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  1. I'm interested in buying a copy!
  2. Your answers are never to solve problems, you are just getting more posts to your account. I see this as negative, if you don't have a solution, please don't fill the topic with answers that won't help at all. I am looking for help and not someone to question me. If anyone can help me with the errors below I will be immensely grateful, if not I will understand and research more about the problems. Have a great day!
  3. They were door errors. But now I found a new error.
  4. I made change only for localhost with ip: and the error continues. Follows the print of the error. The error appears and server.exe closes. Server linerror.txt [CacheD] address="" port=2006 [AuthD] address="" port=2104 [LogD] address="" port=3999 [World] WorldId=1 UserLimit=1000 LetBuilder=1 [PetitionD] address="" port=2107 WorldName="lineagell" ;world name have to exact 9 characters. DisableStart=5 DisableEnd=13 [Report] Interval=600 ;minute [Setting] UserPathFind=true WorldCollision=false ExceptionMailing = false MailServer= ExceptionMinidump = false IOBufferCount=20000 ;check age (0:don't, 1:korean, default is 0) AgeCheckType=0 AcceptEscapeCommand = true country=1 ; Korea=0, USA=1, Japan=2, Taiwan=3, China=4, Thailand=5 Snoop=0 BOTLog = false BOTBlock = false gameguard=false gameguard_checkonly=false canrolldice=0 reconnectAuth=1 isnonpk=false cannotmonrace=false LogMsn=true [FONTCHECK] fontcheck=0 ; enable=1, disable=0 filename=smallfont.gly [BBS] WriteLevel=10 WorldNames=";¹ÙÃ÷;Áö±×Çϸ£Æ®;Ä«ÀÎ;¸®¿À³ª;¿¡¸®Ä«;°Å½ºÆ¾;µåºñ¾È´À;Èùµ¥¹ÌÆ®;Å׿Â;ÇÁ¶õÃ÷;·ç³ª;Ä«½ºÆ¼¿£;¾ÆÀ̸°;½ºÅ¸¸®½º;¼¼¸®¿¤;ÆäÀÌ»þ¸£;¿¡¸£ÈÖ³ª;¿¤¸®Å°¾Æ;½¬ÄË;½ºÅ©¶óÀ̵å;ÇÁ¸®Å°¿À½º;¿ÀÇʸ®¾Æ;»þÅ©µÐ;ŸÁöÇÁ;¾Æ¸®¾Æ;¿¡½º¿£;¿¤Ä«µð¾Æ;À̾Ƴª;¼¼·¹½Å;Ÿ¸£Ä«ÀÌ;Ä«µð¾Æ;·ÎÀÌ¿£" [L2COMM] Address="" Port=2010 Autoconnect=0 Usesvr=0 [BOT] block=0 [NPCPOS] extra_mob=on medal=on event_gate=off heart_event=off letter_collector=off bak_event=off fire_event=off 18age=off christmas=off start_weapon=off [EVENT] adenaamount=5000 itemrate=400 exprate=2500 sprate=5000 spoilrate=100 partyexprate=200 aiexprate=100 aiadenarate=100 xmasevent=false xmaseventbegin="2004/12/22 10:0:0" xmaseventend="2004/12/29 10:0:0" l2day=0 l2day_year0=0 l2day_month0=0 l2day_day0=0 l2day_hour0=0 l2day_min0=0 l2day_year1=0 l2day_month1=0 l2day_day1=0 l2day_hour1=0 l2day_min1=0 itemdropevent=0 drop_year0=0 drop_month0=0 drop_day0=0 drop_hour0=0 drop_min0=0 drop_year1=0 drop_month1=0 drop_day1=0 drop_hour1=0 drop_min1=0 bakevent=0 bak_year0=0 bak_month0=0 bak_day0=0 bak_hour0=0 bak_min0=0 bak_year1=0 bak_month1=0 bak_day1=0 bak_hour1=0 bak_min1=0 baknpcbegin_year=0 baknpcbegin_month=0 baknpcbegin_day=0 baknpcbegin_hour=0 baknpcbegin_min=0 baknpcend_year=0 baknpcend_month baknpcend_day baknpcend_hour baknpcend_min year1=0 Year1_year0=0 Year1_month0=0 Year1_day0=0 Year1_hour0=0 Year1_min0=0 Year1_year1=0 Year1_month1=0 Year1_day1=0 Year1_hour1=0 Year1_min1=0 Year1gift_year0=0 Year1gift_month0=0 