4. "peripou" pouthena? LoL? Sa na leme....Aftos einai "edelos" nekros! xD PS Alakse to "peripou" me "sxedon" kai tha apoktisi noima i frasi sou...
  5. Posted long time a go...but...nice try if you did not see it... :)
  6. Yea...1st one looks fake...
  7. L2 is up for years now! There is no way someone is so noob and fall for that!!
  8. Kati prepei na ginei omos vre paidia.. Paypal gia donation den exw... spammer den eimai kai oute prokite na ginw..ara eimai katadikasmenos na min dw tpt?!?! Eimai poli kairo melos alla postarw mono otan exw na pw kati... :(
  9. Edo mesa de paizei na ti vreis...
  10. LoL? Den exei bots o BnB? Kalo...
  11. Pados mou fenetai ligo koulo na prospatheis na pouliseis EDO! Na se evlepa na egrafes sto forum tou thegame..na po ok...mporei na vrethei kana zwaki kai na sta skasei...alla EDO?!? Eleoc!...Patodas to koumpaki "New Posts" prota prota kamaronoun ta threads gia ta bugs tou thegamePvP!!! Einai sa na pas sto Vorio polo kai na poulas pagakia (ice cubes)!! PS Sinelthe dude.. i katastasi sou mporei kai na krithei sovari...
  12. @Agahnim.. Dude.. faskeis kai antifaskeis... :/ Les oti mas dixneis ta stuck gia na doume poso moufa einai o thegame.. Les omos oti de tha mas peis pos ginonte...giati?!? Gia na mi xalasei o server?!? Afou monos sou to les pos einai idi xalia o server!!! Re si... skepsou ligo prota.. kai meta diatipose afto pou thes na peis.. I pes na!..exei stuck o thegame..oriste kai pos tha ta kanete..i allios.. na!..exei stuck o thegame..ego ta ekana epidei eimai thebest alla pou na skasete de sas ta dino! Genika..afto to thread.. mono arnitiko tha mporouse na einai gia tin eikona sou... PS Genika.. to L2 to exo stamatisei apo ta Xristougena..apla...parakoloutho kapoia forum kai leo ti gnomi mou... :)
  13. Exmm...its on Agahnim's 1st post in this thread... You know...the one with the flaming words... :P
  14. Agahnim's bot colection has allready l2extreme (and many more servers) and it works fine.. :)
  15. Well...once...yea...it was the best...but now....bnb sucks big time!! ffs....its practically a C2 server...
  16. Yes..it gives you tokens after the error..but they don't work... Also it gives you no protocol version... I am talking for C4 servers...
  17. Doesn't work on C4 servers...but it is the best for C3...
  18. Any news about ael2?
  19. Me to oeo tha mineis edo mesa...sorry... :P Tora...mazi me polla alla...einai kai to bot gia eglobal underground... Ksero ksero...de paizei bot ston eglobal...malakies leme.... Ok dude...whatever you say... :D
  20. Plz...define noobs.. Is a man 29 years old..noob...coz he cant crack a lineage 2 server? Or because he doesnt use bad words to argue with you or anyone else? Maybe coz he manage to play in many l2 servers...for many hours and still...he has conection with the real word? Oh shit!!...I am a noob!!!
  21. I fasi re c omos ksereis poia einai? Apo tote pou evales to "antibot" o server exei ksekolothei sta crash... Ego eimai edelos asxetos..katse na katalavo..koveis ta bot....ligotero lag..koveis to 2o client..ligotero lag..koveis kai to allo client....no lag!! Yea!!!...Ta kataferes man!! Koita...ego se paradextika pou kataferes na kopseis ta bot.. Paradeksou omos ki esi aftous pou kataferan na ksanavaloun bot...mi kaneis san paidaki.. Kai telos....vrisko poio simantiko..na katseis kai na ftiakseis alla pragmata sto server opos ss...server crashing..c4 skills/items/areas/mobs ktl...
  22. zerix...ama valeis na paizei 2o client..sou iposxomai na min valo bot...:P...to opoio ap oti fenetai..ta palikaria arxizoun na to epanaferoun en zoi... :D
  23. To get your crystal up to stage 3...go outside of ivory tower and kill any timak orc.. Then...go to angel waterfalls and hunt harrit..grunt and archers up to stage 6.. For stage 7...go to FG and kill Doom knights... After that...go inside antharas lair up to stage 10.. I did that on Eglobal....i was 42lvl spellsinger...the sucsses rate up to stage 6..was about 80%.. Then..i go to FG in a party with a 57lvl shielen elder...He rooted doom knights for me...i kill then...and all my stage 6 crystals got to stage 7 from the 1st doom knight... Hope that helps.. :)
  24. Den eipa hackers...eipa "hackers"...Ksereis (elpizo) ton rolo ton eisagogikon... Anywayz...whatever...
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