Can some1 share or link me where can i find custom cursors UI to make my l2 more beutifull :D i have custom skill reuse and system-e.msg maybe u know where can i find more stuff like this :P
Immposible to make server not boring i think :) what u can make more ?? L2Damage one of the best pvp no custom server with big online i think u cant make better server with bigger online :/
If you can help me, I appreciate it :).
Text: dpxx
Render: I don't have any render... do you have one? (related to l2 interlude human duelist hero xd)
Thanks in advance. :) :) :)
Hi my real name is Mindaugas.
Years: 21
I am gamer :D
I play : L2 , LoL , Cs-Go, cabal , cabal2, brawhalla..
Oh and btw i'm not a nolifer i have many lives :D
Hi , can some1 make or tell me where can i find working auto augumentation mod? :D im so tired to do it by my own hands.. :D i have interface 5,2 version but its not working on servers who have smart guard protection.. any idea?
I buyed interface 5,2 from but its not working on servers who have smart guard when i try to run l2 it says GAME GUARD DECIDES TO CLOSE GAME SESION error 63 any1 have interface and fixed this problem? payed 15$ abd still cant use it.. gg :D