Year1gift_day0=0 Year1gift_hour0=0 Year1gift_min0=0 Year1gift_year1=0 Year1gift_month1=0 Year1gift_day1=0 Year1gift_hour1=0 Year1gift_min1=0 HeartEvent=0 heart_year0=0 heart_month0=0 heart_day0=0 heart_hour0=0 heart_min0=0 heart_year1=0 heart_month1=0 heart_day1=0 heart_hour1=0 heart_min1=0 ChacheD error minidump result : 0 Crashed Thread[20]. Server is closed by system manager. CRASH Server Up Time : Tue Apr 07 08:00:17 2020 Current Time : Tue Apr 07 09:04:33 2020 Elapsed Time : 0 days 1 hours 4 minutes 16 seconds IOBufferPool - 39996 / 39996, PendingWrite 0 bytes [0] [(2900) 2020/04/07 09:04:33]: ======================= an Access Violation in module CacheD.exe at 0023:00422b6a. start at 2020/4/7 08:00:17 Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0023 EIP=00422b6a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000001 SS=002b ESP=002dea28 EBP=002deb80 ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=002e4180 FS=0053 EDX=01f55000 ES=002b EDI=004702f4 GS=002b Bytes at CS:EIP: 88 18 e9 21 02 00 00 b9 38 f1 8f 00 e8 f5 2e 02 Stack dump: 002dea28: 002debcc 00000001 00000000 00000000 7d61f666 00000008 00000000 00000000 002dea48: 00000000 00008972 002de7cc 04b4c158 002debc0 00000000 7d624ba8 ffffffff 002dea68: 00650048 006c006c 0020006f 006f0057 006c0072 00210064 00650048 006c006c 002dea88: 0020006f 006f0057 006c0072 00210064 03d60000 00000008 7d61f1f8 7d61f5f0 002deaa8: ffffffff 00000000 7d61f4ab 03d60178 7d4d9bba 00000000 04940000 0000000c 002deac8: 002dec30 00000018 00000000 002deb10 00000042 03d60178 002deaf4 04b5fad8 002deae8: 00000000 00000010 00000000 0000000c 00000002 03d60000 042c0018 03d60000 002deb08: 00000000 03d60000 00000001 00000000 002debb4 002debb8 002debb4 00000001 002deb28: 00000001 00000000 002debcc 002debd0 002debcc 00000001 00000000 004702f4 002deb48: 002dccbb 002debe8 004f06d7 00000001 7d9472f0 004702f4 00000002 00000000 GuardInfo : IOThread [0][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [1][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [2][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [3][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [4][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [5][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [6][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [7][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [8][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [9][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [10][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [11][15] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : ListenThread [21][46] (good): unsigned __stdcall WaitThread(void *) Lock Stack : MainThread [20][83981187] (ahehe): MessageLoop_common -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) Lock Stack : GuardInfo end [(2900) 2020/04/07 09:04:33]: *.\CacheD.cpp:106(Tue Aug 9 23:52:17 2005) exception does anyone have a solution to the problem other than another question that I have already answered?
