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  1. L2Khaos = L2Avellan same person i got prof
  2. You are here just for spam we dont care. fresh start One day ago About spamers we don't care who got problem come and join on server to check! bull shit and stopping lie people. on Mxc They have always been spammers and will be
  3. we changed the opening time on 18:00, from morning we sleeping and i think we are busy
  4. allready +200 waiting https://www.facebook.com/l2gold.org
  5. 1 Day , 11 hour left to open server
  6. as you wished.Check us after two months
  7. its not trance pack its c6 off buyed official orginal files screen coming
  8. Yes, we will and at start added Item event you can find it in Dianne npc (shop event) you must click on this item 10% chance to get dreadbane (6 day's live event). More information about this event soon.
  9. update some of futures from c4 to c6 after two - four month to change client on old l2gold c4. We got already c4 off orginal file if we will do make change client after some month's (No wipe) we will stay with old database your items will stay on your hands!
  10. Website/Forum Available Forum: http://www.l2-gold.cc/forum/ Website: www.l2-gold.cc
  11. Thank you, Skype: L2Gold Support =Source=
  12. L2Off we got file L2C4 Off to we wairting to buy key licence after 2-4 month we change client on C4 with our database from C6 so no wipe no reopen.
  13. www.l2-gold.cc Grand Opening 25/10 Server features Rates EXP/SP: x50 Adena: 50x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too) Server Full Official C6 server (Interlude)- with custom modifications Gameplay Third Job Change As soon as your character is lvl76 or above, you are able to do the 3rd occupation change. This can be done at the NPC job changer ''Carola'' who stands next to the church entrance in Aden Castle Town. Noblesse L2 Gold has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse. - Death Lord Hallate - Kernon - Longhorn Golkonda - Shilen's Messenger Cabrio Once you've collected all the items and your character is lvl78, you can go to the Noblesse NPC ''Eddy Wally'' who's located on the stairs in Aden Town, and become a Noblesse. Low lvl Protectors All the low lvl zones up to lvl60 are protected by our low lvl zone guards. These guards kill red players in order to give new and low lvl players a fair chance to train up to a decent lvl. Boosted Buffers In order to give buffer classes such as prophets, bladedancers and swordsingers a fair chance to participate in pvp action, they have been given a special boost. All these classes will receive higher level skills which they can buff on themself only. For example: A prophet will get might3, shield3, windwalk3, haste3, etc. To be updated as soon as all these new skills have been fully implemented. Birth A new character will spawn in the basement of Ivory Tower. Here you can buff yourself up and you're good to go! The new character will start with all the needed items. Craftable S Grade SA's Special Abilities on S grade weapons can be obtained through craft. The recipes you need are dropped from mobs in Imperial Tomb and Elven Ruins. You will need a Warsmith/Maestro lvl 78 with create lvl 8 in order to use the recipes. C Grade SA's C grade weapons with Special Abilities have been added to the mantra manager. In order to put an SA on the desired weapon you need a certain amount of animal bones. Mantra Drops Mantras are needed for weapons/armors A grade and above and for . These mantra drops are now categorized by mob levels. 50-70 water mantra 68-70 wind mantra 60-67 wind mantra 76+ wind + fire mantra's Materials & Recipes by Spoil Materials, S grade SA recipes, adenas and mantras are now also collectable through spoil. Raid Bosses A lot of raid bosses have been added! These can be found at their original spawn points. Keep in mind that only the raid bosses of lvl76 and above have been added (Apart from the Ant Queen, Core and Orfen) www.l2-gold.cc more information at fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/l2gold.org Website/Forum Available Forum: http://www.l2-gold.cc/forum/ Website: www.l2-gold.cc
  14. How scamed You ? You are normal ?u don't know me
  15. Good luck with your project
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