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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. Ούτε θεός υπάρχει ούτε σατανάς υπάρχει.Αυτά τα παραμύθια τα δημιούργησαν κάποιοι για να ελέγχουν τον κόσμο;Και πως αλλιώς μπορούν να ελέγχουν τόσα εκατομμύρια ανθρώπους; Με τις θρησκείες φυσικά.
  2. I think it will be better to play with some of the cw rules. For example start money 800 etc..
  3. Thanks.I like that part of the song: There is a hole in my neighborhood or something like that. ;D On Topic: Does anyone know how many seasons are left for House M.D ?
  4. Αναφέρομαι στο L2 General Discussion [Greek]. Έχει γεμίσει με δήθεν guides για τα classes.Απλά δείτε τα πιο πρόσφατα guides και θα δείτε τι εννοώ.Το μόνο που κάνουν είναι το γνωστό βάζουν εικόνες από lineage2.com γράφουν 2-3 αυτονόητα πράγματα και παφφφ να ένα guide.Άστε που η δομή τους στηρίζεται σε guides παλαιότερων.Ας πούμε ο Karmarrows είχε κάνει το πρώτο guide για human archer και ξαφνικά άρχισαν όλοι να κάνουν.Τώρα τελευταία έχω δει ότι αντιγράφουν την δομή των guides του OMGG.Ακριβώς ίδια τα πράγματα.Δεν ξέρω αλλά εμένα με ενοχλεί αυτό.Εσείς τι λέτε; http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=70238.0 Να το τελευταίο δήθεν guide με αυτονόητα πράγματα. -.-
  5. Lol nice plot in the scenario. I like that phrase: "What happens when the doctor becomes the patient?" It pwned so hard. PS: Can someone tell me the name of the song? I watch the trailer only to hear the song.. :P
  6. Yea vBulletin's prices are so high..lol. Im thinking of phpbb because i want something prototype.But phpbb's admin panel is a little bit hard.But im testing it in free hostings to learn it lol.
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=57763.0 Report here next time.
  8. LOL usefull for annoying members i add. Thank you Ace biatch! :D
  9. You should add Sexiest User = Pwnz0r.
  10. Welcome back Candy. I hope you remember me. I am FightToTheDeath :S
  11. Hello guys i just give you the link of the winning undig of the century. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=10.0 Winner: billGR Undigged topic of 4 years. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D No flames, just 4 fun. :P
  12. Aha thanks for explanation and sorry i just saw that word and thought it was warez. xD
  13. Give an explanation.Didn't get it..What is that V.I.P thing..?
  14. Crack = warez = not allowed in here = lock and junk Sorry but read the rules. =/ PS: Or are these hacks? Im confused now..
  15. Yea thanks but freehostia's packet has a lot of cool characteristics. ;D
  16. It will contain warez if the hosters allow it.But i am still thinking which will the main subject be? I think i am going to make another poll. LoL xD PS:I am not going to make IP board just look at the prices and their offers.I prefer to host it in freehostia and now i have to choose if it will be phpbb or SMF.
  17. I am sure he used PS. The result is so cool. Damn , thanks ReVenGer..
  18. Not me...the creator of the picture
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