  5. It's on the same machine. I'm using VirtualBox with Windows Server 2003 x64
  6. LinError.txt.2020-04-07-07-59-28.bak minidump result : 0 Crashed Thread[20]. Server is closed by system manager. CRASH Server Up Time : Mon Apr 06 15:29:06 2020 Current Time : Tue Apr 07 07:59:28 2020 Elapsed Time : 0 days 16 hours 30 minutes 22 seconds IOBufferPool - 39996 / 39996, PendingWrite 0 bytes [0] [(2344) 2020/04/07 07:59:28]: ======================= an Access Violation in module CacheD.exe at 0023:00422b6a. start at 2020/4/6 15:29:06 Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0023 EIP=00422b6a EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000001 SS=002b ESP=002dea28 EBP=002deb80 ECX=00000000 DS=002b ESI=002e4180 FS=0053 EDX=01f55000 ES=002b EDI=004402f4 GS=002b Bytes at CS:EIP: 88 18 e9 21 02 00 00 b9 38 f1 8f 00 e8 f5 2e 02 Stack dump: 002dea28: 002debcc 00000001 00000000 00000000 7d61f666 00000008 00000000 00000000 002dea48: 00000000 0000db6e 00650048 006c006c 0020006f 006f0057 006c0072 00210064 002dea68: 00650048 006c006c 0020006f 006f0057 006c0072 00210064 00650048 006c006c 002dea88: 0020006f 006f0057 006c0072 00210064 03d60000 00000008 7d61f1f8 7d61f5f0 002deaa8: ffffffff 00000000 7d61f4ab 03d60178 7d4d9bba 00000000 04940000 0000000c 002deac8: 002dec30 00000018 00000000 002deb10 00000042 03d60178 002deaf4 04b5fad8 002deae8: 00000000 00000010 00000000 0000000c 00000001 00000000 002deb9c 03d60000 002deb08: 002deb9c 00000001 00000001 00000000 002debb4 002debb8 002debb4 00000001 002deb28: 00000001 00000000 002debcc 002debd0 002debcc 00000001 00000000 004402f4 002deb48: 002d435a 002debe8 004f06d7 00000001 7d9472f0 004402f4 00000002 00000000 GuardInfo : IOThread [0][0] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [1][0] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [2][0] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [3][0] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [4][0] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [5][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [6][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [7][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [8][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [9][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [10][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : IOThread [11][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : ListenThread [21][109] (good): unsigned __stdcall WaitThread(void *) Lock Stack : MainThread [20][80094562] (ahehe): MessageLoop_common -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) -> LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) Lock Stack : GuardInfo end [(2344) 2020/04/07 07:59:28]: *.\CacheD.cpp:106(Tue Aug 9 23:52:17 2005) exception
