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Everything posted by dpxx

  1. My first video :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNxLRToicPU
  2. no guides for interlude? :/
  3. http://www.elophant.com/league-of-legends/summoner/eune/52433485/skins skins are not updated so u cant see my new skins.. Price 30e. PM ME Here.
  4. Where can i get this custom pach so i can have 4th slot bar and bigger dmg window in left side :/ http://i63.tinypic.com/2s60i10.jpg
  5. Looking for olympiad guide for Grand Khavatari maybe there are pro players of GK and they can contact me and give me some lessons? :D
  6. Hi can some1 create good looking 24x12 bmp crest for my clan ? :D My clan name is Sajanai letters on crest should look like SJ :D
  7. tried i cant find anything cant i ask for help omg such a mad ppl
  8. Can some1 share or link me where can i find custom cursors UI to make my l2 more beutifull :D i have custom skill reuse and system-e.msg maybe u know where can i find more stuff like this :P
  9. Immposible to make server not boring i think :) what u can make more ?? L2Damage one of the best pvp no custom server with big online i think u cant make better server with bigger online :/
  10. Hey! If you can help me, I appreciate it :). Text: dpxx Size:450x120 Render: I don't have any render... do you have one? (related to l2 interlude human duelist hero xd) Thanks in advance. :) :) :)
  11. Hi my real name is Mindaugas. Years: 21 I am gamer :D I play : L2 , LoL , Cs-Go, cabal , cabal2, brawhalla.. Oh and btw i'm not a nolifer i have many lives :D
  12. Interface 5,3 comming after new year.
  13. what guy can update my interface?
  14. My brother cant go olympiad games while im playing in oly :D how can we both play oly from same IP adress? any program or something?
  15. im looking for program like this for auto augument mod or something :D interface dont work ;(
  16. Hi , can some1 make or tell me where can i find working auto augumentation mod? :D im so tired to do it by my own hands.. :D i have interface 5,2 version but its not working on servers who have smart guard protection.. any idea?
  17. any1 knows mod for auto augumentation ???
  18. but i have buyed interface and still error 63
  19. its L2damage.com
  20. so bb for my 15$ such a bad idea to buy this program.. i wanted to augument faster.. :D any ideas how to make auto augumentation? :D
  21. I buyed interface 5,2 from l2mod.ru but its not working on servers who have smart guard when i try to run l2 it says GAME GUARD DECIDES TO CLOSE GAME SESION error 63 any1 have interface and fixed this problem? payed 15$ abd still cant use it.. gg :D
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