  7. I'll post the settings below. Thank you for your time in helping me! server.ini [CacheD] address="" port=2006 [AuthD] address="" port=2104 [LogD] address="" port=3999 [World] WorldId=1 UserLimit=1000 LetBuilder=1 [PetitionD] address="" port=2107 WorldName="lineagell" ;world name have to exact 9 characters. DisableStart=5 DisableEnd=13 [Report] Interval=600 ;minute [Setting] UserPathFind=true WorldCollision=false ExceptionMailing = false MailServer= ExceptionMinidump = false IOBufferCount=20000 ;check age (0:don't, 1:korean, default is 0) AgeCheckType=0 AcceptEscapeCommand = true country=1 ; Korea=0, USA=1, Japan=2, Taiwan=3, China=4, Thailand=5 Snoop=0 BOTLog = false BOTBlock = false gameguard=false gameguard_checkonly=false canrolldice=0 reconnectAuth=1 isnonpk=false cannotmonrace=false LogMsn=true [FONTCHECK] fontcheck=0 ; enable=1, disable=0 filename=smallfont.gly [BBS] WriteLevel=10 WorldNames=";¹ÙÃ÷;Áö±×Çϸ£Æ®;Ä«ÀÎ;¸®¿À³ª;¿¡¸®Ä«;°Å½ºÆ¾;µåºñ¾È´À;Èùµ¥¹ÌÆ®;Å׿Â;ÇÁ¶õÃ÷;·ç³ª;Ä«½ºÆ¼¿£;¾ÆÀ̸°;½ºÅ¸¸®½º;¼¼¸®¿¤;ÆäÀÌ»þ¸£;¿¡¸£ÈÖ³ª;¿¤¸®Å°¾Æ;½¬ÄË;½ºÅ©¶óÀ̵å;ÇÁ¸®Å°¿À½º;¿ÀÇʸ®¾Æ;»þÅ©µÐ;ŸÁöÇÁ;¾Æ¸®¾Æ;¿¡½º¿£;¿¤Ä«µð¾Æ;À̾Ƴª;¼¼·¹½Å;Ÿ¸£Ä«ÀÌ;Ä«µð¾Æ;·ÎÀÌ¿£" [L2COMM] Address="" Port=2010 Autoconnect=0 Usesvr=0 [BOT] block=0 [NPCPOS] extra_mob=on medal=on event_gate=off heart_event=off letter_collector=off bak_event=off fire_event=off 18age=off christmas=off start_weapon=off [EVENT] adenaamount=5000 itemrate=400 exprate=2500 sprate=5000 spoilrate=100 partyexprate=200 aiexprate=100 aiadenarate=100 xmasevent=false xmaseventbegin="2004/12/22 10:0:0" xmaseventend="2004/12/29 10:0:0" l2day=0 l2day_year0=0 l2day_month0=0 l2day_day0=0 l2day_hour0=0 l2day_min0=0 l2day_year1=0 l2day_month1=0 l2day_day1=0 l2day_hour1=0 l2day_min1=0 itemdropevent=0 drop_year0=0 drop_month0=0 drop_day0=0 drop_hour0=0 drop_min0=0 drop_year1=0 drop_month1=0 drop_day1=0 drop_hour1=0 drop_min1=0 bakevent=0 bak_year0=0 bak_month0=0 bak_day0=0 bak_hour0=0 bak_min0=0 bak_year1=0 bak_month1=0 bak_day1=0 bak_hour1=0 bak_min1=0 baknpcbegin_year=0 baknpcbegin_month=0 baknpcbegin_day=0 baknpcbegin_hour=0 baknpcbegin_min=0 baknpcend_year=0 baknpcend_month baknpcend_day baknpcend_hour baknpcend_min year1=0 Year1_year0=0 Year1_month0=0 Year1_day0=0 Year1_hour0=0 Year1_min0=0 Year1_year1=0 Year1_month1=0 Year1_day1=0 Year1_hour1=0 Year1_min1=0 Year1gift_year0=0 Year1gift_month0=0 Year1gift_day0=0 Year1gift_hour0=0 Year1gift_min0=0 Year1gift_year1=0 Year1gift_month1=0 Year1gift_day1=0 Year1gift_hour1=0 Year1gift_min1=0 HeartEvent=0 heart_year0=0 heart_month0=0 heart_day0=0 heart_hour0=0 heart_min0=0 heart_year1=0 heart_month1=0 heart_day1=0 heart_hour1=0 heart_min1=0 l2cache.ini [LogD] address= port=3999 [World] WorldId=1 ;DeleteAccount=1 Pair=0 [ItemAudit] DefaultPriceLimit=2000000 DefaultPriceCheck=1000000 ChgRatioLimit=30 AdenaLimit=2000000 AdenaCheck=1000000 AdenaChgRatioLimit=30 [SQL] SQLExecLimit=9000 ;clear unowned item data[0:false, 1:true] ItemClearOnStart=1 DiffBBSConn=1 DiffClanBBSConn=0 BBSDBTimeOut=60 writecache = 1 SaveQsData=0 USEBBS=1 [Setting] ExceptionMailing = false ExceptionMinidump = false MailServer= ; 0 : relax server check, 0 : normal server(do not check relax time) timelimit = 0 country=1 ;Country=3Çѱ¹,1¹Ì±¹,2ÀϺ»,3´ë¸¸,4Áß±¹,5ű¹ I apologize to the topic owner for continuing my question here. But I believe that other people with the same doubt can see and solve your problem in a single topic.
  8. Yes, how to respond in the previous post or in cache is right. My error is in server.exe, it shows the error and closes. An answer above is my detailed question with the error.
  9. This I managed to fix. Now I find the following error. Right after the server.exe closes. I get the following error in my LinError.txt A:I:S:E:PE:DI:DE:BO=50.000000:4.000000:1.000000:25.000000:2.000000:0:0:0 L:Y:X:H=0:0:0:0:0 Crashed Thread[0]. CRASH Server Up Time : Mon Apr 06 16:10:54 2020 Current Time : Mon Apr 06 16:11:26 2020 Elapsed Time : 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 32 seconds IOBufferPool - 19999 / 20000, PendingWrite 10 bytes [0] =============== object report user[0/0], npc[0/0], item[0/0], usersocket[0] =============== npc server connection log no connect [(568) 2020/04/06 16:11:26]: ======================= an Access Violation in module L2Server.exe at 0033:0054a6b8. start at 2020/4/6 16:10:53 Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation. Registers: EAX=00000000 CS=0033 EIP=0054a6b8 EFLGS=00010246 EBX=00000000 SS=002b ESP=6d40fc20 EBP=0004c158 ECX=3f6ec8d0 DS=002b ESI=00400000 FS=0053 EDX=00000000 ES=002b EDI=00000000 GS=002b Bytes at CS:EIP: c6 03 01 65 48 8b 04 25 58 00 00 00 48 8b 0c f8 Stack dump: 6d40fc20: 7850c084 00000000 0004c158 00000000 009d0560 00000000 00063244 00000000 6d40fc40: 7850c084 00000000 00002745 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff 00355480 00000000 6d40fc60: 0004c158 00000000 0061e5f9 00000000 7850c084 00000000 00400000 00000000 6d40fc80: 00000000 00000000 00063244 00000000 6d40fe50 00000000 00000000 00000000 6d40fca0: 407b4088 00000000 fffffffe ffffffff 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6d40fcc0: 407b4088 00000000 1ca72b9c 00000000 7850c084 00000000 0000000b 00000000 6d40fce0: 7183e89c 00000000 7850c084 00000000 6d40fd58 00000000 7850c0d4 00000000 6d40fd00: 00000000 00000000 77d60780 00000000 00004000 00000000 407b4098 00000000 6d40fd20: 00670140 00000000 00000002 00000000 00000002 00000000 7183e89c 00000000 6d40fd40: 0000000b 00000000 1ca71fac 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 6d40fd60: 00000000 00000000 0000000b 00000000 3c900064 00000000 3c900044 00000000 6d40fd80: fffffffe ffffffff 77d6b910 00000000 00063234 00000000 016648d6 00000000 6d40fda0: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00400000 00000000 1ca732bd 00000000 6d40fdc0: 7183e89c 00000000 7850c084 00000000 00000000 00000000 00a05220 00000000 6d40fde0: fffffffe ffffffff 00400000 00000000 00977230 00000000 0062501b 00000000 ver = Dec 16 2005_22:03:13 GuardInfo : IOThread [0][16] (ahehe): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) -> void CIOSocket::Close() -> void CDBSocket::OnClose() -> CacheSocket Closed Lock Stack : IOThread [1][16] (good): void IOThread_common(void *arglist) Lock Stack : ListenThread [13][23480500] (good): void ListenThread_common() -> void CJobFinishSignal::Init() -> bool CJobFinishSignal::WaitFinish(JobFinishType JobType, unsigned int nTimeOutSec) Lock Stack : MainThread [12][16] (good): Lock Stack : GuardInfo end [(568) 2020/04/06 16:11:26]: *.\ioc.cpp:648(Tue Dec 13 02:52:40 2005) exception I did a lot of research but I didn't find the solution. I appreciate anyone who can help me.
  10. Hello, how are you? What is the way to reach this record and delete them? I am unable to perform this task. Can someone help me? I thank you in advance.
  11. Thank you for the contact. I've already met someone for the service.
  12. Hello, my friends. I need a good developer who can finish adjusting some things on my server. I am currently using Advexp64 Interlude. If someone is qualified please contact me. Let's define the values and services to be done. Skype matheus.whv
  13. What are you needing, development or just to help with your game? If you are looking for development services you can call by skype matheus.whv
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